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Saturday, August 8, 2009

How to Lose Tummy Fat Fast and Successfully

Obviously the faster you want to lose tummy fat , the harder it is and the less likely you are to keep the fat off. If you consider that 95% of people are not successful at losing fat permanently, then doing this as fast as possible is many times harder, but certainly not impossible. The most important part of fat loss, is the belief and motivation.

How to lose tummy fat fast

If you want to lose tummy fat as fast as possible, then you need to get as many positive results as possible. If you have not gotten any positive result in a week, then you obviously have some problems, that need to be solved. Have you consistently been doing the right things or have you been lazy? Have you skipped your workouts? Are you following your diet plan? Have you given 100% of your effort during the 7 days?

Losing fat successfully is all about being consistent. What is the point of following your diet plan and exercise program for 5 days, if you take it easy for 2 days. Another very hard part is being consistent for long periods. It is one thing being motivated and focused to lose fat for 1 month, but doing it 6 months to a year, is much harder.

Losing tummy fat is never a smooth ride, there will always be ups and downs. If you want to lose fat as fast as possible, then you need to analyze these negative results and make very the right decision very fast. But when you have no idea, why you are having setbacks, then moving forward takes a very long time. So measuring your progress is very important because then you are constantly getting feedback. When you get a lot of feedback, then you can move forward much faster. Staying on course all the time can be very hard and the ones that do it the best, also lose fat the fastest.

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How to Take a Sun-Light Bath

There are many important ingredients in a healthy lifestyle - but there is none more important than the absorption of solar radiations - light - here are a few rays of light to help illuminate the subject.

• The absorption of sunlight should be done in progressive steps.
• Do not begin with extended doses of sunlight. Take a little and build up gently - just like any exercise.
• I find that the early morning sunbath - approximately mid-morning is an energizing bath while the one in the late afternoon is a very relaxing one.

Body Position
• Always protect the brain from the direct rays of the sun.
• This is accomplished by lying on the earth - on the back - with the feet pointing toward the sun. (i.e. east in the morning and west in the afternoon)
• Every 2 - 3 minutes - turn over and expose the alternate side of your body - like a roast on a spit...
• In the beginning - practice daily for 5-10 minutes.
• Add a few minutes each day until you have increased the exposure to an hour per day.

The Earth is the Suns Partner
As the Geomagnetic radiations are complimentary to the solar radiations it is advisable to absorb them together.
• The Geomagnetic radiations generated by the earth as it spins in space are very weak.
• In most places the radiations travel very close to the ground, usually from 5 25 cm.
• Since the heat of the sun enervates, depresses, exhausts, burns and otherwise does exactly the opposite of all we desire - we must use those hours of the day that give us the light rather than the heat.
• The early morning hours are the best.

Accidents have occurred and will continue to occur due to a misunderstanding - The 'curative agent' is light and not the heat of the sun - In varying proportions, they reach us together - but the light stimulates - and the heat enervates.

Any statement made in regard to times, seasons and dosages should be made specifically for each individual at their own location and should not be taken as a general condition for every person.

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How to Treat Excessive Sweating - I Sweat a Lot!

Excessive sweating (also known medically as hyperhidrosis) is a medical condition that affects 3% of the population. The other 97% of the population sweat normally.

Sweat is a normal bodily function. Everyone sweats; when in hot temperatures, during and after exercise, when anxious and when the body needs to cool down. 97% of the population would go on to agree with this but if you ask the 3% of excessive sweaters they would tell you differently.

Hyperhidrosis is a condition when the sweat glands go into overdrive to make you sweat a lot. Sweating doesn't have to occur when it is hot and doesn't have to occur when exercising, it can occur in colder conditions and when there is no exercise.

Hyperhidrosis can be very embarrassing especially when at work or when at a social gathering which is why this condition is one of the few that can make a huge dent in your self-esteem and confidence.

Hyperhidrosis isn't something that you should really worry about, physically the worst it can do is cause bacterial and fungal infection. However, it is something to worry about psychologically. Imagine this, you are going to an interview and you suffer from palmer hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating from the hands), the first thing your interviewer does is hold out their hand for you to shake and in return they receive a disgusting drenched handshake. This can seriously affect your chances of getting that job you want and even worse if you suffer from palmer hyperhidrosis you could sweat all over your work or your keyboard when working which can be very stressful.

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Do You Have Real Health?

Many people think that because they are not sick they are healthy. But real health is so much more than simply 'not being sick'. Being healthy doesn't just mean an absence of disease but also an abundance of vitality and vigor. You have high levels of energy and 'get up and go' along with emotional balance, a sharp quick mind and the ability to distress yourself.

Your body has the ability to fight off disease and illness if you have real health. You don't suffer from the preventable 'lifestyle' diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes that rob so many people of their health. Your healthy body allows you to enjoy a long and healthy life span and you remain fully functional until the end. Shortened life spans are now common often ending after many years of pain, disability and poor health.

Being really truly healthy gives you peak performance, both physically and mentally.

But many people do not have real health, or maybe have not experienced it for a long time and if you don't feel well it is hard to 'do' well in life. When you look at the statistics for ill health it is frightening.

One out of every two people in the world has at least one chronic disease and many have multiple conditions. Eight out of ten people are overweight and many are obese. Many more are tired, listless and lack the energy or motivation to do much to pull themselves up out of the hole.

Yet there are only two options. You can continue to slide down the slippery slope that leads to degeneration or you can take full responsibility for your own health and wellness. It is all in your hands and you should look after it well. After all who else will?

Taking care of your health should be part of your daily routine and the two areas you can make the 'biggest bang for your buck' is in how you eat and how you exercise. These are the two areas that can skyrocket your health status if they are done correctly. Even if you are 'not well' now improvement in these areas will show big improvements in your health and how good you feel.

Your exercise program should be mainly strength training exercise with some cardio interval training to complete the program. Forget long slow repetitive activities like walking, jogging or cycling. It is great to be an active person but a proper exercise program is necessary to build back lost muscle tissue and reclaim health.

If you are new to exercise it is important that you have a fitness professional set up your program and teach you not only correct exercise technique but how intensely you should perform those exercises to ensure results.

The other piece of the puzzle is your healthy eating plan. Try and eat as much fresh, natural food as possible. Stay away from processed foods with little nutritional value that are full of unnatural chemicals. Aim for small meals every 2-3 hours with a protein source at each one. Make up the balance of the small meal with raw and cooked vegetables. You should eat between 5-7 small meals each day for loads of energy.

The little things you do every day really do add up to either a healthy or an unhealthy life and you owe it to yourself to be healthy and to make a success of it you have to work at it. It is not good enough to take it for granted as when we lose our health nothing else matters.

Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body, regaining lost vitality and improving the quality of your life? Download my free eBook "I've Found the Fountain of Youth - Let Me Show You Too!" Ways To Look Younger.

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