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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Plastic Shoes and Health

A study from the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation indicates that the chemicals in plastic shoes sold widely in many retailers could harm our health and environment.

People like plastic shoes which are easily washed and have light weight. You just can throw them away when they wear out. The problem is chemicals used in the manufacturing process could harm our health. It also can harm employees engaged in manufacturing the shoes.

Experts in SSNC and co-op groups from the Philippines, India, South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania and Indonesia have found that the phthalates will harm reproductive systems in 17 out of 27 plastic shoes analyzed for chemical content.

One substance currently is listed on the EU list of SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern), DEHP. People found it in a pair of flip-flops from South Africa. In the European Union DEHP is classified as a Category 2 reproductive toxicant for fertility and developmental effects, but consumers still think that it will not cause a health risk.

The FDA never stops working on recommendations about health risks from DHEP. But many times we have been told that do not worry too much about it. Now the biggest concern from the use of medical devices that contain DHEP has come. However, FDA shows that the solid evidence about DHEP harms has not been proved.

Many consumers do not know the harmful substances in plastic shoes and the companies are not responsible on controlling producing them. In order to examine the presence of chemicals in common consumer products, Experts suggest that government need to provide more resources authorities", SSNC President Mikael Karlsson says.

In fact the more chemicals have been found in plastic shoes that could potentially harm human health such as PAH (polyaromatic hydrocarbons), tin organic compounds, heavy metals, mercury, lead and cadmium. SSNC is still taking effort to do something to raise consumers' awareness when buying products that could harm our health and environment.

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What Causes Ingrown Toe Nails? - Simple Common Sense Prevention

An ingrown toe nail is sometimes referred to by doctors as Onychocryptosis or Unguis incarnates, Latin terms referring to the irritation or infection and its location. The most common cause of the condition, by far, is tight footwear.

Tight shoes, especially those with pointy toes, put pressure on the tops and sides of the toenails. This continuous "squeezing" action causes the nail to curve under and grow into the soft tissue and skin folds that surround the nail. Tight stockings can cause the same problem.

Closed toe shoes contribute to a damp environment that softens the nail plate, which is why it begins to "bend" around the edges. The moisture is absorbed by the keratin in the skin's epidermis, which causes swelling and makes the skin more easily damaged.

The damp, dark environment contributes to the growth of bacteria and fungus, as well. So, infections are common. People that have poor circulation are at the greatest risk of infection, because the immune system's white blood cells cannot reach the site of the injury.

Some people are more likely to suffer from an ingrown toe nail, because of genetics or family history. If you are aware that your parents had problems with their toenails, it is important to take preventative action.

Improper trimming of any nails, whether they are on the toes or fingers, can cause them to cut into the fold of skin that surrounds them. Using scissors, rather than perfectly aligned clippers, makes it more likely that you will cut the nail at an angle.

If the lower blade is farther away from the toe than the upper blade, the nail will turn inwards. So, always use clippers, rather than manicure scissors or, better yet, get regular pedicures and see a podiatrist for any problems.

Stubbed or injured toes are more likely to develop an ingrown toe nail. So, it is important to wear protective shoes, whenever you are in an environment where something could fall on your feet.

Of course, if you already have an ingrown toe nail, your primary concern is treatment. How can you make the pain go away?

As long as there is no serious infection, there are a number of steps you can take. If there is a serious infection, you should see your doctor. You may need oral antibiotics.

The first step for home treatment is to reduce the pressure. If you have been wearing shoes or socks that are too tight in the toes, consider wearing open toed shoes, for a while, whenever that's possible. Of course, in many work environments, you must wear shoes. Try to choose ones that are roomy and that have rounded toes, rather than pointy ones.

Twice daily soakings in warm water and Epsom salts should help to reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. The use of a topical antiseptic or antibiotic ointment reduces the risk of swelling.

Be sure to dry your toes carefully and wrap the ingrown toe nail with a bandage or cover it with a plastic cap, specially designed for the purpose. Once you get rid of the problem, remember to take steps to prevent it from happening in the future.

Jerome Kaplan is an expert author on the subject of foot care. He recommends everyone take foot care seriously, because minor problems today can turn into surgery tomorrow.

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3 Secret Tips on How to Grow a Mustache If You Are a Teenager

Have you ever wanted to grow a mustache and be the most popular guy in school? Or you want to look mature so you can buy a carton of beer to show that you are an adult? Girls can be very impressed if you have a mustache as it shows that you are a mature man. Here are 5 secret tips to grow a mustache easily and simply.

1. Drink lots of milk

Milk helps to increase bone density which in turn, makes your bones larger. When bones grow larger, it is often associated with hair growth. So drinking more milk can increase the amount of hair you have.

2. Massage the area where your mustache wants to be

When you massage above the lips where your mustache wants to be, you increase stimulation of hair follicles around that area. For instance, your arm pits is an area where you have many hairs. This is because it is being constantly rubbed by your arms when you move. This is the same principle when growing a mustache. Basically with you fingers, just massage your upper lips for 5 minutes a day to stimulate hair growth.

3. Eat a lot of Beef

Beef contains a lot of hormone, especially testosterone which is a male hormone. Testosterone is responsible for male features like big muscles, pubic hair, broad shoulder and mustaches. Beef contains a lot of hormones so that the meat can be tender and large. So when you eat a lot of beef, you get a lot of testosterone which helps you to grow a mustache!

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Preventing Toenail Infections Like Onychomycosis & Onychocryptosis

A toenail infection is not always taken seriously. But, it should be, especially by someone that has poor circulation due to diabetes or another illness. Here's a look at the types of infections that are common, their symptoms and how they are treated.


Onychomycosis is the most common nail disease. The infections are caused by various kinds of fungus. When it is caused by dermatophytes, it may be referred to as tinea unguium or tinea of the nails.

The symptoms typically start with a thickening of the nail plate, often making them more difficult to trim. As the disease progresses, the nails become cloudy or white in appearance. If it continues to progress, the entire nail may become yellow, very thick and crumbly.

There is usually no pain, except in the most severe cases, but the condition is uncomfortable and causes a great deal of embarrassment. Treatment is challenging, as most anti-fungal medications are only somewhat effective.

The course of action that causes the fewest side effects is topically applied liquids or creams. Those containing menthol or ethanoic acid are most effective.


More commonly known as ingrown toenails, this kind of toenail infection is usually caused by bacteria and actually affects the skin around the nails, not the nails themselves. Because of that, it is easier to treat. Topical antibiotic or antiseptic ointments are effective for mild cases. Oral antibiotics are necessary for more severe cases.

The symptoms may include pain, swelling, redness or oozing of pus. The top or side of the toe will be sensitive to any kind of pressure. So, wearing opened toed shoes during the recovery period is helpful.

Ingrown toenails are not as common as fungal infections. It is believed that there is a genetic predisposition to ingrown toenails. That's not the case with fungal infections. They are easily transmitted from one person to another and from one toe to another. The infections are actually in the nail, rather than in the skin. So, it's harder to "get at" them.


Preventing toenail infection is actually easier than treating one, particularly where fungal infections are concerned. Regular maintenance, careful cutting, the use of anti-fungal ointments, lotions or sprays and keeping the feet clean and dry are among the steps for preventing nail diseases.

Fungal infections, of all kinds, are more common in athletic individuals. That's why we call tinea pedis, athlete's foot. The fungus is commonly spread in bathhouses and around swimming pools.

By washing and drying the feet carefully, athlete's foot can be prevented, just as a fungal toenail infection is preventable, too. They are more common in athletes, as well.

You should always remember to dry the area between your toes, because that is where the infections typically start. Wearing clean socks and rotating shoes is recommended, in order to avoid re-infection or spreading the disease from one toe to another.

If you are not successful at treating a toenail infection on your own, a doctor or podiatrist can prescribe an oral medication. You'll have to be patient, though. It takes time to be effective.

Jerome Kaplan has 30 plus years of experience in the foot health products business. He recommends everyone take foot care seriously, because minor problems today can turn into disasters when ignored.

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