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Friday, September 25, 2009

How to Prevent Excessive Sweating - Tips in Preventing Excessive Sweating

Many people suffer from an excessive sweating and probably most of them still are suffering a medical condition called hyperhidrosis. They often wonder how to prevent excessive sweating.

Sweat stains on shirts are often the problem and it becomes very embarrassing to a person. Sometimes, sweat stains occurs just a few minutes after they have put on a shirt and soon after their shirts will be soaked wet.

Luckily, some treatments and workable tips in preventing excessive sweating are present to help people address this particular problem.

Avoid Tight Fitting Clothes

As much as possible, wear clothes that does not interrupt proper air circulation on your body. If air can get to your skin, you will mostly be dry because air evaporates the sweat. Choose clothes that are made with natural textiles such as silk and cotton, which are breathable.

Drink Water

In order to reduce the amount of accumulated toxins within the body, you must drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily. If you have hyperhidrosis, it is advisable not to take in caffeine and alcohol in excess.


One of the major causes of excessive sweating is anxiety and you need to combat this so that you can do away with this problem. If you want to learn how to prevent excessive sweating, you need to learn how to reduce your anxiety levels.

Topical Treatments

You can apply topical antiperspirants in order to prevent sweating. But, this only works well on mild forms of excessive sweating. Since this is the first line of treatment, it can be expected that most of the time this will fail and as a result you will need to turn into other forms of medical treatment.

It is important that you contact your medical doctor first before attempting to employ other methods of treatment especially when all the natural methods you tried failed.

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Gout Symptoms - 4 Indicators of Gout

Do you fear that you might have an outbreak of Gout? Gout can surface in many different ways in the body, every one has different symptoms but most common of symptoms can be simply categorized. It's very important for you to understand how Gout develops in the body in order to prevent it from recurring and/or acquiring it in the first place.

Uric acid is the primary cause due to it building up in your blood stream, and the uric acid leaves deposits will attach themselves to your joints. In recent studies it was shown that there is a hereditary factor if Gout has run previously in your family history. Secondary causes can even be found in the food that you consume on a daily basis.

Common Gout Symptoms are...

Warming, swelling, tenderness and extreme pain in a joint usually a knee, your big toe, or an ankle. This symptom is called podagra.
Increasing discomfort lasting for hours and then slowly tapering off during the next couple of days.
Pain usually starting in the middle of the night that is so intense the slightest touch feels unbearable.
Red or purplish skin around the joints which appear to be enflamed and infected.
The most common areas that will show symptoms of gout are the big toe, ankle, knee, elbow, and the wrists. Inflammation of the fluid sacs that cushion tissues may develop, particularly in the elbow and knee.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms don't hesitate to seek medical advice to confirm that it is in fact gout symptoms and that it is not another illness manifesting in another way.

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How to Stop Excessive Sweating - Brief Overview of Excessive Sweating Treatments

Part of the normal body process and response when it is active is sweating. Sweating is produced in normal biological events such as:

* Rise in body temperature (caused by environmental heat)
* Physical exertion
* Stress and anxiety
* Puberty
* Nervousness
* Obesity
* Nausea
* Menopause

This process is done so that the body can cool down and excrete some body wastes that accumulate inside the body. But, the real problem happens when it becomes excessive in nature and you always wonder how to stop excessive sweating.

Excessive sweating is generally a medical state that occurs around 1% of the general population worldwide. Medically, it is known as hyperhidrosis. Lifetime dilemmas can ensue when you leave the condition untreated. It can affect your overall well-being because it is totally embarrassing to have sweat stains. Also, it can ruin intimate relationships as well as affects primarily the professional interactions. There is a primary and secondary hyperhidrosis. Primary is not caused by underlying diseases while secondary is the opposite.

How to stop excessive sweating?

Some of the treatments are listed as follows:

OTC Antiperspirants - The first line of treatment, which is available readily, is OTC antiperspirants and their active component is aluminum chloride.

Extra Strength Antiperspirants - This antiperspirant mostly contain aluminum chloride hexahydrate, which doubles the effect of over the counter antiperspirants.

Iontophoresis - This treatment involves low voltage electricity applied through the skin while immersed in water.

Oral Medications - Anticholinergics are usually the oral medication prescribed by medical doctors.

Botox Injection - Recently approved by the FDA to treat excessive underarm sweating.

Surgery - The most invasive treatment and the last resort of treatment when everything else failed.

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