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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hemorrhoids Or Piles - Why, What & How to Stop

Haemorrhoid or commonly known as piles in simple words are the swollen blood vessels which develop inside or outside the anus (The opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste is eliminated from the body). These swollen vessels can cause pain & irritation & it can bleed or become infected, causing discomfort. As they are situated in such a sensitive position, that is the reason why they are painful. The veins in this area swell causing irritation when bowel movements pass from them. Hemorrhoids vary in size and can occur internally (inside) or externally (outside) the anus.

Hemorrhoids are very common. Piles do not pop up overnight, they develop slowly over time. Hemorrhoids are a chronic condition - but they are treatable. They are said to be more common in countries where the diet has traditionally been more processed and low in fiber. They are usually caused by years of straining on the toilet because of chronic constipation.

Hemorrhoids can be either internal or external, and patients also can have both types. Hemorrhoids that occur in your rectum are called internal hemorrhoids. It develops in the back passage, 2-4cm above the rim (opening) of the anus and those that occur around your anus are called external hemorrhoids. They look like one or more firm grape-like swellings.

Symptoms may include blood in the stool or on the toilet paper, incomplete bowel movements, rectal itching, persistent feeling of moistness in the anal area and a soft lump at the anal opening. Hemorrhoids are an extremely common problem, especially in western countries, where surveys suggest that as much as half of the population over 40 years of age may suffer some form of mild to severe discomfort from them. The most common symptom is fresh bleeding while passing stool. But bleeding can be a symptom of other digestive diseases too, like colorectal cancer. The doctor will examine the anus and rectum to look for swollen blood vessels that indicate hemorrhoids and will also perform a digital rectal exam with a gloved, lubricated finger to feel for any abnormalities. Hemorrhoids which have become very enlarged and painful may require surgical removal.

Hemorrhoids may be caused by more than one factor. Despite being examined in several studies, the development remains unclear. Some of the common causes of hemorrhoids are straining due to constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy, prolonged sitting, being overweight, cirrhosis, being overweight, or lifting things that are too heavy. Hemorrhoids may cause a feeling of 'fullness' in the rectum and it is tempting to strain at the end to try and empty the rectum further. So do not spend too long on the toilet which may encourage you to strain.

Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy due to increased blood volume, increased pressure in the rectum/anus due to the weight of pregnancy and constipation.

Treatment for hemorrhoids includes herbal medication, anal cream and diet. Minor hemorrhoids, pain, itching, burning and inflammation can be brought under control with anti-itch creams and high-quality extracts specifically formulated for relief of symptoms. Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables like prunes, pineapple, bananas, and papayas.

Make this a regular practice. Eating the right amount of fiber and drinking 8-10 glasses of fluid result in softer, bulkier stools. Hemorrhoid sufferers should strictly limit time straining during bowel movement. A little bend sitting position is recommended to avoid the strain. Sitting in a shallow bath of hot water for 15 minutes several times a day, will reduce the pain. On the other hand sitting on hard surfaces for long stretches of time can also contribute to the development of hemorrhoids. Applying ice pack can also help relieve pain and swelling in severe case. Fiber helps to soften stools making their passage easier. Eat whole wheat bread that has high fibre content. Wearing tight clothing and underwear will also contribute to irritation and poor muscle tone in the region and promote hemorrhoid development. Avoiding red meat is something you may need to consider if you get hemorrhoids. Red meat is one food that is very tough to digest and can lead to difficult bowel movements. Avoid chocolates and spicy foods. You are the best judge about the effect of certain foods on your body and you need to take a call on the foods that may cause your body harm. Avoid prolonged sitting and/or standing at work or during leisure time. Take frequent short walks.

Finally, you will find that in some cases if the cause is removed the piles may disappear.

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Are Extra Strength Antiperspirants a Safe Solution to Excessive Sweating?

If you suffer from excessive sweating, you have probably already tried quite a number of over-the-counter anti-perspirants. In fact, doctors usually recommend these as the first line of treatment for hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating). For many people, these can be an effective treatment, which reduce or even eliminate the symptoms. Often, though, for some sufferers of hyperhydrosis, regular anti-perspirants are inadequate. So, naturally, they seek stronger and stronger versions in a bid to find a product that will reduce their excessive sweating. Though these extra-strength products are available (on prescription) and often they do get results - does their effectiveness come at a price? Are these powerful anti-perspirants in any way harmful?

To ensure you aren't trading one health issue for another one, it pays to be cautious about what you are putting on your body. After all, the skin is the largest organ in your body and whatever you apply to it gets into your system. This is even more important when you are applying a certain product daily, even more than once per day. For the sake of your overall health, it is essential that you ensure that your anti-perspirant is first doing no harm. Anti-perspirants work by plugging the sweat glands in your body. They do this with an active ingredient that reacts with your sweat ducts to form a superficial plug just under the surface of your skin, which temporarily stops sweat from escaping. These active ingredients are usually metallic salts, the most commonly used ones are aluminum-based. Extra-strength anti-perspirant have a higher percentage of active ingredient, i.e. a higher dose of aluminum.

Although we have been exposed to aluminum for a number of years, in the form of cooking utensils etc., the applications of aluminum to the skin, via antiperspirants, is a relatively recent development. The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) considers aluminum-based anti-perspirants to be safe and effective, otherwise they would not allow them to be marketed. However they do advise caution for consumers with kidney disease. So, the official line is that extra strength anti-perspirants are safe, as long as the recommended levels are not exceeded. However, there have been recent concerns about a link between aluminum and brain disorders, more specifically Alzheimer's disease. It appears that autopsies on those with Alzheimer's showed higher levels of aluminum than those without the disease. Equally though, there have been scientific proposals that counter this idea.

So, it would appear the jury is still out on if there are any harmful effects of aluminum in anti-perspirants. Naturally, this is a concern for users of anti-perspirants, especially if you are considering the extra-strength products. It is impossible to rule out any possible side-effects and the fact that it is recommended that you cut back on use once the anti-perspirant has taken effect, suggests that there is reason to be cautious. However, it's a fact of life that any medication comes with a small risk of side-effects, but this should be weighed up against the distress you encounter from your symptoms. So, whilst it pays to do your research, ultimately you have to make a decision based on what you are comfortable applying to your skin, alongside your need for relief from excessive sweating.

Also, it is worth bearing in mind that many people do find success with over-the-counter products, which seem to be a smaller risk. So, it's a good idea to explore the numerous different brands, as they all react slightly differently with each person's body chemistry. And remember that varying applications can improve your results. For example, anti-perspirants tend to be more effective when applied at night, as opposed to in the morning (although applying on both occasions seems to be the ideal). Also, make sure your skin is completely dry (and not irritated) before you apply the anti-perspirant. If necessary use a cool blow-drier. (Obviously these guidelines are general and you should always follow the product's specific instructions.) If you are nervous about the extra-strength anti-perspirants, persevering with the lower dose products may eventually deliver the results you want, without the worry of harmful side-effects.

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Scalp Conditions and Problems - Here is the Answer

Different Scalp Conditions That You Suffer With and Don't Have To

Many adults suffer from annoying scalp conditions. Some common scalp symptoms are caused by chronic conditions, while others are from external forces. They range from mild forms of dandruff that are simply a nuisance to more serious problems that are sometimes even painful.

If you are experiencing scalp itch and discomfort it might be from one of the following conditions:

·Seborrheic Dermatitis



·Scalp Acne

·Head Lice

·Ring Worm


·Contact Dermatitis

A few of the conditions that tend to be chronic in nature are seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and seborrhea. Seborrheic dermatitis consists of flaky scaly patches that tend to be yellowish, and may include red swollen patches as well. Psoriasis will probably be present on other areas of the body as well and tends to be thick flaky areas that look white or powdery. Seborrhea is where an overly oily scalp causes oil to be trapped and bumps to form.

Folliculitis is a condition in which the scalp becomes too dry and bacteria are trapped inside the hair follicle causing bumps. Some people also experience acne, like you would on your face, on the scalp. This can have many causes, including stress, and consists of bumps and pimples of various sizes and degrees.

Both head lice and ring worm are contagious conditions. Head lice are actually small bugs that is passed from person to person. It is more common in school aged children. Ring worm is actually caused by a fungus.

Contact dermatitis is an allergic or irritant reaction. This could be caused by ingredients, especially chemicals, in hair products. It might also be caused by overuse of heated hair tools that may dry and irritate the scalp.

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Healthy For the Holidays

Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. It is a joyful time of preparing for holiday gatherings, dinners, and having fun with friends and family. But, how are we preparing ourselves for the season? With the holiday shopping, food, drink and parties comes increased stress, and the dreaded cold and flu season. Now is the time to take action to stay healthy during the holiday season so we can participate in every event feeling great.

Our bodies depend on our immune system to protect us from diseases and chronic illnesses. Long periods of either physical or emotional stress, or poor dietary or lifestyle habits can negatively affect the immune system. It can become under active, as seen in an increased vulnerability to colds and flu, or it can become over active, as seen in autoimmune diseases like Lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Acupuncture, herbal, and nutritional therapies are natural and safe methods to promote a healthy immune system and combat illness.

Acupuncture has been scientifically proven to regulate the immune system and can be helpful in protecting the body from various illnesses. By stimulating specific points on the body, the central nervous system sends messages to the brain. These messages stimulate the spleen, and other organs that produce immune cells, to function properly and create an immune system ready to protect us from most illnesses.

Olive Leaf is a well known herb, and has been used for thousands of years to boost immune function and kill viruses and bacteria. It can be very effective for many immune related illnesses. Olive Leaf should be used with caution by anyone taking medication to regulate diabetes or who is hypoglycemic, as it naturally decreases blood sugar levels.

Vitamin D is another powerful immune enhancing nutrient. It can help prevent colds and flu if taken in proper dosages. Studies show that vitamin D deficiency is a major factor in at least 17 types of cancer as well as depression, stroke, heart disease, and more. The best way to boost the body's stores of vitamin D is through exposure to natural sunlight. We are seeing increased vitamin D deficiency due to the use of sunscreens and lack of outdoor activity. Thirty minutes of sun exposure per day, without sunscreen, will help guard against deficiency. If you choose to supplement, the new recommended dosage is 2000 IU per day. More may be taken for special programs under the care of a health practitioner. It is very important that you use vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol as it is the most bioavailable to the body.

Begin preventive measures early, as it usually takes about a month for the herbal and acupuncture treatments to strengthen the immune system. Be sure to consult with a licensed practitioner to determine a treatment plan that is best suited for you.

Basic tips for staying healthy during the holiday season, or any season for that matter, include:

Get enough quality sleep: Quality sleep between the hours of 10pm and 2am are the most regenerating for the adrenal glands, which control a large portion of the body's hormonal system. If the adrenal glands are working overtime without proper rest, the immune system can be weakened.

Exercise: A natural stress and pain reliever. It also boosts the immune system. We were not created to be sedentary!

Eat Healthy Foods: What we feed our bodies determines how well they will function. Sugars and processed foods cause inflammation in the body and can wear down the immune system. Eat plenty of colorful vegetables, leafy greens, and choose organic when possible. Shopping the perimeter of the grocery store works!

Nourish your Spirit: Being spiritually fed is just as important as being physically fed. Spending time with the Word daily is important to keep us on track in a world filled with distractions. Filling ourselves with God's promises of love, and instructions for wise living allows us to face challenging situations with wisdom and grace.

Remember the Reason for the Season: Thanksgiving and Christmas are both times specifically set aside for us to consciously give thanks for God's gifts and blessings in our lives, including His greatest gift of all....Christ's birth. An excellent way to express this appreciation is to be a blessing and share our own gifts with another person. Share your time, your talents, and your smile to those who are in need. Giving gifts does not have to be expensive. Love and genuine compassion are the most valuable gifts of all, and they are Free to receive, and free to give to anyone God places in your path.

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