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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Healthy For the Holidays

Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. It is a joyful time of preparing for holiday gatherings, dinners, and having fun with friends and family. But, how are we preparing ourselves for the season? With the holiday shopping, food, drink and parties comes increased stress, and the dreaded cold and flu season. Now is the time to take action to stay healthy during the holiday season so we can participate in every event feeling great.

Our bodies depend on our immune system to protect us from diseases and chronic illnesses. Long periods of either physical or emotional stress, or poor dietary or lifestyle habits can negatively affect the immune system. It can become under active, as seen in an increased vulnerability to colds and flu, or it can become over active, as seen in autoimmune diseases like Lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Acupuncture, herbal, and nutritional therapies are natural and safe methods to promote a healthy immune system and combat illness.

Acupuncture has been scientifically proven to regulate the immune system and can be helpful in protecting the body from various illnesses. By stimulating specific points on the body, the central nervous system sends messages to the brain. These messages stimulate the spleen, and other organs that produce immune cells, to function properly and create an immune system ready to protect us from most illnesses.

Olive Leaf is a well known herb, and has been used for thousands of years to boost immune function and kill viruses and bacteria. It can be very effective for many immune related illnesses. Olive Leaf should be used with caution by anyone taking medication to regulate diabetes or who is hypoglycemic, as it naturally decreases blood sugar levels.

Vitamin D is another powerful immune enhancing nutrient. It can help prevent colds and flu if taken in proper dosages. Studies show that vitamin D deficiency is a major factor in at least 17 types of cancer as well as depression, stroke, heart disease, and more. The best way to boost the body's stores of vitamin D is through exposure to natural sunlight. We are seeing increased vitamin D deficiency due to the use of sunscreens and lack of outdoor activity. Thirty minutes of sun exposure per day, without sunscreen, will help guard against deficiency. If you choose to supplement, the new recommended dosage is 2000 IU per day. More may be taken for special programs under the care of a health practitioner. It is very important that you use vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol as it is the most bioavailable to the body.

Begin preventive measures early, as it usually takes about a month for the herbal and acupuncture treatments to strengthen the immune system. Be sure to consult with a licensed practitioner to determine a treatment plan that is best suited for you.

Basic tips for staying healthy during the holiday season, or any season for that matter, include:

Get enough quality sleep: Quality sleep between the hours of 10pm and 2am are the most regenerating for the adrenal glands, which control a large portion of the body's hormonal system. If the adrenal glands are working overtime without proper rest, the immune system can be weakened.

Exercise: A natural stress and pain reliever. It also boosts the immune system. We were not created to be sedentary!

Eat Healthy Foods: What we feed our bodies determines how well they will function. Sugars and processed foods cause inflammation in the body and can wear down the immune system. Eat plenty of colorful vegetables, leafy greens, and choose organic when possible. Shopping the perimeter of the grocery store works!

Nourish your Spirit: Being spiritually fed is just as important as being physically fed. Spending time with the Word daily is important to keep us on track in a world filled with distractions. Filling ourselves with God's promises of love, and instructions for wise living allows us to face challenging situations with wisdom and grace.

Remember the Reason for the Season: Thanksgiving and Christmas are both times specifically set aside for us to consciously give thanks for God's gifts and blessings in our lives, including His greatest gift of all....Christ's birth. An excellent way to express this appreciation is to be a blessing and share our own gifts with another person. Share your time, your talents, and your smile to those who are in need. Giving gifts does not have to be expensive. Love and genuine compassion are the most valuable gifts of all, and they are Free to receive, and free to give to anyone God places in your path.

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