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Thursday, September 17, 2009

What Causes Hemorrhoids Symptoms?

Hemorrhoids symptoms are those that bleed during defecation or bowel movement. It also includes pain in the rectal area and a feeling of itchiness or discomfort.

There are two kinds of hemorrhoids with its respective symptoms:

1. Internal hemorrhoids - it is originated at the top of the anal canal and usually pain doesn't occur on this kind of hemorrhoid because of the lack of nerve cells. Often times, you will notice during defecation or bowel movement that you can find blood streaks that are bright red in color either in your toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. Other internal hemorrhoids symptoms may also include itching; this is mostly the complaint of having hemorrhoids because the seeping of the mucus can cause irritation of the skin that would lead to itching.

2. External hemorrhoids - it is located at the lower end of the anal canal. Mostly, rectal pain occurs in this kind of hemorrhoid. It can also cause problems in the future called thrombosis. Thrombosis is a lump in the anal area that causes a painful feeling that needs medical treatment.

What causes hemorrhoids symptoms?
a. Sitting for a long period of time may start hemorrhoids.
b. Drinking less fluid intake, which can lead to constipation.
c. Eating dairy products excessively which can produce lactic acid that would lead to hemorrhoids.
d. Obesity is also a factor because it can increase the pressure of the rectal vein.
e. Spicy foods do not cause hemorrhoids but it can worsen the condition.

There are a lot of causes behind it and these are not usually a life threatening case. In many cases, hemorrhoids symptoms will just cure within a few days.

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