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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Symptoms Due to Heat Related Illnesses

One thing that is known is that an increase in body temperature plays a big role in both. Although they are treatable, it is imperative that heat stroke victims seek medical attention as quickly as possible to receive treatment, as it can be critical to the patients health outcome.

Heat cramps are another problem that can occur and they are characterized by disabling, severe cramps, which begin in the calves, hands and feet. Heat exhaustion actually brings on fatigue, headaches, nausea, muscle aches and cramps. Other signs to look for are weakness, anxiety, and confusion or drenching sweats accompanied by clammy skin. Dizziness is a big indicator along with fainting and agitation.

Heat stroke on the other hand can come on suddenly with no symptoms of heat exhaustion at all. It's very important that anyone suffering such symptoms be seen immediately by a medical care facility. Some symptoms include shortness of breath, rapid rise in body temperature that reaches 104 to 106 degrees, dizziness or vertigo, rapid heart rate, delirium or loss of consciousness.

To avoid heat illnesses it is a good idea to always stay hydrated with cool fluids. Athletes put ice in their water bottles for this very purpose and it's been known to keep your body temperature down. If you feel a heat illness coming on, move to a shady or air-conditioned area and get plenty of fluid and salts. Don't' let it discourage you from enjoying outdoor activities though, just be mindful of the signs and symptoms and take a break if start to not feel well.

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