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Saturday, August 8, 2009

How to Treat Excessive Sweating - I Sweat a Lot!

Excessive sweating (also known medically as hyperhidrosis) is a medical condition that affects 3% of the population. The other 97% of the population sweat normally.

Sweat is a normal bodily function. Everyone sweats; when in hot temperatures, during and after exercise, when anxious and when the body needs to cool down. 97% of the population would go on to agree with this but if you ask the 3% of excessive sweaters they would tell you differently.

Hyperhidrosis is a condition when the sweat glands go into overdrive to make you sweat a lot. Sweating doesn't have to occur when it is hot and doesn't have to occur when exercising, it can occur in colder conditions and when there is no exercise.

Hyperhidrosis can be very embarrassing especially when at work or when at a social gathering which is why this condition is one of the few that can make a huge dent in your self-esteem and confidence.

Hyperhidrosis isn't something that you should really worry about, physically the worst it can do is cause bacterial and fungal infection. However, it is something to worry about psychologically. Imagine this, you are going to an interview and you suffer from palmer hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating from the hands), the first thing your interviewer does is hold out their hand for you to shake and in return they receive a disgusting drenched handshake. This can seriously affect your chances of getting that job you want and even worse if you suffer from palmer hyperhidrosis you could sweat all over your work or your keyboard when working which can be very stressful.

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