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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Find Out How to Grow Taller Fast

Do you want to increase your height? Don't worry. Even I was in your shoes some time ago. You can learn to grow taller like I did. It is possible to increase your height even if you are old.

Many people have the belief that their height growth has been restricted because of their parents and genetics. You are not doomed. You can gain height by following a few methods.

When we were infants we had bones that were made of cartilage. As our body began to grow, our cartilage became hardened into bone. These cartilage growth plates are present at the ends of our bones. These cartilage growth plates are the reason for the increase in growth.

Most of them ignore the fact that their diet plays an important role in height gain. A good diet can stimulate the production of the growth hormones and growth of muscles, bones and organs.

A good diet needs to be balanced and rich in proteins, amino acids and calcium. Calcium is really important for bone growth. Calcium is abundantly available in dairy products. Calcium deficiency can cause your bones to weaken and shrink.

Here is a shocking fact: Colored soft drinks deplete the calcium levels in our body. It is true that calcium is depleted by the colored soft drinks because of the preservatives and acids they contain. If you want to protect your bones and gain height, avoid colored soft drinks.

Drink orange juice and other fruit juices instead of the dangerous soft drinks. Soft drinks can also cause increase in sugar levels in your body thereby causing diabetes. So avoid it.

Exercise is also important if you want to gain height fast. Normal exercises that workout your muscle are effective. Stretching exercises also need to be performed as they make your out of shape spinal cord in to the right shape.

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