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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How to Grow Taller - Five Easy Steps to Increase Your Height Naturally

Would you like to be taller? Do you want to add some inches to your height, completely naturally? Follow the steps below and learn how to grow taller in a short amount of time.

1. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Enjoy meals filled with nutrients essential to good bone health and boosting your growth. Foods with high protein content, such as eggs, fish, milk, and lean meat, are the most effective. Be sure that your diet is rich in vitamins and amino acids -- you can even take a supplement or two to ensure that you get these important nutrients. Foods you want to minimize your intake of, or avoid entirely, are the usual suspects: refined sugar, caffeine, and junk foods; it is possible that overdoing these contributes to a lack of growth.

2. Get plenty of rest. Eight hours of sleep per night is the recommended amount. Make an effort to go to bed early, and at about the same time every night, so that your body gets used to this routine, and thus knows that you are giving it the rest it deserves. Programming your subconscious mind in this manner is very powerful, and maximizes your health and growth. While we sleep, too, our bodies release an important substance called human growth hormone (HGH), which increases height.

3. Until you become taller for keeps, you can create the appearance of tallness. Modify your wardrobe to include vertical stripes, especially pinstripes, along with same-colored clothes. You will look taller and more slender. Likewise, wear boots or other shoes with some heel to them. There are also height-enhancing insoles available, if you want to go that far. If your posture is poor, work on that as well. You can even place reminders around your house, or install a full-length mirror where you will be able to check your posture regularly. Good postural habits are never too late to acquire, but the earlier in life that you start them, the more they increase your height naturally. Remember to roll your shoulders back, keep a straight spine, tuck in your tummy, and hold your head high.

4. Eat a greater number of smaller meals per day. Eating just one or two large meals per day causes large quantities of insulin to flood your body, which works against your efforts to increase your height.

5. Exercise regularly. Yoga and swimming are particularly effective at stretching your body, increasing your flexibility, and strengthening relevant muscle groups. For the fastest results, look into special stretching exercises, and consider a personal trainer.

With these starting tips, you can learn how to grow taller, and how to feel taller while you grow!

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