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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Simple Treatment For Boils That You Can Do at Home

Are you one of those people who are prone to boils? If you suffer from boils every now and then, you should not rely on antibiotics to get rid of the infection. Yes, antibiotics are good treatment for boils but using antibiotics ever so often will not do you any good. Studies show that those people, who have been using antibiotics for sometime, lose their natural immunity after sometime.

In effect, their bodies become handicapped to fight of infection on its own. Remember that antibiotics kill both the good and the bad bacteria in the body so if you keep on taking antibiotics as treatment for boil; you will do yourself more harm than good. To avoid harmful side effects of antibiotics, you need to find ways to deal with your boil naturally.

Prevention Is The Best Treatment

The best treatment for boil is prevention. Keeping your self healthy all the time is the best treatment for boil. Eat plenty of vitamin rich food. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain plenty of vitamin C that can help prevent infection so try to include more fresh fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. You should also keep your body clean. Make sure that you practice good personal hygiene to protect your skin. Wash your skin with clean water and some mild soap regularly. Washing will prevent the build up of bacteria around the hair follicles.

If you have wounds, clean your wounds and treat them properly. Remember that skin breaks attract bacteria so make sure that you take can of your wounds properly. In case a family member has boil, set aside bed sheets, towels and other clothing materials that may come in contact with the skin of that family member who is suffering from boils. Boils are contagious so not let the infection spread to other members of the family by sharing linens, towels and clothes with the infected person.

Go For Home Treatment For Boil

Once your skin infected and boils started showing up, you should clean the affected area right away. Simple treatments for boil like cleaning the area of the boil with warm water and mild soap can help a lot especially when the pus starts coming out. Do not prick the boil to let the pus out. Instead of pricking the boil, make warm paste made of ginger and garlic then put the paste on the affected area. Ginger and garlic have strong antibacterial properties that can make the pus dry up faster.

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