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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Visiting New Parents in the Hospital Requires Caution

It's one of the most exciting times of a person's life, when they bring a new child into the world. It's an experience that can't be fully explained to those who haven't gone through it. Sure, you can talk about everything that happens during the process, but the feelings and emotions involved really don't do it justice. And whether you're a dentist who goes to work in dental scrubs or a janitor that wears a jumpsuit for their job, it doesn't matter. When you're talking about welcoming a new child into the world, everyone is on the same level. That child doesn't care about your income or social standing. It needs to be cared for and looked after, and it could care less what you do for a living. And at the time that everyone wants to see it, it's likely at its most vulnerable. That's why visitors to the hospital should always use caution.

You see the nurses and doctors going in and out of the recovery room wearing their Dickies scrubs and checking on the baby and mother. But what you may not see are those same doctors and nurses washing their hands or using hand sanitizer religiously. You see, babies don't have very robust immune systems when they are brand new, so they are at risk of serious health problems if they get so much as a cold. So keeping germs at bay is extremely important for everyone that comes into contact with baby. In fact, if you're sick, you have no business visiting a newborn. It's better to stay at home and visit when you feel better. Sure, you want to see the little bugger on the first days of their life, but not if you risk getting them seriously sick.

Another thing that those in the Cherokee workwear scrubs know that you should too is to keep visits short. Mom, baby (and even dad) need all the rest they can get after a new baby is born. Everyone is tired physically and mentally, and they're probably sleep-deprived. What may seem like a great chance to sit down and visit might actually be infringing on the only free hour the family has to take a nap. So do them a favor and keep the visit short. Sure, they probably want to see you, but it's good to respect what is surely an exhausting time. Seeing a new baby can be fun and exciting. By following these simple rules, you can make sure it's safe and enjoyable for everyone, too!

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