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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Respironics Optilife Nasal Mask - The Best of Both Worlds

How can something as innocuous as a CPAP mask turn out, at times, to present such difficult challenges? CPAP users are not asking CPAP manufactures to reinvent the wheel; just design a lightweight, functional mask that is comfortable and easy to clean. Many patients struggle to find the ideal mask for their particular facial structure. Because of these challenges, CPAP compliance suffers and, in turn, energy levels fall and frustration levels rise.

Nasal pillow masks have been well received by patients who want something different. Respironics has recognized this trend and created a mask for their line. In general, a nasal pillow mask has 2 soft silicone anatomically shaped openings that are inserted slightly into the nostril. Nasal pillow masks can be quite comfortable because there is minimal facial contact and allows for almost any sleeping position without mask displacement. Their minimal and lightweight design is welcomed by CPAP users over the traditional bulky plastic mask. Additionally, the exceptionally quiet operation of the pillow mask helps the sleep experience even at higher pressures. Even though nasal pillow masks offer many benefits, one negative still exists; trying to breathe through your nose using a cpap pillow mask while your nose is congested. As we all know, during cold season, a congested or runny nose makes it nearly impossible to insert the pillows and utilize your nasal pillow mask. Fortunately, Respironics has considered this fact of life and decided to build a mask which will avoid this issue.

A closer look at the new Respironics OptiLife mask shows it can be purchased with a traditional style cushion "Cradle Cushion". This cushion is removable and sits under the nose, providing excellent comfort and seal, while literally cradling the nose. This very flexible combo style mask is easy to adjust and allows both the Cushion and Pillow to rotate for optimal fit. The mask can be purchased with both Nasal Pillows and Cradle Cushions in many different sizes. The most common packages purchased by our customers are the Petite, Small, and Medium Pillows and Small, and Medium Cradle Cushions. Whether you decide to use the cradle cushion or the pillow, the overall design is straightforward and can even be put into place with one hand. The easy to adjust headgear has no buckles and allows for a clear field of vision. So, wearing glasses, watching TV and reading without needing to remove the mask makes for a comfortable pre-sleeping experience.

The CPAP Shop conducted a private survey and found that over 90% of the customers who switched to the OptiLife found it improved their CPAP compliance and overall quality of sleep. The mask is easy to wear, clean and maintain and is fully compatible to work with any CPAP or BiPAP machine. Also, Respironics makes many parts available for the OptiLife so its overall cost of use is lower than a regular nasal mask.

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How to Grow Taller Fast - Is it Even Possible?

So, let's answer this question: How to grow taller fast? Lots of people want to know the answer - in fact, almost half a billion. Read on to find out.

First of all, is it even possible to do this?
For years, scientists have been telling us that after a certain age you simply stop growing, and there's nothing you can do about it, except maybe bone surgery. Well, nowadays we know that's not true - there is a way to grow taller fast.

Stretching exercises will only get you a certain increase, and it will be temporary. To permanently grow taller you'll need more than that. In fact, if you measure your height at noon, and after waking up in the morning, you'll find out that the difference is about 2 inches! But we are looking for a permanent increase here. Not temporary.

The way to do that is by following a special diet. After a certain age your body stops growing, because it stops producing enough growth hormone. You can reverse that, if you consume the right types of foods, and enough amino-acids. Combine that with special exercises that correct your muscle imbalances, and you're well on your way to being taller!. It's not as difficult as it sounds - but you do need a certain level of self discipline to do this - there are daily procedures that need to be followed.

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Can I Grow Taller? - The Answer

Can I grow taller? How long it would take? Is it even possible at my age? Lots of questions that need to be answered. And lots of people want to know the answer - more than half a billion. Read on to find out!

In short - yes, you can grow taller if you follow certain principles. Regardless of your age. For years, scientists have been telling us that growing taller is not possible after you pass 20-22. Nowadays we know that is simply not true - there are lots of ways to increase your height.

In fact, you can do a simple test - you can measure your height right before you go to bed, and after you wake up. You'll find out that the difference will be anywhere from 1 to 2 inches. But what we are looking here is a permanent increase. How can we achieve that.

How can I grow taller?

Believe it or not, stretching exercises will not make you grow taller, on their own. Using them you will only achieve a temporary increase in your height, and you'll soon be back to your original height. What then? To permanently increase your height, you need a special diet - it's not as difficult as it sounds. You just need to consume the right types of foods, which contain enough amino-acids. Combined with special methods and exercises, which correct muscle imbalances that will make you grow taller. You'll not continue growing forever using that method, but in the course of about two months, you'll have increased your height with anywhere from 2 to 6 inches. WooHooo!

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How the Bacteria Candida Albicans Relates to Yeast Infections

The most common cause of yeast infections (thrush, vaginal yeast infections, and male yeast infections) is the candida albicans. Candida is always present in the body however when bacteria are unable to control the growth an infection will occur. There are a number of different reasons that this can happen whether it be an infection, diabetes, or a side effect from the use of antibiotics or birth control.

What is Thrush?

Thrush is a yeast infection that has formed in the mouth. Typically this infection will be present on the tongue or in the throat. If the symptoms are not that bad a simple antifungal mouth rinse could do the trick. However if this does not cure the infection then an antifungal medication that is prescription strength may be necessary.

Make sure that you are seeing a MD to ensure that you have the correct diagnosis. Also be sure to see the MD immediately if you are pregnant and think that you might have thrush.

What is a Vaginal Yeast Infections?

Vaginal yeast infections are the most common of these kinds of infections. The candida bacteria is responsible for as much as 90% of these infections. There are a number of different things that you can do in order to cure a vaginal infection. This might include that you use a home remedy, over the counter or prescription medication depending on your comfort level and the severity of the infection.

If you are wanting to use a home remedy then you could insert yogurt, garlic or vinegar into the vagina two or three times per day. Over the counter medications can be used as stated in the instructions and can be very effective in their ability to cure the infection. However if you have a stubborn infection that requires the use of a prescription you will either be given boric acid or an antifungal medication.

Finding relief for symptoms can be just as important and just as easy as curing the infection. Some things that can help to relieve symptoms are sitz baths, anti-itch creams or the use of cool compresses.

What are Male Yeast Infections?

Male yeast infections are often infections in the penile area. These infections affect men in a similar way as the vaginal infection affects women. Some men are able to find relief in the same home remedies or over the counter medications that have been mentioned for women. Still for other men a prescription is necessary. The reason OTC infection drugs are not marketed towards men is because a penile infection tends to not occur as often as it's vaginal counterpart.

It may be essential to experiment and be able to find the cure that is right for you. Remember that not all cures for all people. Since it is common for these types of infections to reoccur, it is important to remember what cures you have found to work the most effectively for you.

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