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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Symptoms Due to Heat Related Illnesses

One thing that is known is that an increase in body temperature plays a big role in both. Although they are treatable, it is imperative that heat stroke victims seek medical attention as quickly as possible to receive treatment, as it can be critical to the patients health outcome.

Heat cramps are another problem that can occur and they are characterized by disabling, severe cramps, which begin in the calves, hands and feet. Heat exhaustion actually brings on fatigue, headaches, nausea, muscle aches and cramps. Other signs to look for are weakness, anxiety, and confusion or drenching sweats accompanied by clammy skin. Dizziness is a big indicator along with fainting and agitation.

Heat stroke on the other hand can come on suddenly with no symptoms of heat exhaustion at all. It's very important that anyone suffering such symptoms be seen immediately by a medical care facility. Some symptoms include shortness of breath, rapid rise in body temperature that reaches 104 to 106 degrees, dizziness or vertigo, rapid heart rate, delirium or loss of consciousness.

To avoid heat illnesses it is a good idea to always stay hydrated with cool fluids. Athletes put ice in their water bottles for this very purpose and it's been known to keep your body temperature down. If you feel a heat illness coming on, move to a shady or air-conditioned area and get plenty of fluid and salts. Don't' let it discourage you from enjoying outdoor activities though, just be mindful of the signs and symptoms and take a break if start to not feel well.

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Glutathione - Every Cell Needs It - Why? - Is it a Supplement? Vitamin? Antioxidant? What is It?

Glutathione(glue-ta-thigh-own), not a household word, yet. At present over 80,000 articles have been published on the significant role of glutathione in health and wellness. So here is the question that you are waiting to get answered.

What is glutathione(gsh)?

First, let's make this clear... Glutathione is not a supplement, vitamin nor an exogenous antioxidant. Now, that we have that out the way, what is glutathione?

'Glutathione is a peptide(very small protein) that occurs naturally within the body, where it is assembled by individual cells from its three components-- the amino-acids glycine, glutamate(glutamic acid), and the all-important cysteine'.(Glutathione..Your key to health page 6)

why does every cell need it?

Your immune system is constantly on the prowl for pathogens-agents for cellular damage, toxicity and disease. To neutralize them your body needs a ready of glutathione.

Each and every cell in the body is a biological machine that is gradually worn down by the work of staying alive. It's a imperfect system.

Like all machines, cells derive their energy from the consumption(oxidation)of fuel- nutrients and oxygen- but at a price. This process while normal as it may be produces harmful waste products(free radicals or oxy-radicals)

one of our cells most routine tasks is to neutralize and remove these wastes, and the key substances it uses is glutathione. Glutathione is the body's principle endogenous(self-made) antioxidant.

Glutathione(gsh)...The master antioxidant.

On page 8 of the book 'glutathione-- your key to health', gsh is the master antioxidant because it replenishes the action of many antioxidants. Here's what happens:

when vitamins c and e pick up an oxy-radical(oh) they must hand it off to the gsh system so they are free to back and get others. Gsh neutralizes these oxy-radicals. It is gsh - not the vitamin- that ultimately neutralizes the radical.

The gsh molecule encounters a destructive positively charged oxy-radical(oh) and gives it a electron. Now that radical with the added electron is now(oh2). So now you have 2h( which is 2 hydrogen molecules) and o( which is 1 oxygen molecule). So, what is h2o?-water.

That's right! Gsh neutralizes the oxy-radical turning it into harmless water. What a great system!.

Do not leave yourself unprotected... Raise your glutathione levels

healthy growth and activity of our immune cells depends upon the availability of gsh. Experimental depletion of gsh severely diminished the ability of these cell to fight destructive agents and leaves the door wide open to diseases.

According to the physical desk reference(pdr), glutathione deficiency includes but limited to hiv/aids, certain cancers, cataracts, asthma, diabetes, hepatitis, alzeheimer's disease, parkinson's.

In a number of studies, the level of intracellular gsh in the lymphocytes corresponds directly to the effectiveness of immune response.

One thing is very clear, that our body needs a constant supply of glutathione(gsh). Each and every day of our lives our gsh levels are challenged.

The environment, the food, the water, the air with all the contaminants demands adequate levels of gsh if we are to enjoy a measure of good health and avoid major diseases. Ok, so the smart and practical thing to do is to find out how to raise gsh levels.

The safest and surest way to raise gsh is to eat the food that contains the three components that's needed for the cells to manufacture gsh: glycine, glutamate(glutamic acid) and cysteine.

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How to Get Taller Naturally - 3 Mistakes to Avoid If You Want to Increase Height and Look Taller

Once you know the exact steps to speed up growth then you need not go about searching for information on how to get taller naturally. Many people commit the mistake of doing things that inhibit growth during the critical growth spurt phase and the result is stunted growth. Not only will this impact your height increase but the overall development of your body which includes muscles, bones, hair, shoulder etc.

So if you think height increase and proper body growth do make a difference to your life, personality and career here are some simple growth inhibitors to avoid:

1) There are many drugs and medicines that may make you feel better and happy for a few hours. However these drugs have a negative impact on your body. They bring about changes in your hormones that trigger specific behaviors and attitude. While it may give you fun and happiness for a short period of time but when the effect of the drug fades away your body gets tired, fatigued and drained. If you want to get taller naturally and grow then avoid these drugs at any cost.

2) Many antibiotics also work in a destructive manner. Not only do they kill bad germs and viruses, they also end up killing protective organisms that aid processes like digestion and virus safeguard. This creates an imbalance in the body and also depletes the immune system. The net result is your body metabolism and energy is spent on things other than growth. So keep away from antibiotics as much as possible if you want to grow taller and increase height.

3) Smoking may appear attractive and fashionable, but the damage caused to your body is irreversible. Smoking kills body cells and retards growth. Your body will have to spend more energy in repairing and regenerating cells. So if you want to get taller naturally keep away from this bad habit. Even excess alcoholism may give you a kick for a short period but it disturbs your overall system and retards growth.

Avoiding growth inhibitors is a definitive way to speed up the process to get taller naturally and increase height to look taller like a tower.

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