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Friday, September 5, 2008

Breathing For Maximum Brain Oxygenation

Breathing and the brain

Our breathing pattern has profound effects on the brain. Unnoticeable changes in breathing (when we believe that our breathing is OK) can reduce oxygenation and blood supply by 20-30%. How should we breathe, day and night, so that to have maximum oxygenation of the brain? Which breathing pattern is the best for our nervous system?

While over 95% people believe that the deep or big breathing pattern is good for health, medical and physiological evidence (hundreds of publications) provides the opposite answer. Indeed, there is no a single study that confirmed or found that deep breathing pattern improves or good for our health. Why?

If you take 100 fast and deep breaths in succession, you can pass out or faint due to ... hypoxia of the brain. There are dozens of medical studies that confirmed this effect. Hyperventilation is a health hazard. Healthy people have light, slow, and shallow breathing pattern and excellent oxygenation. If you observe breathing of your healthy relatives and friends, you will see nothing and hear nothing. It is the job of the sick patients (with asthma, heart disease, bronchitis, cancer, diabetes, depression, fatigue, insomnia, addictions and many other problems) to breathe heavy and to have low tissue oxygenation, as a result. They are hyperventilating.

You can easily measure your brain oxygenation

Use the stress-free breath holding time test. Breathe normally while sitting; after your usual exhale pinch the nose (to prevent slight unconscious breathing); and measure the breath holding time only until the first distress or discomfort. [Warning. Some, not all, people with heart disease, migraine headaches, and panic attacks may experience negative symptoms minutes later after this light version of the test. If this happens, they should avoid this test.]

The most common mistake is to overdo the test. In this case, you will notice that the stress is gradually increasing. It is time to stop. If you do the test correctly, you will not gasp for air after the test. In fact, your breathing pattern must be exactly the same after the correct test as it was just before it.

What are the typical results?

Severely sick, hospitalized, and terminally ill patients have from 1 to 10 s of oxygen. With approaching death, their breathing gets bigger, deeper, and heavier, while breath holding time approaches zero: 5, 4, 3, 2, and only 1 second just before the death. (You may remember seeing last frantic and dramatic gasps for air of dying people.)

Sick patients with mild forms of the disease (asthma, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.) have about 10-20 s. These patients are usually on medication to control their symptoms. Asymptomatic asthmatics, heart patients and many others have slightly more than 20 s of oxygen.

Healthy adults, according to published western results, should have about 40 s, but a group of Russian MDs practicing the Buteyko holistic self-oxygenation therapy found that 60 s of oxygen is incompatible with about 150 chronic diseases or diseases of civilization. Hence, they established 60 s as the goal of the therapy.

What are the causes of brain hypoxia when we over-breathe?

When we breathe heavier or deeper, we remove too much CO2 from all cells of the human organism. This causes:

* Reduced blood flow to the brain. CO2 deficiency causes constriction of blood vessels (arteries and arterioles) and our brains get less blood supply. This physiological fact can be found in many medical textbooks. As Professor Newton from the University of Southern California Medical Center recently reported, "cerebral blood flow decreases 2% for every mm Hg decrease in CO2" (Newton, 2004). That means that with each second decrease in the oxygenation index, blood flow to the brain is less by about 1%. Less blood means a decreased supply of glucose (the main fuel for the brain in normal conditions), oxygen, and other nutrients. In addition, it causes gradual accumulation of waste products in tissues.

* The suppressed Bohr effect. As we know, oxygen is transported in blood by hemoglobin cells. How do these red blood cells know where to release more oxygen and where less? Or why do they unload more oxygen in those places where it is more required? The hemoglobin cells sense higher concentrations of CO2 and release oxygen in such places. The effect strongly depends on the absolute CO2 values in the blood and the lungs.

If CO2 concentration is low, O2 cells are stuck with red blood cells. (Scientists call this effect "increased oxygen affinity to hemoglobin"). Hence, CO2 deficiency leads to hypoxia or low oxygenation of the body cells (the suppressed Bohr effect). The more we breathe at rest, the less the oxygenation of our cells in vital organs, like brain, heart, liver, kidneys, etc.

Not only is the inflow of oxygen less (vasoconstriction), but also its release is hampered by low CO2 concentrations (the Bohr effect). That further reduces brain oxygenation.

Do clinical studies show that patients with mental or psychological problems have heavy breathing?

In 1976 the British Journal of Psychiatry published a study of CO2 measurements in 60 patients with neurotic depression and non-retarded endogenous depression (Mora et al, 1976). All patients had abnormally low carbon dioxide values.

Later, in 1990, American psychiatrists from (City University of New York) reported results from several groups of subjects with anxiety, panic phobia, depression, migraine, and idiopathic seizures. The abstract states "virtually all the noncontrol subjects were found to show moderate to severe hyperventilation and accompanying EEG dysrhythmia". In addition, it notes that hyperventilation and abnormal electrical signals in the brain took place simultaneously.

Canadian scientists from the Department of Psychiatry (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg) measured carbon dioxide concentrations in over 20 patients with panic disorder. Their average CO2 was also below the medical norm (Asmundson and Stein, 1994). There are many other studies that report abnormally low CO2 values for people with various psychological and neurological problems.


How Does Head Lice Life Cycle Go?

Panic is the first thing a person does upon knowing a head lice is in his or her head. Head lice primarily cause scalp irritation when constant scratching is done. This problem must be dealt with as soon as possible. Head lice do not really fly, but they can transfer easily from one head to another, and passing this to the other members of the family actually leads to a worse infestation. Eliminating head lice from one person is easier compared to doing it to the whole family because the cycle will just go on. So, just how does the head lice life cycle run? Is there a way to stop them from multiplying?

Knowing about the head lice life cycle is very important so you would know how to deal with them. Lice actually lay eggs called nits in the hair shaft in at least half or one inch away from the scalp. The nits look tan in color when it still contains the future lice. Then, when they hatch, the color changes into white and they stick and attach permanently to the hair shaft. Then the newborn lice will feed on your head by sucking your blood and nourishing themselves until they grow. When fully grown, they will now start to lay eggs and the head lice life cycle continues. One head louse lays at least 100 or 150 eggs in a day. So, imagine if you have 5 matured lice on your head, then there would be 750 nits laid on your head today!

The life span of head lice when they are removed from the scalp is 3 days. They can survive for three days without nourishment from your head. If your personal belongings are not properly attended to, this gives the head lice more time to transfer to another head.

Solving the Problem Urgently

It is truly frustrating that the head lice life span is like this and why they continue to exist. They are really troublesome and very embarrassing. What you need to do in order not to contract any lice is to stay away from the person who has head lice. When children have any of these, take the first step in using the natural head lice medication. Now that you already know the hard to break life cycle of the head lice, it is time for you to ensure your family's safety from these nasty parasites.


Green Fitness - Everything You Need to Know About Making Your Fitness Green

What better time than now to move not only into fitness, but into green fitness? Creating a healthier you along with promoting a healthier earth. The feeling one gets being a part this fitness movement are overwhelming and give you a great sense of purpose and fulfillment.

What makes up green fitness?

The idea is that your routine is green - a concern for the environment - while at the same time keeping you fit. Pretty basic. Yet many people don't understand where to even begin when it comes to green fitness.

As a green fitness expert I would like to point out there are quite a bit of easy things you can do to achieve this goal. Most people believe that you have to join a gym. Then you have to hit the treadmills, elliptical and other fancy gadgets to get a workout. Well that couldn't be further from the truth.

Swimming in a lake or stream or ocean is a great way to green your fitness provided access and good weather. This is extraordinarily green and provides a huge calorie burn. You can also bicycle for fun, or to get a nice workout. This can also become a community activity with friends and family. Short trips to the grocery on the bike burn some extra calories and save the earth. Walking, Hiking, Climbing and running are also great green fitness activities.

Utilizing the precious earth.

Also using the earth to improve your fitness is great way to green your fitness. For example finding a low hanging sturdy tree branch for pull ups. Hanging ropes over them for climbing and pull up activities is also an awesome way to utilize the earth for your fitness activities. One of the best venues for greening your fitness is a hill. With a hill you can walk, jog, sprint, bike and even bear crawl up it to get a great fitness workout.

Green fitness products.

Also as you search the web you will find more and more green fitness and eco-friendly products that are available for purchase. Even retailers such as amazon are working toward providing more green purchase options for consumers.

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Are You Drinking Contaminated Drinking Water and Not Knowing It?

I hate to tell you this, but there's a good chance you're drinking contaminated drinking water. I don't care if your water comes from a well or your city's treatment plant. There's a very good chance it's got contaminants in it that you probably would not want to be ingesting. Let me tell you what I mean.

I don't mean that you're going to get some waterborne disease like cholera by drinking water, at least not in the United States and virtually all other developed nations. No, because of water treatment and especially chlorination, cholera is not longer a threat.

What I do mean is that what you are drinking is contaminated drinking water, which has other, less well-known contaminants in it. Things like lead, various pesticides, prescription drugs, and a whole host of other really nasty chemicals have routinely been found in our water systems.

Just to prove that to you, let me cite two studies. One was done by Ralph Nader's group. They studied several American water systems and found over 2,100 toxic chemicals in the drinking water. Another similar study of 29 American cities found traces of pesticides in the water systems of all 29!

If asked about these contaminants, water treatment facilities and governmental bodies always say that these chemicals are present in concentrations that are less than the federal guidelines. But frankly, from the research I've done on the subject, many of those federal guidelines are guesses, at best.

Take the amount of waterborne asbestos that the federal government says is okay to have in our water. (Yes, they do say it's okay!) The only reason they came up with their recommended parts per million that asbestos can't exceed is because they can't make finer measurements. That's not really good science, in my opinion. It certainly isn't good public health policy!

Another issue about contaminated drinking water that is rarely discussed by the agencies who are supposed to be protecting us is the effects of low levels of many contaminants. They always say that you shouldn't have over such and such parts per million of lead in the water, but they fail to take into account the synergistic effect of ingesting lead, pesticides, aluminum, and several other toxic substances. Basically no one knows the effects of these combinations of toxic chemicals in our water.

So, what can we do about contaminated drinking water? Well, the conclusion I came to was this. I realized that to protect my health and my family's health, I was going to have to buy a really good water filter and just filter all our water. Of course, now you'll have to learn about various water filters, but believe me, it will be worth it!

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Monday, September 1, 2008

Effective Home Remedies For Fingernail Fungus Removal

Treating fingernail fungus is not that difficult. There are hundreds of antifungal creams, lotions, ointments and oral medications that you can buy in your local drugstore to help cure your fingernail fungus.

However, some of these medications can be costly and may even result in unwanted side effects especially if you have very sensitive skin. Some oral medicines have even been reported to result in minor liver complications in some people.

To avoid these risks, it might be better if you try some home remedies for fingernail fungus removal. These home remedies have been in use for centuries and have been proven to be very effective. Furthermore, these treatments are very inexpensive and make use of common household chemicals.

One of the most common home remedies for fingernail fungus removal involves the soaking of the infected nail in a solution of water and bleaching powder.

You have to do this for about 30 minutes a day, which can be divided into 15 minutes in the morning and another 15 minutes before going to bed at night. As an alternative, you can also use diluted vinegar or hydrogen peroxide instead of bleaching powder.

Although this is a very simple process, you have to note that you will be doing this every single day for the next two or three months, depending on the severity of your infection. This is probably one of the best home remedies for fingernail fungus removal.

Also among the most popular home remedies for fingernail fungus treatment is the application of tea tree oil directly to the infected fingernail.

You can purchase tea tree oil in any health store across the country. As with the soaking, you have to do this every day until the infection has been completely eliminated. This is not as time-consuming as soaking but is equally effective.

Other home remedies for fingernail fungus treatment make use of vapor rub instead of tea tree oil. If you have Listerine in your home, that is quite effective as well.

All of these home remedies for fingernail fungus removal are very efficient and they all have almost zero health risks involved. The only problem would be if you have very sensitive skin in which case you might need to reduce the time for soaking or decrease the frequency of application.

An important thing to remember is that once you have chosen the home remedy you want to use, make sure that you stick to it no matter what. Do not be tempted to switch to other treatments because this might lead to unwanted results and may even worsen an already serious condition.


4 Steps to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus

The physical appearance of a toenail fungal infection is not a pleasant sight. It is marked by a yellowish discoloration that usually starts from the center of the nail and gradually spreads to cover the entire toenail surface. In a matter of a few days, the nail will turn darker and finally become a murky brown or even black.

Besides being discolored, an infected toe will also change shape. It will thicken first and gradually become disfigured. Some people especially women may try to mask this grotesque misshapen toenail by applying nail polish. However, this will only worsen the situation by further trapping the fungus underneath the nail and forcing it to spread inwards.

In order to get rid of toenail fungus infection, you can try following these four easy steps.

1. Consult with a doctor.

The first step to get rid of toenail fungus is to first make sure that you do have an infection. The doctor will examine the toenail in question and he will be able to give you the treatment options for your particular situation.

2. Select a treatment.

There are several different kinds of treatments to get rid of toenail fungus. Among the most common is oral medication. This works well for people who have busy lifestyles and don't have time to undergo regular therapeutic remedies. However, oral medications sometimes cause adverse side effects in some individuals.

Another popular treatment that has been proven effective is soaking the feet in a bleaching powder and water solution. If you choose this treatment, you should be prepared to soak your feet about 30 minutes a day for the next 2 to 3 months.

In addition to being able to get rid of toenail fungus, this method is also rather relaxing. If you have the time to do it, this treatment method can be very beneficial for you.

3. Follow the treatment instructions to the letter.

Even if you don't seem to see any results after a few days, you must not stop the treatment. Almost all of these treatments to get rid of Nail Fungus will really take a long time, which can be anywhere from 1 to 3 months.

The actual duration varies depending on the severity of the situation and individual factors such as age, gender, and genetics. Even if your friend's results come earlier than yours, this is not a reason to alter your treatment. It is imperative that you follow the instructions verbatim for the treatment to work.

4. Stick to one kind of treatment.

Do not be tempted to switch to another form of remedy when you have already started one. Constantly changing the treatment methods may mess up the results. If you are patient, you will surely be able to get rid of toenail fungus in just a few months.


Cures For Hyperhidrosis - Many More Cures Than You Might Think

Curse for hyperhidrosis are many. Some are good, some are bad and some are just downright ugly. You deserve the best cure so arm yourself with the knowledge that you need. After all, it's your health we're talking about.

Medical Grade Antiperspirants

These are the easiest thing to try. Although you can't buy them in the store, you can get them from your doctor.

Remember, they can be used anywhere on the body and not just the underarms.


These drugs help a lot of people with hyperhidrosis. If you find that your biggest problems are when you are anxious, afraid or excited, then these drugs can help to control that.


These drugs reduce all the secretions in your body. So not just your sweating but also your tears and other secretions.

They do have side effects and your body cannot lose heat quickly so you can get high temperatures if you are not careful but nevertheless, many people rely on them.


For those of you who do not like drugs, this could be a better alternative.

It can really only be used for the hands, feet and underarms. During the procedure, a small electric current is delivered to these parts of the body and after 20 minutes the sweat ducts are blocked.

The effects last for around 3 weeks until a new treatment is required.


Surgery is always a last resort. There are 2 types of surgery.

The first is liposuction-curettage. This is where the sweat glands are scraped away.

The second is ETS surgery where the nerves are cut. This is highly controversial and carries major side effects!

Natural Methods

If you look at all the above methods, none of them are real "cures". They all address the symptoms, the sweating. But none of them address the imbalance in your sympathetic nervous system which is the true cause.

The human body is very versatile, and a few changes to your lifestyle and the types of food that you eat are enough to restore this balance. These natural methods are safer and more effective than other treatments.

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