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Friday, October 17, 2008

Why You Should Break These 5 Nasty Health Habits

Most of us plan our entire course in life. We plan for getting married, having children, our retirement, and our next family vacation. But, we can also plan for a healthier and more active lifestyle. Life sometimes gets in the way and we forget about the most important aspect of our well-being... our health. Without our health, our quality of life diminishes greatly.

Here are 5 nasty health habits that you should kick to the curb starting today.

This nasty health habit tops the list as number one. Smoking causes many serious breathing problems such as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and can seriously damage your health. At this point, you are probably saying to yourself "But it's not easy to quit" or "I've tried several times before and it never worked." Times have changed. There are many programs out there that can help you quit more effectively than before. Start off by asking your family doctor about quitting. As health care professionals, they are equipped to help you succeed. Quitting smoking will give you a sense of accomplishment, not to mention having broken one of the most nasty health habits. What a feeling this can give you!

Junk food
Your body needs high-quality, low-fat food to survive. So quit the junk food. I'm talking about potato chips, candy, chocolate, fast food. This means all the junk food out there that is making our society overweight and at a higher risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Eating healthy is a choice, a choice that only you can make. Make today, the day you cut out this nasty health habit from your diet.

Lack of exercise
We all know that life just happens and in the rush of all your daily commitments and responsibilities such as work, family, friends, internet and television, exercise can easily be put off. But remember, there is only one you and only you can make the decision to put exercise on your priority list. No physical activity is a factor in many health problems including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and arthritis. Start with a 20 minute walk or low impact workout everyday. Break out of this nasty health habit and move today for a healthier future.

Too much stress
As you know having no stress does not exist. Everyone has, at the very least, a little stress in their life. What I am talking about is a lot of stress. Reducing the stress in your life can be very beneficial to your health and can significantly reduce your chances for diseases such as heart and stroke. Reduced stress can also give you a better night's sleep. Sleep on this tidbit to eliminate the fourth nasty health habit.

Not flossing
Oral health such as visiting a dentist on a regular basis and taking good care of your teeth and gums directly impacts your overall health. Studies have shown that gum disease relates to heart health. Also, trouble chewing, biting or speaking can seriously impact your quality of life. Taking care of your teeth by brushing and flossing at least twice a day is highly recommended for improved health and well-being. So take care of your teeth and floss your way out of the final nasty health habit.

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Excessive Sweating Cures That Work

Why on earth would you let too much sweating prevent you from living the kind of lifestyle that you want? Excessive sweating cures abound everywhere that you don't have to sulk in a corner and miss that date. Listen.

It will help to initially understand and see the bodily functions that contribute to your sweating. In normal levels, sweating is important to regulate the amount of liquid as well as the degree of temperature in a body. Excessive sweating comes into surface basically due to wayward genes. And where do you get your genes? That about sums it right, whether you like it or not, you inherited your excessive sweating problem. A bright side to the picture is that most probably, your parents handled this predicament successfully by using excessive sweating cures. So cheer up!

Gather yourself together and find ways to solve this hindrance and stop the sweating. Over-activity of the nerve glands worsens this condition. Avoid situations that will elicit anxiety and nervousness that will cause your sweat glands to produce a lot of sweat. Relax and take hold of your emotions. Do not over-react to stressful situations. These are just some controllable quick fixes but it definitely is one of the excessive sweating cures that can solve almost half of the main problem.

The next to look into is your diet. Avoid those groups of foods that will trigger the sweat glands to profusely sweat. Shun spicy foods like onions and chili as well as unhealthful junk foods. A balanced nutritious meal eaten each day will make you healthier and less sweaty.

Finally, make use of the most effective excessive sweating cures in the market. These can be purchased in the form of topical antiperspirants, medications and even surgery. As you realize, a problem becomes one only if you make it so.

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How to Prevent Excessive Facial Sweating

The face, and everything that deals with it, is considered real big deal, for both men and women alike. It is because obviously, it is the first thing presented to every people's interaction and can affect the outcome and quality of every communication. Excessive facial sweating therefore, is something taken seriously. One's success or unfortunately, possible failure, may be attributed to it.

The first general truth is that facial sweating is hereditary. With this fact, it will be of best help to consult one's parents and relatives for previously used treatment. This will help save time and inconvenience for trying several treatments that may be useless. It will also shed light on some effective coping techniques used to control this problem.

It is not advisable to use antiperspirants on the face because the facial skin is very sensitive. It can cause more harm than cure. Some people also misleadingly use facial creams to control excessive facial sweating. The heavy creams used during winter months can actually give a sticky effect on the face causing it to perspire more, even during winter. A better alternative to using antiperspirants on the face would be the use of talcum powder. Lightly apply loose powder avoiding the eyes and the nose. This will help keep the face dry and sweat free, at least for a while.

Finally, make light of things by simply wiping the face every now and then. Carry clean handkerchiefs (more than one is advisable) to gently pat on the cheeks, forehead and all over the face as needed. Aside from avoiding excessive facial sweating, this will also create a good impression by practicing good hygiene habits. Remember, having a sweaty face is not the end of the world.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Compression Socks and Benefits During Air Travel

People who travel long distances by air should know something called as the economy travel syndrome. This syndrome is in fact named for an actual issue whereby the blood starts to get accumulated in the lower level of the legs because of the lack of movement.

The root cause of the issue while travelling long distances by air solely in the economy class is because of the fact that in the economy seating you will usually never get enough room to move your legs.

Now in other classes namely the business class and the first class the seats are such that the passenger can move easily and also can stand easily and move around.

In a normal person and in normal position the legs veins exert extra pressure and pump back the blood to the heart but while seating for long hours the legs do not get that extra pressure to send the blood back to the heart. This accumulation of blood can be dangerous and is known as deep vein thrombosis. Though this is not fatal but in some cases it can turn fatal because of the pre existing medical conditions. In fact the name of the syndrome the economy class syndrome was given by a person whose mother died because of this reason even though she was in good health and not very aged.

Various people have various strategies to deal with these kinds of situations. Lot of people suggests that you should at least get up every one hours and walk for a few minutes in the airplane. That is easier said than done because of the reason that the plan is usually so cramped and also if you have seat which away from the aisle then it can cause disturbance and annoyance to other passengers.

There is one way whereby you can actually get the blood to not accumulate and that is wearing the compression socks. These compression socks come in varying pressures. They apply pressure at the ankles and then apply gradually less pressure as you go up the leg. That extra pressure helps send the blood up to the heart for increased circulation. Good ways to at least have some form of safety from blood accumulation.

So if you are a person who travels long distances regularly then make sure that you have compression socks with you and also make sure to get up every hour or so of the flight and take a walk down the aisle.

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Acid Reflux Alternative Treatment - Three Options

As with most conditions, there are certain standard remedies or treatments that are available to patients. The patient and their physician can then select from the available remedies what they think best. However, with acid reflux, many of these standard remedies consist of drinking or eating something to help ease the pain of acid reflux after it occurs. Many people prefer ways other than medication to deal with their conditions, as well as a way to prevent future occurrences, and so they seek alternative treatments.

There are various alternative treatments for acid reflux. Some are to ease the pain of acid reflux, others are to lessen the likelihood of future occurrences. These alternative treatments are more like an action, routine or procedure which you strictly follow every day in order to achieve your goal.

* Belching as an Acid Reflux Alternative Treatment

This is simple, this is free, and in some cultures, this is a compliment! Not only that, but it requires no special training or equipment. Yes, I'm talking about belching. Belching is more commonly known as burping; the sound which we make when air passes upward from our stomach. The moment we chew and swallow our food, we also allow air to enter and build up in our stomach; this causes the "flap-like" valve to open and relax and allows food to back up in the esophagus. Before the air accumulates inside our stomach and lets the sphincter loose, we need to burp in order to push the excess air out of our stomach. This act effectively relieves us from heartburn. Another way of letting the air out of our stomach is by lying sideways or in a knee-chest position until the air escapes. While this treatment may not be the best treatment when eating out or with groups, it is very effective in reducing the likelihood of acid reflux by reducing the pressure on the esophageal sphincter.

* Colon Cleansing as an Acid Reflux Alternative Treatment

Another acid reflux alternative treatment is colon cleansing. Unknown to many, this homeopathic way helps relieve a person from heartburn by removing accumulated waste from inside our stomach. There is a need to have a "liquids-only" fasting, an intake of at least thirty grams of fiber per day, and frequent fiber drinks intake. By following these three guidelines, our stomach and colon are cleansed naturally and excess waste is removed. However, this practice needs to be approved by a physician since prolonged usage of such technique could lead to dehydration.

* Prim and Proper

A third acid reflux alternative treatment is proper posturing and proper chewing of food. When people get very hungry, they tend to swallow the food instead of chewing it. When this happens, gas forms easily inside their stomachs causing the heartburn. You need to take time to eat and swallow in small portions; this would allow a lesser portion of gas to enter the stomach. Therefore, you need to apply mindfulness in eating; rather than inhaling it, savor and chew the food at a slower pace.

While there are a lot of medicinal and herbal offers, why not try an alternative way? These treatments as outlined above may help you get through your problems with heartburn. And then you can kiss those burning pains goodbye!

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Most Important Health Benefits of Drinking Water

What are the benefits of drinking water? The short answer to that question is - many. Science has an excellent understanding of the importance of drinking water. Water is required for so many important physiological functions that take place in the body that it is almost impossible to list out its benefits. In a nutshell - water is probably the most important energy source for your body.

Like I already said, I might need a separate article to list out all the benefits of drinking water. So, let us take a look at some of the most important points. Water helps in the digestion process, it helps remove the toxins present in the system, it regulates the body temperature, it supplies the body with the essential minerals and nutrients, it helps avoid constipation, it promotes normal growth of cells and tissues, and it does a whole lot of things. In short - no one can function without drinking pure water.

Now that you know the importance of drinking water, let us now take a look at the major problems with water today. The water we get from public water systems and wells is largely contaminated with a variety of dangerous substances. So, drinking such water can lead to a huge number of waterborne diseases. If you want to experience the benefits of drinking water, the only choice left is to go for a good water purifier that can get rid of all these contaminants and give pure drinking water.

There are a couple of things you should know about choosing a good water purifier. First, it should give you pure drinking water. Second, it should not disturb the essential minerals that are naturally present in water. If a water purifier satisfies both these conditions, it is without the doubt the best in the market. Especially, now that you know the importance of drinking water, you should do some homework and make sure you get only the right water purifier.

Unfortunately, there are not many water purifiers that satisfy both these conditions. According to experts, active carbon filtration is the only method which gets rid of all the contaminants present in water and yet at the same time retains the essential minerals in it. This is the reason why it is considered better than other popular water purification methods like reverse osmosis and point of use distillation. So, as someone who now knows the importance of drinking water, you should go for active carbon filters to get the best results.

There you have it people. You now have answers for two important issues. The benefits of drinking water and how to choose a good water purifier that will guarantee pure water all the time. All you have to do now is to go out and get yourself a good water purifier and treat yourself with the natural goodness of water.

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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Pure Drinking Water

It is very surprising to see that a lot of people do not know about the benefits of pure drinking water. We all drink water. However, the enormous benefits of drinking pure water are known to only a few people. This is also the reason why a lot of people are not very careful about choosing the right kind of water purifiers. So, in this article, let me try to shed some light on pure water and why you must drink pure water to stay healthy.

The human body is made of water to a great extent. In fact, more than a whopping 70% of your body is nothing but water. You need water on a constant basis. Pure drinking water is necessary for a number of physiological functions in your body. Water helps remove the toxins from your system, it helps in proper digestion, it supplies the body with essential minerals, it regulates body temperature, it helps avoid constipation, and it plays a vital role in so many important functions in the body. In short, you cannot survive long without drinking water.

Now, you might have a few questions. Why is it so important to drink pure drinking water? How about just water? What is wrong with that? Let me answer those questions. Water, by definition, should be pure. There is no use in drinking contaminated water. Moreover, by drinking contaminated water, you get a number of dangerous waterborne diseases. So, there is no question of drinking contaminated water. And some of the contaminants found in water include prescription drugs, chemical wastes, herbicide and pesticide traces, and heavy metals. So, you need to drink pure water if you want to stay away from all these hazardous chemicals.

One of the most important things you should know about water is that it has plenty of essential minerals. This is why experts often use the term 'pure drinking mineral water'. These essential minerals, as the name suggests, are very, very important for the body. The water you find in any natural source is full of these essential minerals. However, when it comes to purified water, there is a big problem.

A lot of water purifiers including reverse osmosis units and point of use distillation units tend to destroy the essential minerals present in water and give you de-mineralized water which is not good for your health at all. So, if you want to drink pure drinking mineral water, the best choice is active carbon filters, which tend to retain the essential minerals present in water naturally. This is also the reason why they are highly recommended by physicians around the world.

Now that you know the benefits of pure drinking water, make sure you drink nothing but pure water. If you already have a good water purifier, maintain it properly and enjoy drinking pure water. If you don't have one, get yourself one today, enjoy the goodness of pure water, and stay healthy.

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