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Monday, December 8, 2008

Five Steps To Prevent Wrinkles

While wrinkles may be inevitable, there are ways to prevent the development of additional lines and crow’s feet, as well as ways to conceal those which currently exist. Read on for helpful suggestions.

1. Keep your exposure to the sun to a minimum. What many people perceive as being signs of aging is actually sun damage. Try to stay out of the sun during the hours of 10AM to 4PM when the sun is at its height. When you do go out in the sun, cover up with sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses. Wear cotton blend clothing and shirts that have long sleeves.

2. Expanding further on point number one, always wear sunscreen, preferably every day. According to Dr. Sandra I. Read, an instructor of dermatology at the Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C. you should apply sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 or 30. It is important that you find one that gives broad-spectrum protection from both types of damaging rays- ultraviolet A (or UVA) rays and ultraviolet B (or UVB) rays.

3. Never downplay the importance of consuming a healthy diet. The foods you eat make a difference in the condition of your body inside and out. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and seafood. It is important to get plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants on a consistent basis to improve the appearance of your skin.

4. If you smoke, stop and if you don’t smoke, don’t begin. Smoking is bad for the skin and brings about premature wrinkling. The puckering action you do in relation to smoking cigarettes will cause deep-set wrinkles to set in around the mouth and skin will become dry looking and dull in appearance.

5. Use a good moisturizer for your skin, and use it faithfully. Some examples of excellent moisturizers to try include Dr. Brandt, Strivectin and Murad. Use different moisturizers for daytime and night time. The daytime moisturizer should be light and water based as opposed to oil based. Apply it after washing your face in the morning in order to lock moisture into your skin.

Look for a daytime moisturizer that contains SPF. For night time, choose a moisturizer that is heavier and will go to work to protect and moisturize your skin against dryness while you are sleeping. Be aware that changing seasons and changing temperatures can affect the condition of your skin, and you will have to change your moisturizer accordingly. In terms of anti-aging skincare, look for a moisturizer that contains glycolic acid, retinol and alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). AHAs can be irritating to the skin so test on a small patch before applying it all over your face. These ingredients promote the growth of collagen which helps to combat the formation of wrinkles, and they also counteract the destructive work of free radicals.

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The Firm Wave Exercise Machine

Many of my clients have seen the Firm's Wave Personal Gym and have asked me to review it. They know I have a similar piece of kit called the TBow and thought I would be the ideal person to advise them on the Wave. I was curious to see if the Wave was any good for the average at home exerciser.
The Wave like the T-Bow is a curved step which can be used either side up. With the curved side up it is stable (won't move) and can be used as a normal step, for stretching, with an exercise band it can be used for strength training and you can do many body weight only exercises like Press-Ups and Squats.
When you turn the Wave over so that the curved surface is down you end up with an unstable surface. With your feet on either side of the Wave it can be challenging to stay upright on it never mind move. This way up you can rock from side to side for a fantastic fat burning workout, walk on the Wave to help tone thighs and buns, increase core and abdominal strength and you can add a resistance band to super charge your workout.
It is claimed you can burn three times more fat using the Wave compared to other cardio equipment. Three times, well maybe not but you will burn a lot more that's for sure. Working on the Wave is challenging, rocking to music with a fast beat will have you sweating and breathing hard in less than five minutes.
It's possible to do over 100 separate fat burning and toning exercises using the Wave. You can strength train and sculpt those long lean muscles you've always dreamed of. When you consider it comes bundled with 4 DVD's, an exercise mat, The Wave and a healthy eating guide all for less than $100. I was impressed with the wave and it compared well with the TBow. It's not gym quality but for home use should be OK.
Don't be tempted to think this is just another exercise gimmick it's not. The Wave will do exactly what the manufactures claim with one proviso. To get the claimed results you actually have to use it! Like any piece of home workout equipment if you leave it under the bed gathering dust it just won't work. You'll lose no fat, burn no calories and you won't get that strong and toned body you desire.
Discover what thousands of people like you have learned. That by Riding The Wave you can achieve your fat loss goals

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Asthma Albuterol

This is a bronchodilator. Asthma Albuterol is used in the treatment of asthma. Asthma is a condition that affects the respiratory system of a person. When one has an attack, the airways swell making the air passage through them difficult. An attack can be caused by a number of factors. These include a family history of asthma, eczema, allergies and viral infections.

Smokers are very likely to get asthma. So are children born to mothers who used to smoke when pregnant. Environmental pollution and irritants at work places can also cause asthma. This is especially adult onset asthma.

People who suffer from asthma attacks usually experience coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest as some of the symptoms. As the causes differ in people, so are the treatment options.

Asthma Albuterol can be used to treat almost all cases of asthma. It can be found in syrup from, tablets and inhalers. The tablets are usually 2mg and 4mg. The inhaler preparations in canisters of 6.8g and 17g. The 6.8g canister has 80 inhalations and the 17g has 200 inhalations.

Asthma Albuterol should be stored between 59 degrees and 86 degrees Fahrenheit The canister should always be stored away from frames, punctures and heat. It can be found in generic form. A prescription from a doctor is required when purchasing it. The doctor should also prescribe the dosage for you.

Asthma albuterol should be taken with caution by patients with heart disease. Its other side effects include nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate and general body weakness.

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