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Monday, December 8, 2008

The Firm Wave Exercise Machine

Many of my clients have seen the Firm's Wave Personal Gym and have asked me to review it. They know I have a similar piece of kit called the TBow and thought I would be the ideal person to advise them on the Wave. I was curious to see if the Wave was any good for the average at home exerciser.
The Wave like the T-Bow is a curved step which can be used either side up. With the curved side up it is stable (won't move) and can be used as a normal step, for stretching, with an exercise band it can be used for strength training and you can do many body weight only exercises like Press-Ups and Squats.
When you turn the Wave over so that the curved surface is down you end up with an unstable surface. With your feet on either side of the Wave it can be challenging to stay upright on it never mind move. This way up you can rock from side to side for a fantastic fat burning workout, walk on the Wave to help tone thighs and buns, increase core and abdominal strength and you can add a resistance band to super charge your workout.
It is claimed you can burn three times more fat using the Wave compared to other cardio equipment. Three times, well maybe not but you will burn a lot more that's for sure. Working on the Wave is challenging, rocking to music with a fast beat will have you sweating and breathing hard in less than five minutes.
It's possible to do over 100 separate fat burning and toning exercises using the Wave. You can strength train and sculpt those long lean muscles you've always dreamed of. When you consider it comes bundled with 4 DVD's, an exercise mat, The Wave and a healthy eating guide all for less than $100. I was impressed with the wave and it compared well with the TBow. It's not gym quality but for home use should be OK.
Don't be tempted to think this is just another exercise gimmick it's not. The Wave will do exactly what the manufactures claim with one proviso. To get the claimed results you actually have to use it! Like any piece of home workout equipment if you leave it under the bed gathering dust it just won't work. You'll lose no fat, burn no calories and you won't get that strong and toned body you desire.
Discover what thousands of people like you have learned. That by Riding The Wave you can achieve your fat loss goals

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