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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Americans Flock to India For Knee Replacement Surgery

Americans in need of surgery are headed to India for shorter waits and costs about 75 percent less than the amount someone could fork over in America. India offers the best medical facilities and treatment facilities for low cost knee replacement surgery. Recently India has developed the state of the art medical technology and treatment facilities to help the international patients to get their Knee replacement surgery in India done successful done. Knee replacement surgery in India has become most popular among international patients for its nominal cost. The well-versed orthopaedic hospitals in India provide the great care on the abroad patients for those approach and expertise of giving successful knee replacement surgery in India. Knee replacement surgery is otherwise also called as knee arthroplasty. It is an orthopedic surgery performed by specially trained orthopedic surgeons in India. Knee replacement Surgery removes the worn out bone parts in the knee and replaces it with the porcelain or metallic knee joints or knee caps specially made for the surgery.

A procedure of Knee replacement surgery is performed under general anesthesia for the comfort of the patient through out the surgery. Prior to surgery, you may be asked to get lab testing or a medical evaluation, Take certain medications or adjust your current medications, Stop smoking well in advance of surgery, Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding. A Knee Arthroplasty is one of the major orthopedic surgical procedures that will remove the dysfunctional joint and pain is relieved. The sutures are removed in 7th 0r 8th day depending on the patient condition. The patient may recover from the pain in 1-2 weeks; swelling recovers in 2- 3 weeks and slight numbness in 4- 5 months. The patient is asked to go back to his / her work in 4 weeks after surgery. After two months the knee joint has to be evaluated again for the complete recovery.

The international orthopaedic patients are attracted towards India to undergo knee replacement surgery mainly for less economic cost of the surgery. Orthopedic surgeons performing knee replacement surgery in India are well trained and follow the international standard treatment protocols. The Orthopedic surgery hospitals in India at Chennai and Bangalore provide all good services to the international patients under the international standards all at one roof and less expensive. The hospitals in India are inculcated with advanced medical amenities and surgical equipments and are providing the knee replacement surgery at a low cost. The tradition of India familiar for it's treating the guests with hospitality; beneficiaries are always welcome to enjoy the benefits of the knee replacement surgery and its unbelievable costs in India.

Drinking Water Stations Offer Us Convenience and Contaminated Water!

Today's society is full of chemicals and pollutants. They fill the air, the soil and the water that we drink. Contaminated drinking water is one of the number one causes of many illnesses in this country.

People that drink contaminated drinking water from polluted drinking water stations are more at risk for getting sick and contracting various illnesses.

There have been entire city populations that have suffered from serious complications and even fatalities from waterborne diseases that have spread through the water system.

Drinking water stations generally do not remove any more of the harmful chemicals that are in the water, so those that are forced to use this water suffer from long term exposure to a large variety of chemicals that can have deadly affects.

Drinking water stations that offer cold refrigerated water use tanks to hold the water, these stations either outside or inside office buildings, are usually dirty, somewhat rusted from the inside and in dire need of maintenance.

Fortunately, is it possible to remove the risk of contaminated drinking water from your life. By using quality filtration products on your drinking water stations, you can prevent those in your household or business from having to consume contaminated drinking water.

Whether you choose a complex filtration system that will filter water for your entire home or office, or a smaller filtration system that will work for just once specific drinking water station, you will greatly improve the quality of the water that you are drinking and remove these toxic chemicals from your life.

It's surprising how many people do not realize just how contaminated drinking water really is. They believe that since the water is processed at the water processing plant that it must be safe to consume.

However, most water treatment plants do not use quality filtration products and many of them still use old fashioned methods that only filter the water through sand, and then process them with chlorine. This does nothing to remove the high percentage of harmful chemicals and carcinogens that are so often found in drinking water.

Purchasing a quality filtration system to place on your drinking water station will greatly help to improve the quality of water you are drinking and remove the risks that are posed by contaminated drinking water.

When you consider the health benefits of having a good filtration system, even the higher end systems that cost a little more money seem worth it since you know they are going to better protect your health.

With all of the modern advances that technology has made, there is no reason for your family or business associates to have to continue drinking contaminated drinking water. A good water filtration system placed onto the drinking water stations in your home or office will help remove these harmful chemicals and help keep everyone happy and healthy.

Should I Worry About the Master Cleanser Side Effects?

Every since Stanley Burroughs released the master cleanser diet, people have been discussing and speculating about all of the possible master cleanser side effects and what effect they might have on the body and people's general health. Critics have spoken out about the diet and it seems that people are generally unsure about whether there are any side effects at all, and it doesn't seem to be all that easy to track down any good, reliable information on this.

This is why I have decided to compile all of the information I have on this subject together in this articles, so hopefully you guys will be able to read a good review of this and be able to make up your own mind.

Before we look at the master cleanser side effects - how does it work?

This super diet works by putting your body on a diet that includes a specially mixed lemonade based cocktail, that you drink each day which will kick-start your body's own detox engine and allow it to flush out unwanted toxins in just 10 days. Hollywood celebrities such as Beyonce and Robin Quivers swear by it and it has really gained in popularity over the last couple of years. What makes it so good is that not only does it work very well, but it doesn't affect your health, doesn't leave you feeling hungry or starved and works very quickly indeed.

So, what exactly are the side effects?

Given that the diet is centered around a lemonade based drink that you consume a few times each day, people often speculate that this might be bad for your health. Firstly, the carbon-dioxide based 'fizz' of the lemonade is often rumored to have ill effects on your stomach and cause stomach aches etc, but this is unjustified. People do have this all wrong, because the lemonade isn't the cheap fizzy stuff you buy from supermarkets, it is actually fresh lemonade made with real lemons mixed with other natural ingredients, so this isn't an issue.

Other people speculate that the citric acid present in the fresh lemon juice might cause similar master cleanser side effects, but the amount of citric acid present in each glass of the drink is not high enough to cause any problems, and is greatly diluted by the water and other ingredients and won't cause you any problems either.

Another common rumor that is flying about is that of it being a starvation based diet where you only drink the lemonade cocktail and nothing else. Again, this is completely wrong and you should continue to eat healthy food (as you don't want to be putting more toxins back into your body if you can help it!) whilst you consume the lemonade drink to detox your body.

To summarize, the diet is perfectly healthy for you and if you follow it properly then you will have no problems with it at all and you certainly won't have to worry about any master cleanser side effects, plus you will start to feel much healthier and will detox your body in just 10 days, it really is that good. Just ask Robin and Beyonce!

Various Caffeine Effects on the Body

With the growing number of coffee shops and the amount of soft drinks that are sold, there is no doubt that the consumption of caffeine is very high. Caffeine is a drug, but there are not very many people who seem to be worried about the caffeine effects on the body. It is not only present in coffee, tea and soft drinks, but in chocolate and some prescription drugs. There have been many studies done in this regard and for the most part, the results are promising touting the good qualities of caffeine when it is consumed in moderate amounts. Like any drug, excessive use does produce some undesirable effects.

Just look at the lineups at coffee shops in the morning to get an idea of how many people want their morning fix. Chances are they had a cup of coffee before they left the house and will have many more at work before the day is done. Many of them will tell you that they need the jolt of caffeine to get them started in the morning and that they cannot function properly until they have it. This is a sign of a caffeine addiction and while it is not as harmful as another type of drug addiction, the withdrawal from it can be unpleasant. When you crave caffeine and are without it for a period of time, you could have headaches, become very irritable, be unable to focus or concentrate, feelings of nausea and dizziness and excessive fatigue.

Researchers say that drinking mild to moderate amounts of caffeine can be good for you. Caffeine increases the body's metabolic rate, which is good if you are trying to lose weight. The body absorbs the caffeine within 45 minutes after you consume it and the effect wears off in about three hours. It is known to mildly stimulate the nervous and cardiovascular systems, decreases feelings of tiredness, improves concentration and allows you to work longer. However, when you consume large amounts of caffeine it has been known to create nervousness, upset stomach, feelings of anxiety and insomnia.

It is hard to determine the exact effect that caffeine has on your body because everyone is different. The factors involved include the size of the body, the gender and the age, whether or not you smoke and whether or not you are pregnant. Caffeine is used in prescription medication, such as painkillers, so that it will increase the ability of the medication to work. However, it also interacts with some medications causing adverse side effects.

Would you be able to recognize the symptoms of a caffeine overdose? If you drink a lot of coffee, it is important that you do. These symptoms include stomach pain, feelings of being agitated for no reason, a feeling of restlessness, confusion, dizziness, increased heart rate frequent urination, muscle twitching and sometimes ringing in the ears. When you do experience some of these symptoms, you should try cutting back on the caffeine and after a short while you will start to feel better.

Learn About the Effects of Caffeine on Your Body

When you drink tea, coffee or soda pop, these drinks contain caffeine, which is absorbed by the stomach in as little as 45 minutes after you drink it. Then it travels to all parts of the body, so it is not just your stomach that feels the effects of caffeine. Caffeine affects people in different ways. Some people say that they cannot have any drinks containing caffeine in the evening because they will find it hard to get to sleep. Others say that having a cup of coffee or tea just before bedtime helps them to fall asleep easily.

The amount of caffeine needed to have an effect on the body varies from one person to another. It depends on the person's body size and the degree of tolerance a person has for caffeine. Even though it doesn't take long for caffeine, a mild dose will wear off in about three hours. Caffeine is seen as an ergogenic because it increases the amount of energy one has for work, whether it is mental or physical. In studies done on long distance runners, the results showed that those who consumed caffeine drinks were able to sustain the run much longer than those who drank only water or juices.

Caffeine acts as a mild stimulant on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It decreases fatigue and increases attentiveness, allowing a person to focus on a job better even when feeling tired. Some of the other effects that caffeine has on the body include an increase in heart rate, a rise in the body's metabolic rate increased blood flow and increased respiratory rate.

When you consume drinks containing caffeine for a long period of time, your body will develop a tolerance for it. This means that in order to achieve the same effect, you will have to consume larger doses of caffeine. Many people become addicted to it and cannot go for any length of time without a cup of coffee or a soft drink. When you go without caffeine for a long period of time, the result could be headache, fatigue, irritability, depression and a lack of concentration.

The amount of caffeine in coffee depends on the type of bean used in the brew. Because of the growing addiction to caffeine, there are many flavors of decaffeinated coffee on the market and soft drinks that do not contain ant caffeine. Numerous prescription drugs also contain caffeine, especially painkillers, because it increases the ability of prescribed drug to perform in the way that it should.

In studies done on caffeine consumption, results have shown that consuming moderate amounts does not have any adverse affect on the cardiovascular system. It appears to increase the excretion of calcium, which the bones need to be strong and healthy. This is very important in the prevention of osteoporosis in older people. Research has also shown there is no link between consuming caffeine and cancer, but consuming excessive amounts of caffeine has been related to miscarriages and some birth defects.