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Monday, October 5, 2009

5 Benefits of Electronic Health Records Online

Electronic Medical Records is a growing trend with lot of buzz around it, especially with Obama's health care reform plan. Patients can get access to their electronic health records online now with affordable, secure and confidential services.

Here is 5 benefits of electronic medical records online:

1) Access your records from anywhere: online health records services will give you access to your health records from anywhere in the world, at anytime, which can be very useful especially for travelers.

2) Share your health records with your doctors easily: give your doctors an emergency access to your medical records online when it is needed. You decide what to share with them and when.

3) Manage your medical information better: keep an up to date copy of your medical records in one place, within an easy access when you need it.

4) Get a medical card with vital information: the medical card contains vital information that can be lifesaving in case of emergencies. The front line medical card can make the ER or paramedics response faster. For example, it will include the blood type, which will save the time for a blood type test.

5) Create a printed summary in multiple languages for traveling: especially if you are traveling outside your country, and to places with limited connectivity.

Usually, you can enter your information by scanning your health records documents and test results or by entering them in the online forms.

Electronic records will make your health management better, easier and faster. MRI is one the companies offering access to electronic medical records online.

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How to Naturally Increase Your Height Fast! Now You Don't Have to Worry About Your Height Anymore

Are you afraid of taking pills and going under the surgeon's knife to increase your height? Many natural ways are there by which you can increase your height without risking your health during that process. By simply following the below mentioned tips, you can increase your height naturally.

1- EXERCISES: Running and swimming are two very good exercises for increasing height. Running is good for burning fats and increasing body's metabolism. Swimming is an exceptional exercise that can help stretch entire body without feeling ill-effects of the gravity. It is a common observation that almost all swimmers have good height. However, stretching, cycling, and athletics are also good exercises in this regard.

2- NATURAL FOOD: Always try to have some natural foods. Natural foods are enriched with proteins, carbohydrates and fiber, which are surely helpful to get considerable growth in height. Fruits, vegetables, and dairy products especially milk can help the body to grow taller naturally.
Eating smaller meals with regular intervals too is a source of increasing your digestion and ensuring reach of maximum amount of nutrients to your muscles and bones. Avoiding sugary and fatty food also helps to achieve the desired results.

3- POSTURE: Your sitting, standing and walking postures play a vital role in the growth of height. Try to reduce stress on your spinal column as much as you possibly can. Keep your knees a little higher than your hips, having feet staying flat on the floor. Try to avoid sitting on soft sofas or chairs and if you sit on one, support your lower spine with a small pillow.

Even if you have the right sitting posture, it's also very essential to stand up every hour and stretch for few minutes. Any kind of stretch enables the body to grow taller.

4- SLEEP: Sleeping is also an important feature for increasing your height. Good sleeping is considered to be of 8 hours each night. Make sure that your sleep stays undisturbed as much as possible. Always sleep on a firm mattress and on your back, if possible to keep proper and healthy alignment of your spinal column.

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The Real Secrets to Growing Taller Real Fast! Read This Before It's Too Late For You

Height is considered to be one of the most important traits of anyone's personality. Most people are very conscious about the way they look. Even a single negative point in personality can ruin the overall impression. Height being one of the most prominent features of the personality shall never be compromised.

There are a lot of secrets to increase height. A short-heightener should be very patient when he starts-up with the height gaining process because gaining height is not possible over-night. 2-3-inches increase is now very much a reality but it can take some time. Following are the four secrets that have successfully helped and gained confidence of a number of short-heightened people.

Exercise - A lot of different height enhancing exercises have proved to be very successful in giving positive results for short-heighteners. Stretching exercises are very beneficial for the increase of spine and thus contributes in overall increase of the height. Cycling with high-held seat, forces the expansion of thigh and knee joints.

Medicine - Medical science has done wonders to help short-heighteners through different medicines, supplements and surgery. Surgery should only be considered in the worst case scenario as it is a painful and expensive process. Besides, it has some side effects too. So it is best to recourse only to medicines and food supplements if the medical approach is adapted.

Diet - No one can deny the importance of healthy & nutritional diet in height gaining process. Eating raw vegetables and fruits in good quantity is suitable for short-heighteners. Moreover, drinking fresh juices and milk is also beneficial. Height gaining exercises backed with healthy & nutritional diet has proved to be very successful for short-heightened people and have shown quick & positive results.

Developing Proper Habits - Our habits of doing everything in daily routine can affect the natural process of our growth. We should be very careful with our sleeping and eating habits. Sufficient time should be spared for our sleep. We should also be consistent with its timing. Furthermore, we should avoid skipping meals and should change our menu frequently.

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