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Friday, January 30, 2009

What is Thrombosed Hemorrhoids?

A lot of people know that hemorrhoids are not good. These are things that you do not want to have, because they can make life very painful. However, there are a lot more than just one kind of hemorrhoids out there. Of course, a lot of people do not know this. Today we are going to talk about one of the least talked about forms of hemorrhoids, and that is the thrombosed hemorrhoids. These are very bad and very painful hemorrhoids that you are not going to want to get. However, if you have them or think that you have them, then it is a good idea to have them looked at right away, or at least go out and get some treatment for it. Right now we are going to cover what thrombosed hemorrhoids really are, and we are also going to talk about different ways that you can treat them.

First of all, you need to know that thrombosed hemorrhoids are a very painful type of hemorrhoid that has actually clotted on the inside of the anus. In fact, that is where the name thrombosed comes from. Thrombus actually means on the inside. Most of the time, these hemorrhoids form on the veins in your rectum, usually just under the skin. However, there are external thrombosed hemorrhoids that can actually be seen and felt. When you feel it, you will notice that they can be soft and hard. The most common way to identify one is to use something to view it. Most of the time these extremal thrombosed hemorrhoids are actually going to be blue, and then you can be pretty sure that they are thrombosed hemorrhoids. If you can still not tell, then it is a good idea to contact your doctor.

The bad news about the thrombosed hemorrhoids, as we have already said, is that they are very painful (more so than other hemorrhoids). The good news is that they normally do not require any kind of surgery. The best thing that you can do is try not to irritate or inflame the hemorrhoid by messing with it. A lot of times, these kinds of hemorrhoids can be treated just by taking warm baths. However, there are creams that you can buy at stores that, of course, can help with the problem. Most doctors also agree that the best thing that you can do to treat just about any case of hemorrhoids is to add more fiber to your diet. If these things do not work, then you will have to have surgery to remove the hemorrhoids. Most of the time, they will either be removed or drained by way of surgery.

These are hemorrhoids that you do not have to worry about too much. However, it is aways a good idea to keep a look out for that kind of thing. See if you can keep an eye on anything unusual happening in that area. Of course, most of the time when you have hemorrhoids, you will be able to tell right away, because they are so painful.

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The Achilles Tendon - Common Injuries

The Achilles tendon is a unique tendon; it is able to sustain loads up to 17 times bodyweight, with minimal oxygen supply compared to a muscle and a long remodeling rate of greater than 100 days.
It is composed of 70-80% of two types of collagen. Mainly collagen type I, this has high tensile strength but is poor at sustaining shear forces, and collagen type III which lacks tensile strength. Despite its well-structured design, and its design for strength and acceleration and speed, the Achilles tendon is common to injury.

There are two main types of injury to the Achilles tendon: extrinsic or intrinsic damage. An example of extrinsic damage would be an Achilles tendon partial or full rupture. An Achilles tendon rupture occurs typically after the age of 30. A tendon rupture may occur because of a weak soleus muscle or more

commonly in athletes who play socially once a week. Some patients report pain several days/weeks beforehand. The mechanism of injury usually involves eccentric loading (fast ballistic action and sudden slowing). This is when the soleus and gastroc muscle (the main calf muscle) is on maximal stretch.2

An example of intrinsic damage would be an Achilles tendinopathy. An Achilles tendinopathy represents a wide range of overuse injuries - the most common are tendonosis and tendonitis. An Achilles tendonitis is inflammation around the tendon and an Achilles tendonosis is degeneration of the tendon. These types of injuries often result from training errors in adults who are in their 30s and 40s. Most commonly it is affected by activities that involve repeated impact loading of the lower limbs, especially in running and jumping activities. The healing process for an Achilles tendon is usually spread over three phases: inflammation, proliferation, remodelling. The initial inflammatory phase is about one week and begins immediately at the time of injury with immediate bleeding. Next is the proliferation phase, which can last up to one month. Initially, collagen type III is created, which is when the Achilles tendon is most prone to injury due to its weak tensile strength. At around the 12th to 14th day, the body starts to make type I collagen and starts to get stronger. At week three the remodelling phase begins. This phaseis the longest and the time taken to achieve near-normal levels tendon strength ranges from four to 12 months. The injury site will develop more collagen type I fibres, which will restore strength. A portion of the Achilles tendon will contain type III collagen fibres, therefore will always lack some tensile strength, and the final tensile strength can be decreased by as much as 30%.

The management of the Achilles tendon can be frustrating because the response of the tissue to treatment is slow. The healing process can be improved by physiotherapy, electrotherapy modalities and rehabilitation exercise. Knowledge of the healing response is important within rehabilitation as the first few days following injury, initially the injured tissue contains weak type III collagen and therefore has a significant decrease in tendon tensile strength (see above). Therefore eccentric exercise during this phase should be minimal as excessive stress of eccentric exercise may disrupt the healing process rather than encourage it.4 Eccentric training should be started at 2-3 weeks during the proliferation stage. Training should be continued throughout the remodelling phase, but healing of an Achilles tendon can take as much as 10-12 months to reach near enough normal function. However, regardless of the hard work put in during the remodelling phase, the injured tissue of the Achilles tendon will never match those of an intact tendon.

A method of preventing an Achilles tendon injury would be to introduce a heel raise; this would reduce the rate and range of eccentric load on the Achilles tendon. Additionally, a medial wedge to control the amount of pronation would reduce the shearing forces within the tendon, which is important as collagen type I fibres are not able to sustain shearing forces and hence lead to injury.6 Finally, changing the training programme may prevent injury, as excessive training may be putting too much strain on to the Achilles tendon.

A basic eccentric exercise programme would be:

• Bilateral heel raises with a straight knee
• Single-leg heel raises with a straight knee
• Single-leg heel raises with a bent knee
• Vary speed or add a load to progress exercise

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Healthy Well-Being - How You Can Become More Healthy and Mindful About Your Diet

Being healthy and taking care of your body is something that should seem obvious to most, yet there are so many unhealthy people in today's society that. You have to stop and wonder, what are people thinking?

Unhealthiness can be attributed to many things such as: improper diet, not exercising, stress, lack of time, the list goes on and on. What some believe is that there is a quick and easy solution to this problem. The fact of the matter is that like anything else, being healthy requires an amount of willingness to set aside time, and a commitment from an individual, so that they can reach their desired goals.

It is a common conception that people are products of their own environment; that is they are unhealthy or unfit because of their jobs, families, or any other one of the many pitfalls that fall upon us through living our lives day-to-day. Everyone has a choice of how they wish to live their lives, and what type of person they want to be. Making a commitment towards being healthier means that there needs to be sacrifice in order to reach one's goals. Nothing happens overnight contrary to what some infomercials or advertisements may say. Being healthy and fit, requires not only that you are willing and able to set aside the time and effort, but that you live your lives around being healthy.

There are many things you can do, just in your regular routine of things, throughout the day that your body can benefit from. For example, instead of driving around the parking lot looking for a parking space close to the entrance of the store that you're going to be shopping at, park at one of the many open spaces at the far end of the parking lot. This extra walk not only will save you time and gas, but will also help you to burn some extra calories. While you're at it, make the walk of brisk one for an even greater benefit. The idea here is that instead of just trying to be healthy, you will live to be healthy, and even if you say you don't have any time for that workout or that diet that requires too much sacrifice, you can still make a conscious choice throughout your day-to-day activities.

When it comes to fast food and eating out, the quick answer is don't do it. In reality this simply isn't a valid option with how busy a lot of people's lives are, but again you do have a choice to eat healthy. When you go into a fast food restaurant order the deli sandwiches or a veggie burger. Most if not all fast food restaurants have menus with the amount of calories that each item has in it, so there's really no excuse for eating unhealthy due to lack of information.

Being healthy and staying in shape is a lifestyle, it's not a fad or trend or something that can be attained instantly. The people who are most healthy, and the most fit, usually work at on a daily basis. Now, this type of commitment is out of the reach of the typical person, however the idea is not. There's no reason why anyone can't be healthy and in good shape without changing their lives. All that's needed in order to be healthy and feel good about you is little bit of knowledge and understanding about the time and effort that's going to be required, and then putting that information and desire into use. You will be well on your way to shaping the new you, and you will feel much better about yourself.

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