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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Intestinal Parasites - Symptoms and Advice

What are intestinal parasites? They can be defined as parasites that tend to populate the gastro-intestinal tract. They spread in humans often due to poor hygiene due to feces buildup along with contact with animals, and poorly cooked foods containing parasites. The topic of intestinal parasites is something that most people aren't aware of, but certainly should be.

These parasites can cause problems such as constipation, stomach bloating and other health issues. Some of the symptoms of intestinal parasites can include anemia, asthma, diarrhea, digestive disorders or a low immune system. There are over 100 types of these parasites that can exist in our bodies.

People that have the intestinal parasites often are under-nourished, and are infected with viral, fungal or also bacteria. They are at risk for other health problems because the parasites affect the body's immune system, which has the job of fighting disease.

When we cannot properly eliminate waste products, the perfect habitat is present for parasites. Since toxins and matter tends to build up on the colon walls, this is where the parasites will live. A way to combat this issue would be a colon cleansing program. The fecal matter buildup comes from constipation and poor dieting, including processed foods that are high in fat and sugar.

The two types of intestinal parasites are protozoa and helminths. If you think you might have one of these parasites, go to the doctor to get tested. There, fecal testing can identify if the parasite is present. There are drug therapies available for treatment of intestinal parasites.

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Drugs Found in Drinking Water - A Disturbing Truth

The idea of finding drugs in drinking water sounds like fodder for a Hollywood movie. The startling truth is that this is the reality we live in. Traces of everything from ibuprofen and acetaminophen to prescription sex hormones antibiotics and even mood stabilizers have been found in municipal water supplies. There are few to no requirements that even mandate that tap water be tested for these drugs.

While the amounts of drugs in drinking water are far smaller than the average medical dose, we drink great quantities of water every day and ingest these drugs with every glass. The antibiotics in tap water are found to be one of the three leading contributors to the outbreak of MRSA or medication resistant staph infections. These infections are making a large number of Americans sick every day, and in many cases can even be fatal.

The sources of these drugs are many. A great portion of them come from human waste. When we swallow a pill, while we absorb some of it, a great deal of it is passed through the body unchanged and removed in our waste. Other sources of the drug are flushed pills and runoff from pharmaceutical plants.

Ingesting small amounts of a medication over time can lead to a resistance to the drug. This especially true of antibiotics, but applies to other drugs as well. A decreased response to antibiotics means more severe and longer lasting infections as well as infections that do not respond to antibiotics at all. This is very dangerous and could eventually lead to a whole host of illnesses that we have no ability to fight. This may sound like it comes straight from a science fiction movie, but it is entirely factual. I urge you to do the research for yourself.

You may wonder what you can do about this. Personally, I ensure the safety of my family with a whole house multi-stage water filtration system. This system removes the drugs found in drinking water as well as other chemicals and bacteria not removed by chlorine. It also removes the chlorine left behind after city treatment. These systems also allow your water to retain valuable trace minerals such as potassium and magnesium that are needed by the body to ensure proper health.

My multi-stage system filters the water that flows into every faucet in my home. It keeps rust particles from yellowing my laundry and removes all of the hundreds of chemicals from my water that I take in when drinking or showering. I pay a little more for this benefit, but it only comes to about ten cents a gallon, which is a very worthwhile price to remove the drugs in drinking water.

I never would have believed only a few short years ago that I would need to filter my own household water. In fact, I assumed that the water bills I paid ensured my water was safe from all chemicals and drugs. I was wrong. With so many drugs found in drinking water, it is high time we all take steps to ensure the health of our families and loved ones. I urge you to look into a filtration system. It may be the best decision you ever make.

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Declassified Soviet Research on Body Oxygenation

In the 1960s, before the first Soviet manned spaceship missions it was crucial for Soviets to find the optimum air parameters and investigate the relationships between air composition, breathing, body oxygenation and health. This confidential project was organized and funded by the Soviet Ministry of Aviation and Space Research in Novosibirsk. A young aspiring PhD Konstantin Buteyko, MD, an Honour Graduate of the 1-st Moscow Medical Institute was selected as a manager of the respiratory laboratory to lead this project in Novosibirsk (Academgorodok). He was provided with the most advanced equipment, best available personnel and all other resources.

Doctor Buteyko studied breathing 24/7 measuring about 30 fundamental physiological parameters of the body in real time (see the picture) and came with many startling conclusions related to breathing and body oxygenation. He found that virtually all sick people (asthma, bronchitis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.) have heavy (deep and frequent) respiratory pattern breathing 2-4 times more air 24/7. However, this heavy and deep breathing pattern reduces oxygenation of the body and produces many other negative physiological effects. He concluded,

"Therefore, during deep breathing carbon dioxide becomes smaller, oxygen smaller, breath holding time smaller, breathing frequency higher, and automatic pause is absent" (Dr. Buteyko KP, Public lecture in the Moscow State University on 9 December 1969 [in Russian], published in the Soviet national journal "Nauka i zhizn'" (Science and life), Moscow, issue 10, October 1977. )

He also investigated influence of numerous lifestyle and environmental factors on breathing and oxygenation. Many of his observations are confirmed by hundreds of separate western studies, but Buteyko was able to put them together, as a science which describes the role of breathing in control and modulation of the cardiovascular, immune, nervous, and digestive systems of the body.

Buteyko also discovered that it is easy to measure body oxygenation using a simple test. He stated, "Oxygen content in the organism can be found using a simple method: after exhalation, observe, how long the person can pause their breath without stress." (Buteyko, ibid.) How to do the oxygenation test?

After your usual exhalation, stop breathing, pinch your nose and count your stress-free BHT (breath holding time) in seconds. Keep nose pinched until you experience the first stress or desire to breathe. Practice shows that this first discomfort appears together with an involuntary push of the diaphragm or swallowing movement in the throat. (Your body warns you, "Enough!") If you release the nose and start breathing at this moment of time, you can resume your usual breathing pattern (in the same way as you were breathing prior to the test). Do not extend breath holding too long. This is the most typical mistake. The oxygenation test does not interfere with your usual breathing. The test should be easy and not cause you any stress.

Soviet doctors found that the following relationships generally hold true:

1-10 s of oxygen - critically and terminally ill patients, severely sick, usually hospitalized.
10-20 s - most patients with mild forms of diseases, numerous complaints and, often, on daily medication.
20-40 s - people with poor health, but often without serious organic problems.
40-60 s - good health.
Over 60 s - perfect health, when many modern diseases are virtually impossible.

Buteyko developed the breathing self-oxygenation therapy (the Buteyko method) to boost or restore oxygenation of the body. The oxygenation test became the main measuring tool for about 200 medical professionals who taught the Buteyko oxygenation therapy to hundreds thousands of Russian patients with asthma, heart disease, bronchitis, and other conditions. Their typical success rate was about 90% for asthma and heart disease. Most of the patients did not have symptoms and did not require any medication after 1-2 months of the self-oxygenation therapy. The Buteyko method was officially approved by the Health Ministry of Russia.

These oxygenation doctors also applied the breathing therapy on themselves. Maximum breath holding time of Doctor Buteyko and some of his colleagues (after full inhalation) was up to 10-12 minutes! They found that people with such superior body oxygenation (about 3 minutes for the oxygenation test) sleep only for 2 hours naturally. Normally, this therapy was used by Soviet astronauts.

There are two parts in his breathing system: breathing exercises and common sense activities, which, as they found, influence body oxygenation. The final goal of the Buteyko breathing method is to have light, relaxed, and slow breathing pattern with over 60 s of oxygen in the body.

Lifestyle factors can produce strong effect on breathing and tissue oxygenation. For example, Buteyko revealed that breathing through the mouth or sleeping on the back at night can reduce the oxygenation index (stress-free breath holding time) almost 2 times! In relation to other activities, Doctor Buteyko even suggested simple rules for better oxygenation: "Eat only when hungry and stop in time", "Go to sleep when really sleepy and get out of the bed in the morning", "Exercise with nasal breathing only", etc. As Russian self-oxygenation doctors found, many other factors are useful for better oxygenation, for example, raw diets, good posture, normal thermoregulation, relaxation and meditation therapies, forgiveness, sleeping on hard beds, moderation, hatha yoga postures, cold shower, etc.

All these ideas are crucial in order to deal with those chronic conditions which exist only in conditions of tissue hypoxia. These include asthma, heart disease, chronic fatigue, bronchitis, cancer, acne, sexual importance, diabetes, and many other disorders.


Can Big Kids Play Too?

When was the last time you played? I mean really got silly and played. Ran down the street, arms in the air and giggled? Tossed a Frisbee and didn't CARE if you landed it right. Engaged in a rousing game of Pooh Sticks?

The other day my husband, Roy, and I were having a conversation about growing old. We were talking about the people in our lives who are older and how "old" they seem. Some of the people who are 20 years older than me are "youngsters" compared to their age-peers. Others who are just a few years older than I am, some even younger, seem MUCH older.

How does this happen? What ages us? I don't mean time. I know that. I know that as time marches on I get chronologically older. But getting older and aging are two different things.

I believe that we age faster when we forget to play. Play keeps us young. It doesn't have to be organized play. It just has to be something that lifts our spirits and gets us OUT there doing something new, taking a risk!

I know I have to grow older, but I don't want to age. I want to keep living. Paul Newman is 82 years old and still races race-cars! Now that, my friends, is playing! When I skydived I researched the guy I strapped myself to (Vlad) and found that he'd taken a 96 year old man on his first skydive! Now that, my friends, is playing!

But you don't have to race cars or jump out of a plane to play. Get yourself a Wii. Now don't you tell me, "But I don't have kids!" You get out there NOW and get a Wii (they just got a bunch in at Target). Oh you'll play! Challenge your honey or your friend to a game of Wii Tennis and then laugh as you prance all over the livingroom pretending to hit a fake ball! If a video console is out of your budget, go down to the local park and find a stream and play Pooh Sticks. (This was, incidentally, a favorite pastime of Roy's and mine when we were in college.

On a really stressful day we'd take time out to go to the park and play Pooh Sticks. He usually won. He has some sort of magic Stickitude or something.) Go out on your next run and "tree five" the trees as you run by, or just throw your arms up in the air and grin a big grin and run like a kid. If you run across a hopscotch drawn on the ground, you MUST hop AND scotch! Oh sure, the neighbors will think you've lost it...but hey, who cares? Making the neighbor purse her lips and deepen her frown lines is part of the PLAY!

Go bowling, but don't go to win! Go to a batting cage and guffaw as the balls sail past your head. Play miniature golf! Take a walk and skip a little down the sidewalk. Race the neighbor dog along the fence-line. Get down on your hands and knees and wrestle with your kids or your dog!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Excessive Facial Sweating Solutions

I know from experience how embarrassing facial sweating can be. Why is it so embarrassing? Well, ask yourself what the first thing you notice about another person is? That's right, the facial area. That's why it is so embarrassing. If you start sweating excessively from the facial area, everyone around you will notice it!

Sufferers of excessive facial sweating are forced to search the Internet for solutions, simply because most sufferers are too embarrassed to see a doctor. Let me tell you right now, you need to see a doctor immediately. If you're desperate to cure your facial sweating problem, you'd pluck up the courage and visit a doctor.

Your doctor is a professional, and will advise you what treatments will suit you best. They'll also tell you the side effects of these treatments, and how they can affect your body. It'll also give you a chance to discuss the problem. Sometimes talking about the problem to someone else will give you a lot of hope. Remember doctor's deal with these problems on a daily basis, and they're there to help you.

After speaking to your doctor, you'll probably be looking for some sort of antiperspirant. Antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride work best. But since you're going to be applying them to the facial area. You have to be careful. This should go without saying, but avoid eye contact at all costs!

Like we said you have to be careful applying antiperspirants around the facial area. So you definitely don't want to be using a spray. A roll-on or cream solution will be your best bet. There is a roll-on solution called Driclor (name may differ depending on which country you live in). It's fairly cheap, and is very effective.

It contains a high level of aluminum chloride that blocks up the sweat glands. You apply the solution at night time, leave on throughout the night and then wash off in the morning with warm water. During the time you leave the solution on, do not touch the areas where you applied it. It's irritating and uncomfortable, scratching at it can make it a whole lot worse.


The Causes of Kidney Stones and What This Means to Your Body

While it is really not specifically known by the medical profession what causes kidney stones. It is thought that certain foods might promote them and certain people are more susceptible than others. Scientifically speaking though, the belief is that people who are susceptible to kidney stones will not get them through eating certain foods.

This appears to be somewhat of a paradox, and the medical inclination leans more towards heredity as the cause of kidney stones. The person who has a family history may be more likely to develop these. Kidney disorders, metabolic disorders and urinary tract infections are linked to the formation of kidney stones. By Metabolic disorders we refer to illnesses such as hyperthyroidism.

There is also another factors involved in the causes of kidney stones. In more than 70% of the people suffering from them, a rare hereditary disease known as "renal tubular acidosis" is responsible.

There are various other metabolic disorders that have found to be the causes of kidney stones, and without getting too technical, we shall just mention that these disorders are also very rare.

In many of these instances the cause is attributed to high levels of calcium in the urine. Calcium is absorbed from food and then excreted in the urine. High levels of calcium in the urine may cause calcium phosphate or calcium oxalate crystals to form in the urinary tract or kidneys and these crystals then become kidney stones.

Other causes of kidney stones might include excessive intake of Vitamin D. And believe it or not, diuretics (water pills),and antacids that are calcium based, are able to increase the risk of kidney stones developing.

Less common, but just as painful is the prevalence of kidney stones being caused by urinary tract infection. This is known as an infection or struvite stone. There are also uric acid stones and even less common cystine stones.

The more susceptible people who have been found to develop kidney stones, suffer from chronic bowel inflammation, or have undergone ostomy surgery or intestinal bypass operations. Medications used to treat HIV infection such as indinavir also increase the risk of suffering from this painful condition.

Fortunately the conditions we have discussed above are of the more rare variety and the more common causes of kidney stones is attributed to poor diet and too little consumption of fluids. When the diet is lacking in sufficient water intake, the urine becomes highly concentrated with minerals. These minerals begin to form crystals, and eventually a kidney stone grown from the concentrated mineral crystals. The larger the stone, the more painful it is!

This condition has been documented by many ancient civilizations, and it has been found that even the ancient Egyptians suffered from them. This is not surprising as a humid hot climate leads to more susceptibility of developing kidney stones due to lack of adequate hydration.

People who live in countries that have bad water sanitation will also be more likely to suffer from kidney stones, as there is not sufficient water for adequate consumption.


Are You Suffering From Burnout?

Burnout is a loose term for fatigue or exhaustion syndrome. It is a situation where an individual is constantly tired and will exhibit signs of extreme exhaustion. Some of these symptoms will include some memory loss, short attention span, some physical pain in the form of headaches or back pain, irritability, lack of energy and poor performance in work and/or school. There are many people who live with this but are unaware that there is something wrong. They might simply feel that life has been busy and stressful, which has left them tire, but it is a problem that can persist and develop into a depression if not treated.

When recognized and dealt with sooner, people could help themselves get out of their state of "burnout" so that they could improve their lives, become more energized and improve their performance at work and/or school. Being in this state can be draining on a person's mental health and it could easily get in the way of living their life. There are a number of steps a person can take if they feel they might be suffering from fatigue syndrome. The first step is to find out what might be the cause of the stress, which is causing the fatigue, and then try to find ways to avoid the stress. Next, a person should take the time to reflect on their life and sort out what goals and aspects of their life are most important to focus on. After this, making changes that could make one's life better, such as setting more regular sleeping and eating times in order to regulate the mind and body. Improving on one's social life, spending more time on hobbies and interests as well as taking the time to relax and exercise can also work to help draw in more energy and lose the fatigue.

In cases where "burnout" has affected a person for a longer period of time and they can't seem to pull themselves out of it no matter what they do, seeking help from a counselor would probably be a good idea. The online counselor will work with the person to help organize and improve their life so that they can work their way out of their "burnout". There are also online therapists available for online counseling for anyone who would prefer to have their sessions online from the comfort of their home. The online counselor will work with the patient to find out what might be causing their state and then help the patient to find a way to get out of their fatigue. When suffering from fatigue syndrome, it can be difficult for a person to help themselves get out of it. Most people who have suffered from burnout and consulted a counselor were quicker to get over the syndrome and were less likely to relapse into it in the near future. Online therapy is available to anyone who has questions or concerns regarding fatigue syndrome. More and more people are turning to online counseling for help because it is convenient and successful.


Excessive Sweating - Cure Your Problem Today

Excessive sweating sufferers, you are not alone! Millions of people from all over the world share the same problem as you, I think it's actually 3% of the worlds population suffer from sweating problem to a certain degree.

You may feel alone, but you're really not. The reason you feel alone is because not many people admit to having such an embarrassing problem. Not in real life anyway. But you will find millions of people on forums catered to excessive sweating sufferers.

In this modern day of age, we want everything. And we want it as fast and as easy as possible! This rings true for sweating cures. We don't want to spend months on end, using a certain treatment, only to find out that it's really not that effective. No, we want results, and we want results now!

Well I have some good news for you. Being a sufferer of hyperhydrosis (medical term for excessive sweating) you have probably heard of antiperspirants, and I'm taking a guess that you've already tried some antiperspirants. But you had no luck with them. Why do you think that is? I can tell you, you were using the wrong ones!

I used to suffer from sweat problems a few years back. I tried thousands of antiperspirants, but had no luck with most of them. Some of them made my condition worse! It was only when I started to look for strong ingredients that block sweat glands did I find a cure, that I consider my life saver.

That cure is called Driclor. It contains a high level of aluminium chloride. The strong ingredient that blocks up the sweat glands. It's available in most countries and is fairly cheap. You apply the roll-on solution at night time, leave on throughout the night, and simply wash off in the morning.

I'm telling you right now, you need this. Imagine waking up tomorrow morning not worrying on how much you're going to sweat. However, it does cause irritation, and it can make going to sleep a nightmare! So it's not for everyone.

Stop sweating, start living. If antiperspirants aren't for you. You need to get yourself some self help books, you can purchase them on the Internet. Some contain home remedies that are really effective and can cure your problem in just two weeks. So it may be worth checking that out.

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How to Stop Excessive Sweating by Using Antiperspirants

All excessive sweating sufferers want to know how to stop their problem as quick as possible. Because we as humans want everything done fast and as easy as possible. The companies that marketing excessive sweating solutions play on this fact. They create products that can apparently cure sweat problems within a week or so, they hype them up and we buy into them. Even though we think it's not possible, we still buy them! Let me tell you that it takes time to cure a sweating problem.

There are a lot of things you can do to reduce the amount you sweat. If you can reduce it little by little eventually you'll be able to stop it. Good short term solutions include; wearing loose fitted t-shirts to allow airflow around the body to keep you cooler. You can also choose to wear dark clothing to mask any sweat patches that may appear. Whilst this is a decent short term solution, you can't go on like this for the rest of your life. It'll cause serious anxiety issues, whilst you constantly worry about sweat patches.

The best solution for any excessive sweating sufferer that wants to stop their problem is by using antiperspirants. At the start of the article I said companies create hyped up products, this is true in the antiperspirant market too, so you have to be careful when it comes to purchasing antiperspirants. But I can tell you the best antiperspirant available to you is called Driclor. It's available in most countries, and doesn't really cost a lot. It costs $15 USD for a 60ml roll-on solution, which should last you a month. You apply the solution before you go to bed, when the body is dry. Leave it on throughout the night and then wash off in the morning.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Causes Sweating?

Although sweating can sometimes seem like a problem, it's really a necessity to living. Sweating is our body's way of cooling down. People have on average 2.6 million sweat glands in the skin and as you know, they can create a whole mess of sweat.

You may sweat for a variety of reasons...

* You're nervous for a job interview or a date
* You're working out in the gym, lifting weights or doing cardio exercises
* You eat spicy food
* The sun is beating on your face on a mid summer day
* the list goes on get the idea.

But sometimes what causes sweating is a condition called Hyperhidrosis.

Hyperhidrosis is a condition that affects about 3% of the world population. It is what causes sweating in many people no matter the temperature or activity they are doing. I myself suffered for years with Hyperhidrosis and would sweat profusely at all times.

It's all well and good to know what causes sweating, but I'm sure you're way more interest in what will get you to stop sweating - right?

Try some of these natural treatments first...

* Drysol - This prescription deodorant will block sweat pores better than anything you can buy over the counter. Just watch out for any irritation while you're using it. This stuff is strong.
* There's something called a Sage Tea solution what you do is...
a. Buy Sage Tea from your supermarket
b. Fill a large bowl with room temperature water
c. Put the sage tea bags in the bowl and let the tea dissolve a bit.
d. soak your hands for 15 minutes in the bowl.
* Avoid Spicy Foods, Alcohol and Caffeine - your diet will play a huge part in controlling your sweating. Watch what you eat and monitor your results. The foods that trigger hyperhidrosis are a big indicator as to what causes sweating.


Drugs in Tap Water? Discover the Truth

Everyone has to worry about drugs in tap water, because the biggest problem is this. Most facilities do not test for them. That's one of the pieces of information that was passed on to us by the Associated Press. But, there was more.

Several years ago, USA Today published a story about facilities that "cheat a little" to pass Environmental Protection Agency standards. Thanks to the "Freedom of Information Act", we know a lot more than we used to about how local, state and federal authorities work. Of course, we have a lot more to worry about.

The recent AP stories about drugs in tap water also supported the USA Today findings. Providers lie and cheat. When asked if they tested for drugs, one facility said "no". But the reporters found out that testing WAS done.

Facilities don't have to cheat when it comes to drugs in tap water. The EPA does not have standards for their presence. They're not required to test and if they do, they don't have to report results.

If they do test, they don't inform the public, because they think we won't know how to interpret the information. You know, all anyone would have to say is get a purification system for your home. If you get a high quality product, you won't have to worry about what's in your glass.

The facilities do an adequate job at removing bacteria and when there is a problem, they typically inform the public. Of course, sometimes people get sick before they realize there's a problem.

I really don't understand why anyone would drink from a faucet without a filter. Effective purifiers are not expensive. Basically, anyone can afford one.

You probably have a TV, a stereo, a DVD player and lots of other things in your house that cost a lot more. Maybe you think buying bottled is a better idea. But, if there are drugs in tap water, then it's in those bottles, too.

30-40% of the bottling companies use municipally treated water. That's tap water.

Besides, it's not just about what you drink, it's about what you cook with and use to wash fruits and vegetables. It's about what you brush your teeth with and shower in. The EPA advises that tiny parasitic cysts can be present in any system and any bottle. Only a point-of-use submicron filter will remove them.

Researchers have found that exposure to cancer causing trihalomethanes (THMs) occurs in the shower and is released when boiling unfiltered tap-water in the kitchen. THMs are created when chlorine is used to kill bacteria. Read your local treatment facilities quality report and you'll see them listed. They can only be removed by adsorption.

So, there's a lot more than drugs in tap water and there are a lot of reasons to buy a home purifier. Be sure to compare product performance and look for a multi-stage design that removes the widest range of contaminants. You don't need expensive reverse osmosis, but you do need a high quality system.

The next time you read about drugs in tap water, you won't have to worry about it.

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The Problems That Cause Heel Pains and What to Do About Them

Most people do not really pay attention to their heels even if they are hurting. Many just shrug off the pain, thinking that it's just temporary and is just caused by walking long miles or by standing up in line for hours. Although feeling a little discomfort in your heels can be quite common especially if you had a long day or after a strenuous activity, persistent or acute heel pains should not be overlooked. There are some serious conditions or diseases that may be causing your heel woes.

To know more about the common types of heel pains, read on and learn.

Plantar Fasciitis

Heel and arch pain is common in people who are suffering from plantar fasciitis, or an inflammation or irritation of the plantar fascia, the tissue on the base of your foot that joins your heels to your toes. Usually, people with this problem feel a burning and stabbing sensation in their feet or heels, particularly in the morning, because the tissue concerned contracts or tightens during the night. Pain is also imminent after a strenuous activity, such as jogging or a tennis match.

Plantar Fasciitis is not really a serious problem particularly if you just encounter it every once in a while. However, for people who have circulation problems or diabetes, it is advised that you seek medical attention for recurring heel pains.

Stretching, applying ice on the problem area, or putting your feet up for a few minutes are some of the ways to help ease pain caused by this condition. It is also wise to find shoes that give your arch some support.

Heel Spur

Often confused with plantar fasciitis, heel spur is actually an entirely different condition. Basically, a heel spur is just a bony growth on the heel. Almost 70% of patients diagnosed with heel spur also suffer from plantar fasciitis. In fact, experts believe that inflammation or degeneration of the plantar fascia tissue is a major cause of the development of heel spur.

Basically, the treatment for heel spur is quite similar to plantar fasciitis: resting, stretching, applying ice packs, and using shoe inserts.


More common in men than in women, gout is an extremely painful condition that is characterized by unusually high levels of uric acid in the body and recurring joint aches. In case of gout, crystallized uric acids form in joints, such as the heels, and cause tremendous pain. You can usually get rid of this problem, albeit slowly, by eating a diet that is low in uric acid, minimizing alcohol intake, losing weight and drinking plenty of water.


Basically, arthritis is a joint problem characterized by inflammation. Gout, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis are just some of the common types of this condition. Since the heels are considered as joints, it is not surprising that you can also suffer from arthritis in that area. Aside from pain, other symptoms of arthritis include swelling, stiffening of the joints, and feeling warm temperature on the area.

Prevention is better than cure when it comes to arthritis. Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, maintaining your normal weight, and drinking plenty of water are all helpful in minimizing your risk of developing this problem. However, if you already have one, the best think to do is take natural supplements that contain glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate, which are known to help alleviate stiffness of the joints and ease pain.

Also, you need Methylsulfonylmethane (more commonly known as MSM) for preventing further wear and tear of muscles and joints, Omega 3 to lubricate the joints, and trypsin, bromelain and rutin to ease pain and improve joint function. One product that contains the above ingredients and much more is Flexcerin.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Essential Oil Therapy - The Value of the Cranberry Essential Oil to Skin Infections

Taking care of the skin has become a feature of concern to every person especially today where much attention is given to the beauty of the skin. It is common today to see people doing all sorts of actions to take care of their skins through the use of various skin care components. The skin should often be considered as an essential component that boosters your attractiveness especially to onlookers. It is quick to conclude that people might look at the face of your skin to determine how healthy or how careful you can be to your health. One of the best and in fact, the most indispensable skin care lotion that should be used in taking care of your body is the cranberry essential oil. You may never know this but what most people fail to understand is that the cranberry essential oil presents itself as the best natural medication for skin troubles. The following lines will be used to highlight the importance and benefits of taking care of your skin in a natural manner.
As the name suggest, cranberry essential oil is taken out of cranberries. Cranberries are known to be abundant in the United States. This oil is of a fine quality and it has a golden color. The oil has a very sweet fragrance and it is an overwhelmingly skin revitalizing agent, rich with fatty acids compared only to the omega 6 and 9. It is also rich in vitamins and serves as a skin moisturizer. Thus, you would not have made a mistake choosing this indispensable oil for your body.
What makes the cranberry essential oil indispensable is the presence of a reasonable proportion of the omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids. These components are highly needed in the body and they act in preventing the skin from smarting irritations and other skin related complications. The cranberry essential oil is also rich in Oleic acid, another indispensable element for the body. It is also very rich in Vitamin E and other elements that guard against injury to skin cells and trims down fatty substances in the body.
One good thing about the cranberry essential oil is that it is natural oil that needs no industrial or other form of handling. It can be preserved in its pure state for up to twenty four months. It is also full of omega 3 and this is a very essential remedy for Alzheimer and sufferers of intermittent memory loss. It is good for skin nourishment and diminishes wrinkles and strengthens the skin.
To always maintain a healthy and bright skin, it is always recommended to include that cranberry essential oil in your scale of preference. This oil is good for all and specifically works miracles to the aged skin. The cranberry essential oil is a natural component and poses no danger in the form of side effects. Therefore, whether you believe in its curative powers or not, there is nothing lost in just giving your body the blossom it deserves from the cranberry essential oil. Opting for it means you have taken a better choice. If you have not tried this oil, it is not too late for you to start.

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How to Control Palms Excessive Sweating

Palmar hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating of the hands is the most inconvenient type of hyperhidrosis suffered by millions of people. Hand sweating is a normal occurrence if you are nervous or if your hands are tired but if you are experiencing palms excessive sweating even on normal condition, then you might have palmar hyperhidrosis.
Palmar hyperhidrosis may appear along with other sweating problems in other parts of the body like the feet, armpits and groins. If you are really bothered with your sweating problems it is best to consult your doctor to know your health condition because excessive sweating maybe a symptom of other illnesses.
If you have palms excessive sweating, you will experience a lot of discomforts at work and other activities. In almost everything we do, we use our hands and having problems that involves the hands is really difficult. Most sufferers avoid shaking hands because it is really embarrassing to shake hands with someone if your hands is soaking wet with sweat. Other difficulties include typing, writing and handling paper works. Palms excessive sweating is also a hindrance to some hobbies like playing musical instruments and sports like billiards, badminton and tennis. Imagine how would you hold the musical instruments or tennis racket properly with your sweaty hands? Sometimes you are also too self conscious that you constantly wipe your hands and cannot concentrate on the things that you are doing.
It is important to know how to control palmar excessive sweating and here are some of the common treatments:
Antiperspirant deodorant. Some people find it effective rubbing antiperspirant deodorant on their hands. Although the product is designed for underarms sweating problems, it has active drying ingredients that are also effective for your palmar excessive sweating. Learn to handle stress and anxiety. Learning how to manage you stress and nervousness will reduce or control palms excessive sweating because sometimes hand sweating is brought by too much anxiety and stress.
Iontophoresis. This is the process of controlling palms excessive sweating by using an equipment to run a small amount of electric current through the skin that will interrupt the function of sweat glands and temporarily stop generating excessive sweating. Frequent or repeated treatments may be required each time you want to obtain hands dryness that could last for weeks. Of course it is best to use the equipment under the advice or supervision of your doctor.
Natural remedies. While there are surgeries and sophisticated equipment to control palms excessive sweating, natural remedies are still an alternative treatment for sweating problems. Natural remedies are still around because some people find it effective and inexpensive. Did you know that you can stop palms excessive sweating in less than two weeks from the comfort of your own home? To find out how visit Stop Sweating And Start Living.
