Chronic Tension Headache Problems - What to Know
There is a condition that has that possibility of being incapacitating, to the point of depriving the patient of life enjoyment-that condition is chronic tension headaches. The sudden appearance of a tension headache can be a painful interruption to any and all daily activities that may be going on. Depression can be an end result, and a pain crisis can be easily caused by chronic tension headaches.
It is imperative, for the sake of the patient, that the chronic tension headache be treated and dealt with, as soon as possible. Several options for treatment have become available to sufferers of the chronic tension headache-and happily, the medical society in general has a lot of familiarity with the headache phenomenon. As a matter of fact, the medical society has thoroughly researched headaches and split it up into three specific areas. In some ways, that is good, in some ways that is not.
Most headaches that people suffer can be put into the primary category, and this is one of the not so good things about the classification system. Quite often, the primary headache that is brought on by physical or emotional stress is by far the most common form of headache. They are very rarely life-threatening, but can bring serious pain with them. This pain can make it hard to function basically every day, much less enjoy the mundane everyday things. What the causes of migraines really are is difficult to truly know, however, the muscles at the base of the skull seem to tighten in the case of the chronic tension headache. It feels like a band just above the eyes that begins to become painful, slowly.
In a smaller portion of the population, secondary and cluster headaches-a far rarer form of headache-occur. Crucial medical attention is needed to treat think type of headache. They are easily identified by how much pain they cause the patient. Quite often, the description of having an ice pick behind one or possibly both eyes will be the best description given of a cluster headache. Pain medications and potent narcotics are the usual form of treatment for this cluster type of headache. Deeper neurological issues can be indicated when secondary headaches are present.
Stress management should be the point of view taken towards chronic tension headaches, for a couple of reasons. Both emotional and physical stress can be noteworthy starting places for chronic tension headaches. Anything that can trigger some noteworthy event that would cause stress can effortlessly lead to chronic tension headaches. Yet another potential source of the chronic tension headaches is physical stress that that been protracted. So that the re-occurrence of the chronic tension headaches is lowered, steps to deal with that kind of stress should be carried out. Should these steps not succeed, then pain medications may be needed to help. It is time to see a doctor when chronic tension headaches do not stop.
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