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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Chronic Tension Headache Problems - What to Know

There is a condition that has that possibility of being incapacitating, to the point of depriving the patient of life enjoyment-that condition is chronic tension headaches. The sudden appearance of a tension headache can be a painful interruption to any and all daily activities that may be going on. Depression can be an end result, and a pain crisis can be easily caused by chronic tension headaches.

It is imperative, for the sake of the patient, that the chronic tension headache be treated and dealt with, as soon as possible. Several options for treatment have become available to sufferers of the chronic tension headache-and happily, the medical society in general has a lot of familiarity with the headache phenomenon. As a matter of fact, the medical society has thoroughly researched headaches and split it up into three specific areas. In some ways, that is good, in some ways that is not.

Most headaches that people suffer can be put into the primary category, and this is one of the not so good things about the classification system. Quite often, the primary headache that is brought on by physical or emotional stress is by far the most common form of headache. They are very rarely life-threatening, but can bring serious pain with them. This pain can make it hard to function basically every day, much less enjoy the mundane everyday things. What the causes of migraines really are is difficult to truly know, however, the muscles at the base of the skull seem to tighten in the case of the chronic tension headache. It feels like a band just above the eyes that begins to become painful, slowly.

In a smaller portion of the population, secondary and cluster headaches-a far rarer form of headache-occur. Crucial medical attention is needed to treat think type of headache. They are easily identified by how much pain they cause the patient. Quite often, the description of having an ice pick behind one or possibly both eyes will be the best description given of a cluster headache. Pain medications and potent narcotics are the usual form of treatment for this cluster type of headache. Deeper neurological issues can be indicated when secondary headaches are present.

Stress management should be the point of view taken towards chronic tension headaches, for a couple of reasons. Both emotional and physical stress can be noteworthy starting places for chronic tension headaches. Anything that can trigger some noteworthy event that would cause stress can effortlessly lead to chronic tension headaches. Yet another potential source of the chronic tension headaches is physical stress that that been protracted. So that the re-occurrence of the chronic tension headaches is lowered, steps to deal with that kind of stress should be carried out. Should these steps not succeed, then pain medications may be needed to help. It is time to see a doctor when chronic tension headaches do not stop.

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Cluster Headache Symptoms and Treatments

There is an incapacitating disorder that hits a small portion of the population without any forewarning-cluster headaches. Their attacks come at what seem to be haphazard time periods-which is exactly how cluster headaches got their title. Sufferers of cluster headaches may have to endure them for days or even weeks on end, and still be able to go for a year, two years or even more without a cluster headache. Stress, drugs, and alcohol are all thought to bring on attacks of cluster headaches; however, the real cause is not truly known. However, with none of these factors, a person may still end up with a series of cluster headaches at any point in time. Due to the severity and clear-cut symptoms, it is easy to tell the difference between a normal headache and a cluster headache.

Cluster headache sufferers will frequently have a runny nose or eyes. The pain, usually described by sufferers as an icepick, has a tendency to concentrate in the area at the back of one eye. This enormously painful feeling usually turns into a highly severe, painful feeling often setting off a pain emergency in the patient. The pain is usually severe enough to create excessive reactions and very illogical behavior. It is imperative that the sufferer of a cluster headache get immediate treatment. Easing the overwhelming pain that often goes along with cluster headaches can be done with pain killers and sedatives, such as narcotics and tranquilizers.

Due to the randomness of cluster headaches, treatment is not easily accomplished. Changing your lifestyle tends to be the better choice than being stuck on medicine for the rest of your life-and not knowing if the medicine will work or not. Since one of the biggest triggers is drugs and alcohol, avoiding them would be a good first step. Due to the fact that avoiding a cluster headache is tricky at best, treatments like narcotics, or tranquilizers are a necessity to have at hand.

Cluster headache sufferers know that a visit to the doctor is needed when the headaches become frequent. Of course, they can happen with no known reason, but they can also be a sign of a bigger issue, neurologically. Should this be the case, it is imperative that treatment be taken by the patient as soon as possible.

Stress management-in several forms, such as yoga, exercise or herbal teas to help relax-could possibly be considered successful treatment for cluster headaches. Stress and its role in the cluster headache's treatment is not crystal clear at this point. However, stress has been shown to be a factor in other types of headaches as well, so it could possibly affect the cluster headaches, too. Physiological symptoms in a wide variety can be caused by stress-especially a lot of emotional stress-and be a huge factor in the cause of cluster headaches, too.

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Turn Back Time With Resistance Training

Getting older is inevitable, just like death and taxes. You can, however, turn back the clock a bit. This article will provide you with information on resistance training and how it can literally become the "fountain of youth" that makes you feel and look young again. Whether you're just getting started or looking for next big thing, the following information will be beneficial to you.

So, how do you go about turning back time? Well, the simple answer is resistance training. When you train with weights, a number of things happen. Over time, of course, you begin to build muscle. Yes, men will build more muscle than women, and a good reason why men will put on more muscle is due to testosterone. (As a side note - women should weight train, just like men - and you won't get all bulked up like men do since your bodies don't produce nearly as much testosterone as men. The women that you see that are simply huge from weight lifting - well, it's more than likely that they supplemented with products that boosted their testosterone).

What is resistance training? Resistance exercise is any exercise where muscles contract against an external resistance. This resistance can come from weights, elastic bands, your own body weight (ex: pushups), or any other object that forces your muscles to contract. The result in increased muscle mass.

By increasing your muscle mass, you also accelerate your metabolism, which helps you burn fat, creating a leaner body - and a younger looking body. Resistance exercise also increases your testosterone production at any age. Your body, as you get older, naturally declines its production of testosterone, but weight lifting counteracts this decline by causing your body to increase its production after your workout.

Additionally, as your body becomes stronger, your body is also better equipped to ward off health issues and illnesses that otherwise would break down (i.e. "age") your body. And, as a side benefit (for both men and women) - testosterone is the hormone that regulates your libido - which makes you feel younger as well.

Resistance training is also a wonderful way to increase not only your muscle strength - but the strength and flexibility of your connective tissues improves as well. There are three types of connective tissue - cartilage (which serves as padding between the bones that meet at your joints), ligaments (which connect bones together), and tendons (which connect muscle to bone). So, if your joints feel like their "old", weight training will help increase your flexibility, while also giving you more energy during the day (as your body can better handle physical stress).

Here is one example of a resistance training program that you can add to your workout:

Day 1: Chest press, flies and pushups, back bent-over rows and pull-downs
Day 2: Bicep curls, tricep bench dips and kickbacks
Day 3: Shoulder lateral raises and front raises, leg squats and lunges

Each of these exercises should include 2-15 repetitions and one to three sets per exercise for beginners. Good luck!

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