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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Turn Back Time With Resistance Training

Getting older is inevitable, just like death and taxes. You can, however, turn back the clock a bit. This article will provide you with information on resistance training and how it can literally become the "fountain of youth" that makes you feel and look young again. Whether you're just getting started or looking for next big thing, the following information will be beneficial to you.

So, how do you go about turning back time? Well, the simple answer is resistance training. When you train with weights, a number of things happen. Over time, of course, you begin to build muscle. Yes, men will build more muscle than women, and a good reason why men will put on more muscle is due to testosterone. (As a side note - women should weight train, just like men - and you won't get all bulked up like men do since your bodies don't produce nearly as much testosterone as men. The women that you see that are simply huge from weight lifting - well, it's more than likely that they supplemented with products that boosted their testosterone).

What is resistance training? Resistance exercise is any exercise where muscles contract against an external resistance. This resistance can come from weights, elastic bands, your own body weight (ex: pushups), or any other object that forces your muscles to contract. The result in increased muscle mass.

By increasing your muscle mass, you also accelerate your metabolism, which helps you burn fat, creating a leaner body - and a younger looking body. Resistance exercise also increases your testosterone production at any age. Your body, as you get older, naturally declines its production of testosterone, but weight lifting counteracts this decline by causing your body to increase its production after your workout.

Additionally, as your body becomes stronger, your body is also better equipped to ward off health issues and illnesses that otherwise would break down (i.e. "age") your body. And, as a side benefit (for both men and women) - testosterone is the hormone that regulates your libido - which makes you feel younger as well.

Resistance training is also a wonderful way to increase not only your muscle strength - but the strength and flexibility of your connective tissues improves as well. There are three types of connective tissue - cartilage (which serves as padding between the bones that meet at your joints), ligaments (which connect bones together), and tendons (which connect muscle to bone). So, if your joints feel like their "old", weight training will help increase your flexibility, while also giving you more energy during the day (as your body can better handle physical stress).

Here is one example of a resistance training program that you can add to your workout:

Day 1: Chest press, flies and pushups, back bent-over rows and pull-downs
Day 2: Bicep curls, tricep bench dips and kickbacks
Day 3: Shoulder lateral raises and front raises, leg squats and lunges

Each of these exercises should include 2-15 repetitions and one to three sets per exercise for beginners. Good luck!

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