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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bleaching For Toenail Fungus Removal

If you are wary of expensive medication costs and dermatologist's bills, you should definitely consider bleaching for toenail fungus removal. This is probably the cheapest way to eliminate fungal infection on your toenails or fingernails.
However, in exchange for the savings you can have if you choose this method, you will have to wait for quite a long time before you are able to see the results. Usually, it takes about two to three months before the toenail fungus is completely removed.
Bleaching is used for a variety of purposes. Foot care specialists usually recommend their clients to soak their feet in a mild solution of bleach and water 10 minutes prior to a foot spa session in order to soften the skin on the feet and keep them clean and fresh. Typically, this solution is comprised of one part of bleaching powder and about a hundred parts warm water.
However, if you are going to use bleaching for toenail fungus removal, you will need to put in more bleaching powder for a stronger solution and you will also need to soak your toenails for a longer duration. It is recommended that you keep your feet in the solution for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Before you undergo bleaching for toenail fungus removal, you first have to trim your toenails as short as you can and use a pusher to make the nails a little thinner. This will help the active chemicals of the bleach get to work more quickly on the inner parts of the toenail, which can then eliminate the toenail fungus much faster. Also, make sure that you completely remove nail polish before you start bleaching for toenail fungus removal.
Bleaching for Nail Fungus removal is a daily routine that you must get used to. Some people even soak their nails twice a day - once in the morning and once before going to bed at night. This doubles the effects of the bleach in removing the toenail fungus.
In order to see the results you want, you will have to repeat this daily process for a couple of months. Some individuals who lack the patience to wait for the results make the mistake of increasing the amount of bleach that they put in the water.
There are even a handful of persons who apply the bleaching powder directly onto their toenails in the hope that they will have immediate results. In these cases, there is a large chance of getting your skin irritated since bleaching powder is a potent substance.
In order to avoid these mishaps, you must be very patient. If you do not have the time to undergo this repetitive process, then maybe you should look at methods other than bleaching for toenail fungus removal.


Chiropractors - Position Yourselves to Solving America's Health Care Crisis!

Fifteen years ago I would lie in bed at night scratching my ankles like crazy. Then I would move to my thighs and then my arms. You see, I had a bad case of eczema and had suffered from it for years.
I went to different doctors to see what could be done. They would look at me and give me a prescription cream, then tell me that it would not help the eczema, but it would make it so it would not itch as much. Then they would tell me that there is no cure for eczema and I would just have to learn how to deal with it.
I started thinking about that and shared my story of having an incurable disease with a friend of mine that was an independent rep for a nutritional company. She gave me some pill and insisted that I use some of the laundry detergent as well since it did not contain any filler. Whatever in the world fillers are.
I was desperate, so I tried it. My eczema was minimized and the itching decreased. I started thinking that there might be something to this. However, it never did go away completely, however it was bearable.
As I started to study and learn about nutrition I learned something interesting. Just as the doctors were doing, she was looking at the symptoms and wanted to treat it.
I later met a chiropractor who specialized in nutritional healing. As I started to go for adjustments and participate in his healing program, I learned that there is a cause for each illness that we have. In order to eliminate the symptom, you need to find the cause of the illness and then treat that cause.
The reason I share this story is because I believe that chiropractors are positioned to solve the health care crisis of this country. As a chiropractor, are you focusing on just doing adjustments? Or are you looking at other ways to serve your patients needs?
What would have happened if this doctor just did the standard chiropractic stuff? Who knows how long it would have taken me to overcome this "incurable disease", eczema.
I was recently reading in a book and the author made and interesting statement. "One reason for the crisis in medicine today and the loss of confidence of the people is that medicine has denied the very uniqueness of the individual from the start. For years the science of medicine has attempted to lump all people into a single test tube. (The Healing Triad, Dr. Jack Tips)
You, as a chiropractor, are positioned to solve this issue. My Chiropractor looked at what the cause of my eczema was as an individual, and I'm sure it was several things. You need to step up to the plate and use your knowledge and skills to help people. Educate your patients on what alternatives there are out there for them.
If you are not sure, start to do some studying and research. With your education and experience you could be up and running in a matter of a few days. Not only will your patients benefit, you will receive the bonus of increasing your income.
America is in the need of solving the health care crises. We don't need more drugs, we need more education and to have our health care providers look for the cause of our symptoms not just treat our symptoms.
Chiropractic has come a long ways over the last few years. It was once looked down upon. However, as the public became educated, your vital services have become common wellness care for many. Now that you have the public's trust, go one step further and start looking at other low cost, effective services that you can offer your patients. By so doing you will become the answer to this crisis.

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How to Counter the Effects of Black Mold Exposure

You can find black mold by tracing its odor around the house. Black mold gives off an earthy, musty smell that can become rather pungent when growth is profuse. "Smelling around" is the best we can do when looking for black mold growth because they can be rarely seen.
Especially problematic areas are hard-to-reach nooks and crannies in a room, small spaces behind furniture or kitchen appliances that rarely get cleaned, behind walls, and inside ceilings.
You could experience several different symptoms when exposed to black mold. The non-toxic variety may cause a stuffy, congested nose, coughing, sneezing, difficulty in breathing, headaches, and skin or eye irritation.
Since many doctors are not too familiar in dealing with black mold exposure, mainly because its symptoms are so similar to those of other illnesses, you have to give him a little help. When at home, keep a journal. Try to keep a log of the rooms you enter and where or when you start experiencing the symptoms.
This will help you in locating the black mold growth and eventually eliminating it. Once a particular area is cleaned out, your symptoms are expected to improve, but if not, then there may still be other areas that could require looking into.
When exposing a certain section of the home, don't forget to turn off the airconditioning and heating systems. The ducts run throughout the house and the airborne spores can easily travel from one room to another. In addition, always wear gloves to protect your hands and a face mask to keep from inhaling the spores.
What about toxic mold?
Ordinary black mold exposure may be easy to deal with, but exposure to toxic black mold is a whole other story. The spores can immediately attack your healthy cells, impairing not just the respiratory system but the digestive and nervous systems as well.
It attacks myelin, a component of the covering of the nerve cells, and has been linked to mood swings and severe depression. The worst part of it all is the effects can be long-lasting and may remain in the body even after the toxic black mold has been eliminated from the home.
There is little that can be done to reverse the effects on someone with long-term toxic Black Mold Mold exposure, but the insidious harm it brings can be stopped with a detoxification process. Your doctor may not be an expert in detox but he can refer you to a detox specialist.
Asthmatics, people with histories of allergies, children, and the elderly have weak immune systems and are thus highly susceptible to the effects of black mold exposure. If you believe that you, too, have a weak immune system, don't try to handle the mold cleanup yourself - hire the services of experts who can do a quick and thorough job for you.


FAQs About Black Fungus Infection

1. Where can you get black fungus infection?
Typically, you can get infected by the black fungus if you touch contaminated soil or rotting plants in your garden with your bare hands. It can also be acquired from public places like gyms, swimming pools and public restrooms.
You can also get black fungus infection from manicure tools that have not been properly cleaned and disinfected. Black fungus infection can start much more easily if you have a cut or a wound near the nails so you have to attend to these injuries immediately.
2. How does the black fungus spread?
Once you have contracted the black fungus infection, it settles underneath the fingernail where it is warm and moist. This kind of environment is ideal for the fungus and this is where it grows by producing spores. In a few days, the fungus will have entered the nail itself as well as the skin around the infected nail.
3. What are the symptoms or black fungus infection?
The initial stages of the black fungus infection are similar to those of other minor nail infections. The fingernail or toenail begins to turn a yellowish color. You may also notice that the nail starts to thicken.
As the infection advances, the symptoms will also include the deformation of the nails, scaling of the skin surrounding the nail, and an acute pain at the tip of the finger with the infected nail. The nail's color also changes from yellow to a dull brown, and finally, to black.
4. How can you avoid getting the black fungus?
For such a serious disease, the prevention of the black fungus infection is very easy. While gardening, you should always wear protective gloves and wash your hands immediately after tending your plants.
You must also wash your hands with soap and water whenever you use public items. This is not always a possibility so you should keep a hand sanitizer in your bag at all times. You must also trim your nails regularly. If you do have long nails, make sure you always clean under the nail and keep the skin clean and dry.
5. What are the cures for black fungus infection?
There are several ointments and medications you can use to treat Nail fungus infection. However, the method and length of treatment varies depending on the severity of your individual situation.
Typically, it will take around two to three months to treat an average case of black fungus infection. For more serious cases, it could take a lot longer. Although these medications are very effective, nothing beats prevention as the best cure for black fungus infection.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Which Knee Brace is Right For You?

Has the pain you are experiencing started a long time ago, or did you injure yourself recently?

If so, what is the mechanism of injury?

These are great questions for you to consider, if you are looking for a knee brace.

To be honest, there are a number of significant manufacturers of quality knee braces. But, if you are new to knee braces, you can easily get "lost in the forest" of trying to decide which knee brace is best for your needs.

Let's keep it really simple...because that is the way the answer must be for you to make the best decision. There are a number of knee braces and each can have different facets due to your diagnosis.

Here is where you should start. Ask yourself these questions : Do I have a mild injury? - Do I have a moderate knee injury? - Do I have a serious knee injury? Am I suffering from a form of arthritis?

What would you rate your pain on a scale one out of ten?

These are important questions.

Another bit of helpful information for you is that a person must know that there are a number of knee brace categories. There are knee braces for osteoarthritis (OA), post operative rehabilitation (such as post op knee braces) patella femoral tracking, and the list goes on...

Everyone is different, everyone's knee is different, therefore not everyone will need the same knee brace.

The first step is to distinguish what your need is...Do you have arthritis? Do you have a ligament injury? You know more than anyone what's going on with you, well....besides your physician....

Usually, the more pain you are having, the bigger the knee brace you may need...

The best place to start regarding your condition is to talk to your physician. You may have a mild sprain, or you may have an ACL tear. Your physician will be able to diagnosis these issues. As a result, your physician may be able to discuss with you the significance of your injury and help you to avoid the wrong knee brace! Is your knee problem the result of a disease process? Or, are your knee issues a result of a trauma or an anatomical deficiency such as an ACL tear?

This is your starting point. Do not rush this process. It is important not to get an osteoarthritis knee brace, if you have an ACL tear. Yes, they are both knee braces, but what is involved is much much different, with respect to the knee brace.


Health Begins With Water

Health begins with water. Since the body is made mostly of water (about 70%), all body functions are dependent on water. I guess you could call water a universal solvent. Most nutrients with the exception of fats are dissolved in water, transported in the water-based blood system and used by water-filled cells. And, because the cells are filled with water, the water lubricates, them, like cartilage and muscle cells. It also keeps cell walls pliable and receptive to nutrient inflow and waste outflow.

These facts point to the crucial nature of proper hydration for a healthy body. It is even more important as we get older as will be explained soon. Every organ in the body depends on water to function properly and efficiently. When we are not hydrated properly, or we are dehydrated, even a little bit, our bodily functions become labored. Over time, our health can become challenging. It is very subtle at first, then symptoms begin to appear.

The US National Research Council has guidelines that suggest that we require one milliliter of water for every calorie we consume. That translates to approximately one half of your body weight in ounces of water consumed daily. Some scientists and medical community advisers claim that amount is too conservative, that we should drink more. For someone who is obese, very overweight or suffering from a chronic disease, they should be drinking 1 quart (32 ounces)of water for every 30 pounds of body weight.

If we look at body functions, there are four obvious ways that the body loses water; defecation, perspiration, respiration and urination. In addition, the body's digestive process uses a huge amount of water which can further dehydrate the body if there are not sufficient water reserves. Efficient digestion is also aided by drinking sufficient water between meals to flush the digestive tract and provide enough water for bodily functions.

Obviously, the quality of the water that we use to remain healthy or regain our health is very important. For most people it means the water should be clean and safe to drink. What most people don't know is that in order to be healthy throughout life the body needs to be as near to a neutral pH as possible and the blood absolutely needs to be between 7.35pH and 7.45pH or we die. That means the fluids in our body need to be reinforced with alkaline, ionized water.

Most of the foods that people eat form acidic ash and waste in the body, so to neutralize it we need to drink alkaline ionized water.

Another component of health that is crucial to us is negative ions. Alkaline, ionized water is full of negatively charged particles which our bodies crave. Without negative ions our bodies decline and age. Eventually our health is eroded and our organs slowly lose their efficient function.

It seems that the "struggle" for health is our attempt to rid our bodies of the positive ions we acquire from our "unnatural" diet and to get enough negative ions into our bodies. Traditionally our Paleolithic ancestors used to eat a predominantly raw food diet supplemented with river and creek water that babbled over the rocks and down waterfalls, thus becoming negatively charged and highly oxygenated.

Sadly our diets have reduced to pulling up to the local drive-thru and drinking out of cans and bottles. These habits have created a society of overweight acidic bodies full of positive ions and ill health.

Fortunately the process is simple to reverse. Even if your health is OK now, you should be motivated to remain healthy throughout your life. A few changes to your lifestyle will give you valuable "life insurance."

In the early 20th Century, the Russians discovered that negative ions were very good for human health. They postulated that if they could create negative ions in water that it would create an easier avenue to health. Through experimentation, the first water ionizers were created. The challenge even today is the bonds that water molecules form are weak. Water ionizers break up the large clusters of water into smaller clusters but they do not hold the ionic microcluster structure permanently once they are formed. So the best way to drink alkaline, ionized water is fresh from a machine that creates it. At best, it can be put into a glass bottle and it will hold its charge and microclustering for two days provided the water is filled right to the rim of the bottle. After that, the weak bonds separate and reform into larger cluster molecules and they lose their negative charge.

Even today, Dr. Emoto has shown that water has memory and can be "programmed." The concept of alkaline, ionized water, is more and more becoming a household word as people realize the benefits of drinking this special water.

It is estimated that 75% or more of North Americans are dehydrated enough that it affects their health in a negative way. And, with that dehydration there is an acidic inflamed body. It may be "silent" inflammation now, but it will eventually rise up into the radar range and become pain or symptoms. It doesn't seem to matter that people drink lots of water, it matters more what kind of water they drink.

In a University of Washington study, it was found that many people interpret their thirst as hunger. By giving those in the study a glass of water when they felt hungry, it stopped the hunger pangs in 98% of the people surveyed.

For the average North American, there are one or more toxic chemicals stored in their fatty tissue from drinking treated tap water. That is not even including toxins from the foods we eat, what we put on our skin and hair, what we clean our houses with or environmental pollutants. In the US, 53 million people drink water from municipal water supplies containing potentially dangerous levels of chlorine and fluoride derivatives and by-products, lead, fecal bacteria, fertilizers, pesticides, jet fuels, pharmaceuticals and other impurities associated with cancers and various sorts of metabolic dysfunction and diseases.

I remember a study a few years back where they took hair, blood and urine samples from a famous artist who ate organic, used "natural" products, drank the best water he could find, uses as few chemicals as possible in his art and he wore natural fibers. There were 48 toxic chemicals found in his body. He was really conscious about being a "back to earth" guy and quite shocked at the toxic levels in his body. Alarming, don't you think?

Because most of us are dehydrated by various degrees, our daytime level of fatigue could be directly related to dehydration and our diets. The typical slump seems to be between 3 and 4 pm, where we reach for that sugary snack or the coffee. If we only knew that by drinking two glasses of alkaline, ionized water after lunch, we could feel much better. Water is so important that only a 2% drop in your body's natural water level can bring on mental confusion, short term memory loss, inability to focus and sluggishness in doing simple math calculations, sequenced procedures and interpretive skills.

Also, with regards to your health, recent research shows that 8-10 glasses of alkaline, ionized water per day may significantly reduce pain levels, even in backs and joints for up to 80% of sufferers. Research is also showing that if the average person drank at least 5-16 oz glasses of alkaline, ionized water daily, that is plain alkaline, ionized water, not mixed with anything, their risk of getting breast cancer can be decreased by 79%, colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%.

How does it work? The properties of alkaline, ionized water are unique. Drinking this water provides a quick supply of available oxygen - making the water an "antioxidant." In other word, the water has an extra electron attached making hydroxyl ions which are negatively charged. These hydroxyl ions in the ionized water seek out and neutralize free radicals. This is very important, since free radicals are what damage our cells and bring about disease and premature aging. When the hydroxyl ions, as an antioxidant have neutralized the free radicals, the result is a body that is energized, vitalized and oxygen rich. Alkaline, ionized water helps balance the body's pH by reducing excess cellular and body acidity, helping the body to dissolve and excrete acidic waster products more easily.

The electrolysis process that produces the alkaline, ionized water, not only produces an excess of electrons, it also reduces the cluster size of the molecules from 13 to 14 (which is regular tap water) to 5 to 7. This can happen because of the weak bonds that the water has with molecules around itself. These smaller clusters have a lower molecular weight, making the alkaline, ionized water more easily absorbed by the body. The smaller cluster size is also better able to deliver nutrient to all the cells, tissues and organs and accelerates metabolism as more and more acidic waste is eliminated from the body. So, take your vitamin and mineral supplements with alkaline, ionized water for greater absorption. Conversely, take your medications with neutral water. Normally only about 30% of your medication is absorbed by the body because of our acidic and plugged up condition. Alkaline, ionized water will increase the absorption of your medication and you may get too much.

A normal average North American diet will produce high levels of acidic waste in the body from 97% of what is eaten. We simply don't eat enough alkaline foods, fruits and vegetables. These acids, if they are not neutralized, can cause inflammation and free radicals. They can kill healthy cells by stealing oxygen and damage them by stealing electrons. Alkaline water and food will not only dissolve these harmful acids, but they will help remove them from the body by allowing them to pass safely through the kidneys and bowels and not be stored in our joints, organs, blood vessels and fat cells.

The qualities of high alkalinity, more oxygen and lower molecular weight act as a powerful cellular detoxifier, helping the body maintain or restore its health and should be part of everyone's daily regimen. Research in Japan since the 1950's indicate that most chronic conditions are a result of increased waste, acidity and the resulting impaired body function and immune system.

If you are looking to feel younger, more flexible, vital and alive, or even stay that way, then the answer is clear. Try alkaline, ionized water!


A Custom Knee Brace - Do You Really Need One?

A custom made knee brace may seem to be more effective since it involves numerous trips to see a brace specialist (called an orthotist). An orthotist makes a custom mold of the knee (including the upper and lower leg) and takes numerous measurements. However, several brace manufacturers have shown in knee brace studies that it is not necessary 99% of the time.

Due to the advent of computer generated biomechanical studies of the knee and its range of motion, engineers have been able to design knee braces that can provide meaningful support without the need to visit an orthotist in a medical setting. These "off-the-shelf" style knee braces effective, and they can save you several hundreds of dollars. - Let's put it this way, if you are wearing a shirt right now that fits you well, is it bad that it was not custom made? Chances are that you are comfortable with the shirt and a custom made shirt seems a little over the top. Right?

To support what we are saying, let's point to a couple important studies. First, a study that was completed at the University of Michigan revealed that custom made knee braces do not prevent more motion of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficient knee than an off-the-shelf knee brace. Moreover, after on sixty minute period of use, the custom made brace "came loose" more often than the "non custom" knee brace. Secondly, another interesting study at the University of Vermont (UVM) looked at four distinct knee brace manufactures and their effect on strain of the ACL during surgery. The results confirmed that "there were no apparent advantages of the more expensive custom-made brace compared with the off-the-shelf designs." - In other words, just cause you can spend more money on a knee brace does not make it better.

Obviously, there are always exceptions to these conclusions. You always have to consider those cases where someone has a deformity, and an off the shelf knee brace just can't fit their leg. Moreover some of the exceptions may be, but are not limited to, anyone with a traumatic injury to their leg that causes deformity of the anatomy. If a person has ulcerations, it is possible that a custom made knee brace will provide a unique fit over that of an off the shelf brace. When in doubt about your situation, always consult your personal physician.

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We Discuss How Do Pharmaceutical Drugs Get in Drinking Water

In this article we will discuss the question of how do pharmaceutical drugs get in to drinking water. We have learnt that an associate press probe finds drugs in drinking water after various tests were concluded in some exclusive online reports. What we need to know as consumers of bottled and tap water, is do these finding pose any health risks to us. We will discuss this within this article and we will also look at how we can protect ourselves from these known and grown problems.

So, how do pharmaceutical drugs get in drinking water in the first place?

It is said that a large amount of these drug traces are getting in to our water supplies through our own human waste. Due to recycling methods of water today, when we excrete our waste, traces of the prescription drugs we consume passes through our waste and eventually finds it's self in to our water supplies. A known probe has examined this further through in depth studying of some released reports. Shockingly, this problem is everywhere. However, what's more worrying is these traces have been found to be not in the water before it gets treated and filtered, but in the water coming in to our homes. This is obviously bad news since we consume and bathe in this water daily.

Many types of drug traces has been found in our water, examples include sex hormones and even heart medication traces. The fact is this problem is everywhere today, it doesn't really matter where your water source is, you still have these harmful substances coming through in your home water.

So, are there any health consequences due to these drug traces in our drinking water?

We are told that the amount of thee traces being found are so minuscule that they have no impact on our health, but I beg to differ. To me, that's like saying its ok to take a little bit of something harmful over and over each day because it's only a tiny amount. Over time, it is only common sense that this can and will affect your health! The fact is, we as humans drink a lot of water so because this probe finds drugs in drinking water, it is bound to effect our health long term.

The fact is we need to take action now and protect ourselves. The solution is to filter our own water that comes in to our home, but by using a special kind of filtration system. I suggest you visit my website below and learn more about the products we use and recommend. You may have been told that reverse osmosis systems are the best available, however, they actually get rid of not only harmful toxins, but also the essential minerals that we need daily. What we need to consume for the sake of our present and future health is water the way nature intended it to be!

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