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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hemorrhoids Treatment and Its Causes

Hemorrhoids treatment is very significant to those suffering from this kind of condition. Hemorrhoids are also called "piles" and are found in the rectal area that appears to be enlarged with painful veins. When signs and symptoms occur such as discomfort, pain or itching sensation, it is important to look for a treatment for this certain condition as soon as possible.

Before going for the hemorrhoids treatment, there are a few aspects that cause the manifestation of the hemorrhoids and the following are as follows:

1. When an individual grows older, he or she is likely to have hemorrhoids.

2. There is a greater risk to have hemorrhoids when a person is suffering from constipation every bowel movement.

3. Pregnancy is greatly related in having hemorrhoids due to growing baby inside the uterus, as well as after delivery.

4. Diarrhea is one of the causes of having this kind of condition.

Aside from all the causes, there is always a treatment for this condition that can be done at home.

1. Perform sitz bath. This is one of the excellent ways to alleviate the inflammation and pain. After doing so, make sure to keep the affected area clean and dry.

2. Drink plenty of fluids and eat foods that has a high amount of bran and foods that are rich in fiber, this would also include green leafy vegetables which would help make the stools become softer.

3. Laxatives of stool softeners are very helpful to relieve constipation, but this is used in caution since watery stools can cause infection around the anal area.

4. Sitting for a long period of time may be restricted; it is suggested to people with this kind of condition so as not to aggravate the hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids treatment must be performed immediately so that it would not worsen.

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How to Prevent and Treat Pregnancy Hemorrhoids?

Pregnancy hemorrhoids usually follow after delivery. This is usually caused by the swelling of the veins in the lower part of the mother's body in which inside the uterus is a growing baby during pregnancy and after which the delivery.

Preventions in pregnancy hemorrhoids are as follow:
1. During the pregnancy period, make sure to exercise regularly, walk from time to time and most especially to include the Kegel's exercise. Regular exercise can increase your metabolism, therefore preventing you from constipation, which can lead to hemorrhoids.

2. Increase fluid intake as much as possible. Drink water more than the recommended daily glass in a day. Two liters of water will help you have a softer stool and would increase the metabolism.

3. Make sure to include in your diet foods that are rich in fiber like vegetables and fruits. This is for the stool to pass thoroughly to the anal canal with much smoothness.

4. Try to prevent things that would lead you to perform lifting heavy objects because the veins in the anus will develop pressure leading you to pregnancy hemorrhoids.

Treatment for pregnancy hemorrhoids:

1. Render Sitz Bath. Perform this as often as needed in a day most especially after defecation and make sure to keep the affected area clean.

2. Avoid sitting a long period of time in the toilet bowl since it can cause pressure to the anal veins leading to hemorrhoids. Try to prevent reading or doing anything that can prolong your sitting time in the toilet bowl.

3. Apply cold compress or any herbal remedies to help relieve the symptoms especially after delivery more frequently within 24 hours.

4. Take medications such as stool softeners or as recommended by the physician to promote bowel movement.

Doing these methods and treatment can help you prevent pregnancy hemorrhoids.

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What Causes Hemorrhoids Symptoms?

Hemorrhoids symptoms are those that bleed during defecation or bowel movement. It also includes pain in the rectal area and a feeling of itchiness or discomfort.

There are two kinds of hemorrhoids with its respective symptoms:

1. Internal hemorrhoids - it is originated at the top of the anal canal and usually pain doesn't occur on this kind of hemorrhoid because of the lack of nerve cells. Often times, you will notice during defecation or bowel movement that you can find blood streaks that are bright red in color either in your toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. Other internal hemorrhoids symptoms may also include itching; this is mostly the complaint of having hemorrhoids because the seeping of the mucus can cause irritation of the skin that would lead to itching.

2. External hemorrhoids - it is located at the lower end of the anal canal. Mostly, rectal pain occurs in this kind of hemorrhoid. It can also cause problems in the future called thrombosis. Thrombosis is a lump in the anal area that causes a painful feeling that needs medical treatment.

What causes hemorrhoids symptoms?
a. Sitting for a long period of time may start hemorrhoids.
b. Drinking less fluid intake, which can lead to constipation.
c. Eating dairy products excessively which can produce lactic acid that would lead to hemorrhoids.
d. Obesity is also a factor because it can increase the pressure of the rectal vein.
e. Spicy foods do not cause hemorrhoids but it can worsen the condition.

There are a lot of causes behind it and these are not usually a life threatening case. In many cases, hemorrhoids symptoms will just cure within a few days.

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Bowling Knee Brace - Finding the One You Need - Special Report

Do you enjoy bowling, but your knee pain or instability are a growing concern for you?

Introduction : Bowling is great. Many of us would agree that being involved in the sport brings the game more to life. However, it is hard to stay involved if your knee pain or instability are getting the best of you. - This free article will discuss why bowlers turn to a knee brace when they play, and what many of said when they first try on their new knee support.

1.) Why Bowlers Turn To A Knee Brace

As you approach each shot on the lane, the last thing you want to be focusing on is the nagging knee pain or instability problem that you are suffering from. Rest, ice and elevation can really be of help, but these are methods you will use after you perform an activity and none of them are quite the same as a well designed knee brace.

The great thing about knee supports is that you can use them during an activity and many people often call their knee brace their "pain pill". - Improved knee support, pain reduction and more knee protection are the main reasons why bowlers and other individuals state that they use knee braces on a regular basis.

2.) What People Say When They First Get A Knee Support

In a clinical setting, we asked many athletes, how their knee felt after they put on their new knee brace for the first time. The overwhelming response we get from people is that almost within the first few seconds they will state that their knee pain went down. Next they will usually say that the brace feels comfortable and now they feel much more stable, when they start to take a few steps. - The great thing about knee braces is that you do not just have to use the support for the activity of bowling. You can use it for multiple activities for support.

3.) Mental Support & No Regrets

The last points that we would like to make here are important for you to consider. Many people indicate that their confidence improves with the new knee support that they get because they do not have to worry so much about their knee pain or the joint giving out from underneath them. Also, it is a very good idea to support your knee now, in order to help avoid any knee issue from getting worse.
(*This is health information, not medical advice. Self diagnosis is not recommended and it is also important to speak with your doctor about medical advice.)

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