What About Water
Think about it. Our bodies are made up of 75-85% water. Water is the universal solvent. Water is what cleans our system, facilitates the brain waves that helps us think clearly and our bodies to function properly. Water is the way we maintain a healthy weight, flush out toxins, maintain proper body temperature and live in general. Without water we would die.
It does take several days however for our bodies to deplete its water supply to the point of death. But, have you considered these well published facts?
* 75% Of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
* 37% Of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.
* Even mild dehydration can slow down metabolism by 3%.
* Lack of water is the #1 trigger for daytime fatigue.
* University of Washington study found that water completely shuts down overnight hunger pains.
* Research indicates that hydration can significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers, AND Reduces most cancers by 40%.
* Dehydration does comparable damage on the cardiovascular system as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.
Does this open your eyes to Water?
But there is more. In a book written by Dr. Masaru Emoto entitled "Messages From Water", Dr Emoto shows proof of differences of culinary water vs. water from nature. In the film by the same name, you can actually sit and watch the crystals form as they melt from a frozen state. It is amazing! And it is just as amazing to view the drastically different ugly formations that come from our culinary water systems.
The film, "What the Bleep" brings an even more amazing view of water. It awakened us to the possibility of a quantum existence; the realization that things may be happening simultaneously on many planes of existence. We won't go into it here and now, but it could be of interest if anyone wanted to explore it.
Some of the most outstanding images in the film were of water crystals. They appeared to assume perfect ice-crystal-like form when exposed to positive thoughts of love and compassion.
Anyone who has read Deepak Chopra's books would already be familiar with this concept. He describes it as the point where energy becomes matter.
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