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Friday, September 12, 2008

What About Water

Think about it. Our bodies are made up of 75-85% water. Water is the universal solvent. Water is what cleans our system, facilitates the brain waves that helps us think clearly and our bodies to function properly. Water is the way we maintain a healthy weight, flush out toxins, maintain proper body temperature and live in general. Without water we would die.

It does take several days however for our bodies to deplete its water supply to the point of death. But, have you considered these well published facts?

* 75% Of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
* 37% Of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.
* Even mild dehydration can slow down metabolism by 3%.
* Lack of water is the #1 trigger for daytime fatigue.
* University of Washington study found that water completely shuts down overnight hunger pains.
* Research indicates that hydration can significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers, AND Reduces most cancers by 40%.
* Dehydration does comparable damage on the cardiovascular system as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.

Does this open your eyes to Water?

But there is more. In a book written by Dr. Masaru Emoto entitled "Messages From Water", Dr Emoto shows proof of differences of culinary water vs. water from nature. In the film by the same name, you can actually sit and watch the crystals form as they melt from a frozen state. It is amazing! And it is just as amazing to view the drastically different ugly formations that come from our culinary water systems.

The film, "What the Bleep" brings an even more amazing view of water. It awakened us to the possibility of a quantum existence; the realization that things may be happening simultaneously on many planes of existence. We won't go into it here and now, but it could be of interest if anyone wanted to explore it.

Some of the most outstanding images in the film were of water crystals. They appeared to assume perfect ice-crystal-like form when exposed to positive thoughts of love and compassion.

Anyone who has read Deepak Chopra's books would already be familiar with this concept. He describes it as the point where energy becomes matter.


Excessive Sweating - A Common Social Ailment That Can Be Overcome

Everyone sweats; it is the human body's way of regulating thermal temperature. Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for excessive sweating, a devastating social disorder that is often uncontrollable.

This disorder causes excessive perspiration on the foot, under the arm as well as on the neck and face. Palmer hyperhidrosis is classified as the excessive perspiration of the hands, the most common form people suffer from.

Over the counter antiperspirants are not very effective for one who suffers with hyperhidrosis though there are several in prescription strength antiperspirants that are moderately more effective.

Drysol contains a 20% solution of aluminum chloride hexahydrate and will ease symptoms for primary complaints of axillary as well as Palmer hyperhidrosis. Major complaints include skin irritation and fair long-term results.

Botulinum toxin, or commonly known as Botox, has recently been approved by the U.S. in treating underarm sweating. A medically trained professional will inject the Botox in 20 unique areas under each arm, temporarily halting the neurotransmitters that produce the sweat.

Treatments with Botox produce immediate results though have to be repeated approximately 4-6 months. Cost is also an issue in using this treatment as to the temporary effect of the injections.

Other solutions for moderate hyperhidrosis is a procedure known as Iontophoresis. Invented over 50 years ago, Iontophoresis uses an electrical current conducted to the affected areas though tap water. Although sounding painful, the most common complaint is cracked skin and time required for this treatment.

Devices are obtained through prescription and need to be used on a daily basis initially and tapered off as treatments progress. Oral medications such as Rubinol are not widely used as to the nature of the side effects that include blurred vision and dry mouth.

For serious cases, surgery may be an option. Sympathectomy is an operation preformed under general anesthesia that will permanently interrupt the sympathetic nerves found in the thoracic cavity. This procedure carries the many risks associated with major surgery and is largely left as a last resort for sufferers of facial hyperhidrosis.

Today with new medical advancements and treatments, sufferers of excessive sweating do not need to hide from social interactions. Making an appointment with a physician knowledgeable in hyperhidrosis can make a difference.

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The Best Walking Shoes For You - Secrets Revealed! - Part 2 of 2

Got the big picture on how to pick the 'type' of walking shoes in Choosing the Best Walking Shoes For You! - Part 1? It's now time to reveal another 'secret.'

Tips For A Successful Shoe Fit

You need proper fitting shoes for a whole bunch of reasons. Here's a few.

* Walking is so much more enjoyable when your feet feel good and your shoes don't hurt. No pain is a really GOOD thing! Take your time finding your best walking shoes and fitting them.
* Proper fitting shoes help prevent many foot ailments!
* You're happier, able to walk more, feel even better!
* Good shoes cost a lot of money! You want them to last. You don't want to throw them out because they hurt!
* Your feet have been through a lot over the years. You and they deserve it!

Get to know your feet thoroughly and understand your unique foot details. Measure your foot fully. The heel to longest toe length. Your heel to ball (arch) length and your foot width. Learn how to prioritize these measurements. Understand the anatomy of your foot and the importance of choosing the right socks for your walking.

Learn when and how to fit your new shoes, how to convert your measurements to different international sizing, how to select proper socks for your type of walking.

Here are some great shoe fit secrets. Shop for your shoes at the end of the day when your feet are the largest. Choose shoes by how they feel, not by the size. Not all manufacturers use the same sizing methods. Make sure shoe is matched to your arch, or heel to ball length. This lines up where your toes bend to where the shoe sole is designed to bend.

Have your foot measured properly. You can find a knowledgeable sales person in a reputable shoe store to measure your foot with the Brannock Device. Have him or her measure your heel to longest toe length, heel to ball length (arch length) and foot width.

Shoe lace tips and techniques can help people with special shoe fitting problems get a better fit. You can read more about the shoe lace techniques in a related article that can be found in this series.

Walking and hiking socks are the finishing touch. Your socks are the final piece of the puzzle in fitting your shoes well. Pick the right socks for the shoe type and get the best shoe fit.

Do You Need A Foot Orthotic or Shoe Support?

Talk to your foot specialist to figure out whether you even need a foot orthotic. He can tell you how to pick the right type of technical support for your foot.

Next Steps

Congratulations! You've got the basics on how to get the best shoe fit and care for your walking shoes. A bit of work the first time. A lot easier the next time. Promise!

Now it's time for you to put it all to good use and get walking!

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How to Stop Sweating Under Arms - 3 Explosive Tips - You Simply Can't Afford to Miss These

Want to stop sweating under arms from drenching your t-shirts and ruining your day? It's really frustrating having to deal with this condition, but you're not alone. Over 8 million others are having to deal with the same problem. The medical name for it is Hyperhidrosis and it can affect your underarms, face, palms or bottoms of the feet. So with that said, what are your options? Well, I've compiled a list of things you can try right this moment that will help you to cut down on your sweating.

1. Stop Drinking Coffee

This is a big one. Many people drink coffee like it's going out of style, however if you want to stop sweating under arms from drenching your shirts at the end of each day, try cutting this out. The reason this makes you sweat is because it is loaded with caffeine and sugar. Caffeine elevates your metabolism and makes you anxious. Sugar also tends to make you hyperactive. These two combined means you're going to sweat more if you overdo it. Cut out your coffee intake for a week and see if that hasn't helped you.

2. Stop Smoking

If you happen to smoke, this is another no-no. Smoking is a stimulant, it activates your sympathetic nervous system which are the nerves responsible for signaling your glands to begin sweating. Smoking will end up triggering these more than it should resulting in more sweating.

3. Stop Drinking Alcohol

Some of you may not want to hear this, but even alcohol increases sweating! If you truly want to stop sweating under arms from becoming the bane of your existence, cut out the run and cokes, tequilas, Jack Daniels, beers and whatever else you've been drinking. The reason this happens is because alcohol dilates your blood vessels allowing more blood to flow through. This results in an increase in body temperature which, you guessed it, means more sweating for you. As your body tries to regulate it's temperature in response, you begin to sweat more, so cut out the alcohol whenever possible!

If your case of sweating is extreme and these tips don't quite help you enough, don't sweat it! There are other more powerful techniques out there.

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Mike Ramsey Stop Sweating - Live a Sweat Free Life

Anyone who sweats too much knows what it feels like not to be able to do certain things for fear of sweat making their lives a misery. Wearing certain clothes is out of the question as wet patches will be so noticeable; speaking in public is a nightmare as sweating will only get worse, shaking hands can be difficult if you have sweaty hands the list goes on. For those people who don't have a problem with sweating this can seem as though it has been somewhat exaggerated but it is a very real and very unpleasant condition that is known as hyperhidrosis and it can strike a person as any time.

One person who knows what it feels like to live his life under the rule of excessive sweating is Mike Ramsey and he tried many different remedies to stop his sweating all with varying effects. Mike Ramsey tired everything from antiperspirants to herbal teas in an attempt to control his sweating, and eventually he found the answer to questions such as how to stop sweating hands, sweating backs and armpits.

Once he had found a way in which he could stop his excessive sweating and start to get back to living life free from sweat he then wrote the book Mike Ramsey Stop Sweating. This book has now helped thousands of people to change the way that they look at sweating so that they can get on with the usual tasks in their lives without having sweat put an end to their activities as it so often does. Using things that are found commonly in the home Mike explains how he found the answer to excessive sweating and now lives like any other normal person, sweat free, fresh and comfortable all year round. If you would like to know how to do this then read Mike's book.

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What You Need to Know About the EPA Primary Drinking Water Standards

The EPA primary drinking water standards are the allowable maximums that can be found in drinking water of various potential contaminants. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is the governmental body that enforces standards having to do with public water. (The FDA regulates bottled water.) If you're concerned about what's in your water, you'll need to refer to the EPA primary drinking water standards to really understand what's going on. Let me explain.

Since you're reading this article, I'm sure you're at least open to the idea that your tap water may not be all that safe. And it's not! Recent studies have been done of American water systems that have found some alarming results. Ralph Nader's group did a study of American water systems and found over 2,100 known toxic chemicals in the water. Another such study was done of several American cities' supposedly treated water and found traces of pesticides in the waters of all the cities. One unlucky city even had traces of three pesticides!

Even if your tap water were complete free of these types of pollutants, the very chlorine that 99% of water treatment plants use to disinfect water can pose some real problems!

So, how do you find out what's in your water that you need to be concerned about? Well, if you get public water you have the right to the test results that your municipal water system must make on a regular basis. That's a start. They're not required to test for that many pollutants, however. So, your best bet is to test your water yourself.

Once you either get your city's test results, or your own test results, you'll need to be able to intelligently read the test. That's where the EPA primary drinking water standards come in. You can access these on the Web. I can't give you the URL, but you can easily find it by Googling the phrase, "EPA primary drinking water standards."

Once you're on that part of the EPA's site, you'll see that it gives you the maximum allowable parts per million of a whole host of contaminants, both organic and inorganic. That's what you'll want to compare your test results to.

Now, just so you know, some of these maximum allowable standards are just sort of educated guesses. Take dissolved asbestos, for instance. It's not really known how hazardous that is. (I would guess it is indeed hazardous, given the fact that asbestos in the air is so hazardous, but I'm a journalist, not a scientist.) You'll notice that the maximum allowable fibers per liter of water is seven million. It's not that scientists really know that below that threshold drinking asbestos fibers is safe. It's that the seven million mark is as low as current technology can measure. So, you'll have to take all of this with a grain of salt and use your own intuition.

So, what do you do if you get your water tested, or get your public water provider's most recent test, and find out that there are some contaminants that you're worried about? Well, your only real alternative is to filter your water yourself. Just knowing or having access to the EPA primary drinking water standards is not enough. You have to take action with this knowledge, educate yourself about drinking water filters, and buy one!


Sun Protection Factor! Your Essential Guide About SPF

But what's with those numbers? The sun protection factor, or the SPF, ranges from a low of 2 to a high of 50 and sometimes higher. Most of us understand that the SPF has something to do with providing protection from the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays. But beyond that, the number is shrouded in mystery.

What does SPF mean?

The SPF is a comparison of the time it takes before the skin will start to redden with and without sun protection. In addition, SPF pertains only to UVB rays, the ones that cause tanning but also sunburns.

For example, if it would take 20 minutes for an individual's skin to burn without sun protection, then a SPF of 15 means that when applied, that person can remain in the sun 15 times longer, or up to 5 hours, without worrying about burning. The greater the SPF, the longer the protection it offers, but only up to a certain point. SPFs greater than 15 offer only small increments of additional protection. And that's the theory behind the SPF.

In reality though, sun protection regardless of SPF becomes less effective when it's not evenly applied, a person goes into the water and a person sweats. Both water and sweat diminish the product's effectiveness that's why it's extremely important to reapply sun protection frequently.

Besides reapplying, for maximum effectiveness the first application should happen approximately 20 minutes prior to going out into the sun. Doing so allows sufficient time for the product to fully absorb into the skin. It also ensures that you'll be protected the moment you step outside.

Which SPF is right for me?

For most people, sun protection with a sun protection factor of 15 provides adequate protection as long as it's frequently reapplied. However, those with more sensitive skin will benefit from a higher SPF. People who are fair-skinned, have light-colored or red hair or who are traveling to certain high altitude or tropical destinations will also benefit from a higher SPF. Those with darker skin generally don't burn as easily and need only a mild SPF. When choosing remember that a higher SPF does not offer more protection - it offers longer protection.

Other sun protection products

Self-tanning products and bronzers are safer ways to color your skin because the skin isn't being exposed to ultraviolet radiation which over time damages the skin's cells. These products don't offer sun protection unless the label specifically states otherwise by listing a sun protection factor. But remember that a sun protection factor corresponds to a period of time and therefore, even if the product offers sun protection, it's not going to last until you wash the product off in a few days.

Do not be confused between SPF, UPF, and EPF. As explained above SPF (sun protection factor) refers to sunscreens; UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) refers to sun protection swimwear, UV protective clothing and sun protection hats; EPF (eye protection factor) refers to sunglasses. Next time you purchase your sun protection product make sure you ask for SPF, UPF, or EPF certification.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Sweating Underarm Excessive Sweat Cure

Excessive sweating underarm problems are generally caused by autonomic nerves. This symptom is known as hyperhidrosis. You should be too alarmed into thinking you are the only one with this problem, because in fact there are millions around the globe experiencing the same problems.

Normally, anti-perspirants do not work effectively to stop sweating underarms that have this symptom. That is why people with excessive sweating underarms turn to other treatments.

These other treatments include surgery. However, surgery to cure sweating underarms is not completely safe, and you are at the risk of catching an infection. Furthermore, surgery has a small failure rate, hence it is something that should be seriously discussed with a health professional before undertaking.

Also on the path of surgery is the idea of using Botox as a treatment to a sweating underarm, and once again, not everybody finds Botox to be a completely safe alternative for curing sweaty armpits.

Techniques for stress management can also potentially play a role in the reduction of excessively sweating underarms. It is a 'catch-22', wherein you sweat, then stress about the sweating, which causes you to sweat more, seeming like an uncontrollable cycle. However, you should learn to de-stress to some level because that is actually a factor that you have control of.

Underarm sweat problems are often best cured naturally, without the need to take unnecessary risks. The focus of this is on completely risk free methods to prevent an excessive underarm sweat condition. Remember, always research before you undertake a risky approach to remedy excessively sweating underarms, and if there is a natural alternative that works, it is always safer to use that in the first instance (if antiperspirants do not work of course!)


Proven Solutions For Excessive Sweating Problems

I wanted to take the time to share with you some proven solutions for excessive sweating problems. I've always had issues with my sweat ever since I was a child. I just seemed to sweat much more than other people. I'd be sitting around with my friends, they'd be normal and I'd be sweating bullets. I make up a small minority of about 2% of Americans. We are the people that have overactive sweat glands that just cause us to sweat all the time or for no apparent reason. It's a very embarrassing problem, but there are some solutions to it that I would like to share with you.

My excessive sweating problems never really held me back in my life when I was younger. It wasn't until I got into the corporate world that I saw it hurting. I have a great education and I'm an excellent employee with upper management written all over me, but time and time again I was passed over for promotions. I know the exact reason for this my sweating. It's not intentional, but when you look at someone that is sitting at their desk sweating all the time, they look like they lack confidence, they can't deal with a stressful situation and that they're underhanded. After getting passed over for a promotion again, I decided to solve this problem for good.

My research on excessive sweating problems led me down the road of diets. The food we eat actually can cause the internal workings of our body to go faster, which heats us up. By eliminating these foods, we can actually cool down our bodies, so they don't sweat.


Eight Easy Ways to Be Healthier in Your Day to Day Life

1. Park farther away more often. Just include parking farther away in your health plan. You'll save gas and lose fat! Sounds like a win/win.

2. Eat less food. Given the rising cost of food, the famines occurring all over the world and obesity now being the Number 1 health concern in the US, it seems timely to begin--or continue--eating less.

3. Pay closer attention. Just for a minute, pay attention to what's happening inside and around you, listening to your heartbeat or your breathing. Practicing this type of attention will help you know how hungry/full you are all the time.

4. Begin the habit of getting enough sleep and rest. New research indicates that a frequent precursor to many types of cancer is sleep deprivation. Just one more reason to turn off the TV and computer and hit the hay!

5. Stop mindless munching by only eating when food is on a plate or in a single-serving container. It can be shocking to realize how much food many of us really eat. Be more mindful and you'll lose weight and save money, too!

6. Stand up a little taller. Bad posture weakens your core and abdominal muscles, potentially giving you a belly pooch.

7. Try a new, healthy recipe. The Internet is full of great recipes. Trying one will help you get healthy and maybe help you enjoy cooking--which can save you money.

8. Clean out the fridge. In many states you can now dump old food in the yard waste bin to be composted. In any case, get rid of the old and/or unhealthy food today.


Is There a Natural Cure For UTI? - Tips to Help You Feel Better Now

Cranberry juice has long been touted as the natural cure for UTI. Anyone who has been diagnosed with a urinary tract infection is typically told to drink more of this red juice by their doctor. If you love the taste, it's an easy suggestion to follow. If you're less keen on it, you might decide to forego it and just stick to the prescribed medications. It's worth taking another look at though, and actually taking it a step further isn't a bad idea.

One of the biggest issues with urinary tract infections is that they tend to reoccur. If you've had one, you're more prone to getting another. The problem is that most of us don't know we have one until it's in full bloom. That's when we feel the familiar stinging when we urinate and the aching sensation in our pelvis and back. By that time, you're up for any unnatural or natural cure for UTI. You really just want the pain to be gone. Drinking cranberry juice at this stage will offer some relief, but you'd benefit more if you consumed some each and everyday.

More and more people, women in particular, are switching from their morning glass of orange juice to a tall, cool glass of cranberry juice. Both have many benefits, but cranberry juice does seem to ward off recurring urinary tract infections. If you're not that fond of the tang of the juice, you can always add cranberry tablets to your vitamin regime. They offer the same benefits but in a tablet form.

Urinary tract infections can impact your life in many ways. If you are suffering with one, you already are well aware of how painful and uncomfortable it is. There are natural and effective ways to cure your urinary tract infection. Find out more about what you can do to relieve the pain and discomfort, from this helpful site.

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