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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Scalp Conditions and Problems - Here is the Answer

Different Scalp Conditions That You Suffer With and Don't Have To

Many adults suffer from annoying scalp conditions. Some common scalp symptoms are caused by chronic conditions, while others are from external forces. They range from mild forms of dandruff that are simply a nuisance to more serious problems that are sometimes even painful.

If you are experiencing scalp itch and discomfort it might be from one of the following conditions:

·Seborrheic Dermatitis



·Scalp Acne

·Head Lice

·Ring Worm


·Contact Dermatitis

A few of the conditions that tend to be chronic in nature are seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and seborrhea. Seborrheic dermatitis consists of flaky scaly patches that tend to be yellowish, and may include red swollen patches as well. Psoriasis will probably be present on other areas of the body as well and tends to be thick flaky areas that look white or powdery. Seborrhea is where an overly oily scalp causes oil to be trapped and bumps to form.

Folliculitis is a condition in which the scalp becomes too dry and bacteria are trapped inside the hair follicle causing bumps. Some people also experience acne, like you would on your face, on the scalp. This can have many causes, including stress, and consists of bumps and pimples of various sizes and degrees.

Both head lice and ring worm are contagious conditions. Head lice are actually small bugs that is passed from person to person. It is more common in school aged children. Ring worm is actually caused by a fungus.

Contact dermatitis is an allergic or irritant reaction. This could be caused by ingredients, especially chemicals, in hair products. It might also be caused by overuse of heated hair tools that may dry and irritate the scalp.

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