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Friday, August 8, 2008

Excessive Sweating Cures - How I Cured My Sweat Problem

Did you know that there are many excessive sweating cures that you can try? I know, because I had a sweat problem myself. Discover exactly how to cure your sweat problem in this article.

I remember what it used to be like to sweat a lot so I can totally understand your embarrassment. Let me tell you that you are in good company. I want you to know that what I am about to reveal to you could simply change your life from here on forward. That's how much of a difference I believe could be made for your sweating.

You see, I had one of the worst types of sweat problems - a sweaty groin! What I'm about to tell you applies equally to all types of excessive sweating but you will see that I had it worse than most.

The first thing that my doc discussed was a topical antiperspirant. This is what most people try first. It's a kind of special strength roll-on.

I went home and tried it but the problem was that the groin area was especially sensitive. The burning side effects that you can expect were especially bad for me. I needed something else.

I thought about getting injections of botulinum toxin. This could reduce the sweating for about 12 weeks. But the huge problem was that this could be incredibly painful. The clinic said that there was no way that they would do it.

How about drugs? My doc said that drugs were not the answer. You see, the problem with drugs is that not a single one has been made specifically for sweating. Instead, you are relying on drugs that were made for some other reason. These drugs will stop your sweat but they also stop your tears and other body secretions. You end up becoming dizzy and constipated. The last thing I needed was more health problems!

And then I discovered some radical natural methods. These claimed that actually excessive sweating is a recent epidemic. Over 50 years ago the numbers were well down on today. Excessive sweating is actually a product of the modern lifestyle. It turns out that I could make changes to my diet and lifestyle (I'm not talking about exercise here) that could have a permanent effect on my sweating.

The rest, as they say, is history. I'm so lucky now. When I stand up, I don't need to worry about everyone seeing sweat patches on my butt. I can walk down the street and not get pains from chafing of skin in the groin region. I can lead a normal life now!

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