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Friday, August 8, 2008

Cure For Excessive Sweating - Discover How to Cure Your Sweat Problem

You can find a cure for excessive sweating if you really want and need it. In this article I want to run through the pros and cons of various approaches.

See Your Doctor

The first thing you need to do is to see your doctor. Don't try to rely on just over the counter products. If you see your doctor then you can gain access to a much wider range of treatments, some natural and some drugs.

Topical Antiperspirant

This is the first thing that your doctor might try. This is a kind of roll-on that is completely different to the normal ones that you can buy in the stores.

With this extra strength version, you only apply it once a week and it can reduce most types of sweating. There are some side effects, however, so you might want to keep looking for a better cure.


Really I don't recommend these but I feel obliged to tell you. You see, there are no specific drugs that have been created to cure excessive sweating. Excessive sweating is cured by an imbalance in the body that medical science has yet to understand fully. So the only way to use drugs to stop your sweating is to literally stop your body secreting sweat, tears and any other liquids.

This means that drugs are usually one of the few last resorts because they can give you side effects such as a constant high temperature. Don't worry though, because there are still plenty of other options.


When you first see this method, you might think it a little strange. Basically, it involves dipping the hands or feet into water (it can also be used for the underarms) and applying a very tiny electric current.

It's not painful, more like a tingling feeling. You need about 3 sessions of 20 minutes each to stop your sweating for about a week or two. Obviously this is not a cure and it can get expensive but it does definitely somehow block the ducts.

Natural Methods

These are my favoured way of curing excessive sweating because they tend to have a more permanent effect. Think about it - excessive sweating is only a recent epidemic. Decades ago, the cases reported were much less.

Excessive sweating really originates from the modern lifestyle that we lead. What we do, what we eat, what kinds of activities we do etc.

There are many ways to restore the balance naturally so that you will only sweat in normal amounts and these methods have the best success rate.

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