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Thursday, July 24, 2008

3 Steps to Start You on the Road to Good Health

Let's not make this any more complicated than it has to be. You can start living a healthier life, today, by using some simple steps. You did not get fat overnight. You did not develop unhealthy habits overnight. You did not lose your ability to walk upstairs without huffing and puffing, overnight. You will not turn your life around overnight.

But, you can make some simple changes that can change your life, and get you started on the road to Good Health. You can start these changes right now.

These three steps will send the message to your brain that you are serious about taking care of yourself. These simple steps will get you started and once you get started, who knows how far you can go?

1) Breathe. Oh, you thought you already were? No, I mean, really BREATHE. Inhale through your nose, and feel your stomach stick out when you bring the air all the way in. If you don't feel your stomach stick out a little, you are not breathing deeply enough. Breathe deeply through your nose, and then let the air out slowly and completely through your mouth. Practice this right now, and remember to do this throughout your day. Your mind will be clearer and every part of your body will benefit.

2) Stretch. Get up from that desk chair, get off the couch---STRETCH! Reach up and pretend you are reaching for a rope just out of reach. Stretch to your side, sliding your hand down your leg. Do some gentle neck rolls and shoulder shrugs. Stretch often and you will be increasing your flexibility and reducing your chances of injury.

3) Stop drinking sods pop and drink water. Plain old water. (Nothing good can come from drinking any kind of pop.)You don't need fancy drinks and vitamin waters unless you know you are depleting your body of electrolytes and vitamins with vigorous exercise. Drink often, and stay hydrated. You will keep yourself from mistaking thirst for hunger and overeating. You will keep every part of your body hydrated and that's a very good thing!

Try these simple changes and see how much better you feel. Who may get you thinking about doing all sorts of healthy stuff!
