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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Can Sugar, Sleep and Activive Help Fatigue?

Fatigue is one of those conditions that you can live with for many years before you are suddenly made aware that it is adversely affecting your life. For me it was not just about feeling tired, spending a lot of time inactive but also being snappy with friends and family.

Of course being tired is a universal human experience, and in fact most people are very hard-working and feel tired a lot of the time but a person with fatigue is both physically and emotionally exhausted, and typically feel stressed by everyday life. The good news is that you can be helped.

Here are a few things that really put me straight. The first may surprise you. Rather than just changing my diet - which is common and good advise - I tried cutting out refined sugars. I gave it two weeks. For me it really cleared my head and lifted my tiredness - actually it was more profound than that but I don't want to over state it too much.

The second might also surprise you. I tried a very strict sleep wake pattern. This one was a bit of a struggle but for me it meant I was in bed by 9pm every night and my alarm woke me at 7am at which point I got straight out of bed. I wasn't trying to sleep. I was simply getting my body into routine. After a month I experienced definite improvement. It really balanced my body.

And finally my most controversial suggestion is to try a natural product that makes claims to help. There are a few on the market but the only one I have any experience of is Activive. It can not only lift your tiredness but also to work with the whole body to improve well being and sleep. The best advise I was given was to give it a shot. In truth that was probably the best advise I was given. Here is a squidoo page on it that you might find useful

Many will say that fatigue is simply a product of modern society. That may be so but that doesn't mean that I was willing to suffer. There are always things to try and you must keep trying. Many people have overcome the frustrations of feeling so grippingly tired all the while. I was one of them but not any more.