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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Weight Loss and Unexpected Benefits

A lot of people are struggling with weight loss.

We all want to look good, but looks are not all there is to getting to a healthy weight.

It's more. It's about quality of life and feeling well.

The fact is many people just eat too much of the wrong things and don't get any exercise. Some people who are relatively young are ending up in nursing homes because they are not strong enough to take care of themselves. And many people who should be young and healthy are developing a lot of the health problems normally occurring in old folks early.

The saddest thing about the stuff people eat is that there are better choices that really could make a difference in just how much weight you gain or lose without feeling like you are starving. The first choice you can make, even if you are already overweight, is to skip packaged foods entirely.


There are several reasons.

1. Packaged foods contain too much sugar and your body can't process that sugar safely. It can't even process artificial sweeteners safely.
2. Packaged foods and fast foods also contain refined flour and sugar. One two punches of empty calories and no fiber, both poison to your health. The constant load of sugar throws off your metabolism and your pancreas, creating insulin resistance and, eventually diabetes. Then without fiber to clean you out, you have a constant load of semi-digested, low nutrient mud in your colon that causes lots of problems, too.
3. Sugar, the worst for those of us who don't want the weight gain and health problems that come with it, lurks in many prepared foods that you would not expect to contain sugar. Ask any diabetic who is trying to eat right.

So, how do you deal with it?

Stick to the fresh aisles in your grocery store and local farmers market (except dairy). Eat mostly vegetables and fruit. The fresher the produce is, the better it tastes. You'll be amazed. Go easy on dressings and just eat a lot of it raw.

Then stay away from fast food. It should come with fat warnings. And, get some exercise.

This whole lifestyle may have many benefits. You will lose weight without fad diets. You will be able to buy regular sizes and not have a closet full of various sizes of clothing, saving lots of $$$. You will be stronger and you should have fewer health problems. You may no longer need some medications (consult and be guided by your physician). The exercise will have benefits like alleviating depression and lessening your need for more medications (again, consult and be guided by your physician). If you are no longer having these problems both your health and life insurance may be cheaper. Most insurance companies will rate you up (higher cost) if you are taking or have ever taken antidepressants.

These are some of the advantages of getting to a more healthy weight or not gaining the weight in the first place.

This kind of eating is also great for children. It's very sad for a preteen to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and/or diabetes.

Just say "Yes" to better nutrition for a better life.

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