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Friday, August 29, 2008

There Are Around Forty-One Million Americans Who Have Drugs in the Drinking Water!

Today when you fill up a glass of supposedly clean tap water, what you really have is a heady mixture of prescription drugs in drinking water! Sounds too unrealistic? Well, just go through the extensive survey carried out by Associated Press and you'd be terribly disturbed by the findings. Southern California's drinking water testing turned up anti-epileptics, Tucson's water supply showed an anti-biotic and three other medications in it, San Francisco had sex-hormones in the water whereas New Jersey water survey turned up contaminated with anti-depressants and mood stabilizers! These are just a few of the twenty four cities that were covered by the survey all of which showed traces of prescription drugs in drinking water. There are around forty-one million Americans who have drugs in the drinking water!

Agreed that these were just traces that turned up however, imagine drinking this water - at least eight glasses a day - every day! How much would that add up to inside your body? Various institutes and individuals are studying the possible harm that would eventually result. True that we may not be the sufferers - at least not too badly - but think of your children - and their children! It is not just about tap water. It is about water being recycled, water from the ground table and so called pure bottled water! Prescription drugs are very specific to the ailment. For instance, if a person has cancer, the treatment will be specific to him or her. Now, imagine that self-same drug finding its way into a tumbler of water for a pregnant lady! Can you even think how the tiny being inside her could be harmed! I shudder at the very thought.

As a developed and progressive nation, you'd think that the water supplying companies would ensure that we get pure drinking water. Well, you'd be astonished to learn that many of the water supplying bodies - be it government or private, do not even test the water before supplying it to you and me! Even more amazing thing is that those who do carry out checks don't think it important to inform the public of the drugs in the drinking water that show up in these surveys!

Even as the amount of the drugs being prescribed is increasing so is the presence of prescription drugs in drinking water. Usually all these medications are not absorbed by the body. A lot of it gets into the sewage system through waste matter. Apart from this, a lot of unused medicines are flushed down the toilet on recommendation of the manufacturers! All this leads to the presence of unwanted substances in the treatment plants which cannot treat the water effectively enough. Furthermore, ingesting these drugs can lead to deposits inside our body with long term repercussions.

To clear the prescription drugs in drinking water, you need to do it yourself. Boiling the water is the best bet followed closely by installing a good and effective filtration system. There are a wide variety of options available in the market but you have to buy the one that will rid you of the drugs in the drinking water. Make the right choice.

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